
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#2 Re : The Epic Tavern » Your games. What else do you play besides Eredan iTCG? » 13-04-2011 16:35:22

Battlefield BC 2 mostly, can't wait for BF3 smile
Also some Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, also can't wait for next week's new release..

#3 Re : Suggestions » Stand alone software » 11-04-2011 00:43:10

LenardCzar a écrit :

playing eredan in a stand alone app is not good especially for players like me whose computer is deep frozen...

Flash very likely needs more resources than a standalone client (unless someone decides to go for DX11-powered Rain of Deaths). So +1.

#4 Re : Suggestions » ANS vs. HV » 01-04-2011 17:15:58

If you enjoy playing aggro go for Void, in case of control ANS.

#5 Re : Update list » Ciramor + promo on all boosters! » 31-03-2011 16:00:11

So far I also don't see this as "more OP than Void". It's a combo enabler, like Void is, but it lacks Void's super-utility and infinite ANS-recursion functions. Just take some time to decide about it's power level, so far almost every OP-ness has found it's counter.

On a side note, I wonder why no one mention the fact that the release cycle for ultra rares has shortened...

#6 Re : Update list » Ciramor + promo on all boosters! » 31-03-2011 07:46:41

Majyqman a écrit :

Not. Unique.


In "my" Eredan it reads Item Other - Unique.
Haven't acquired enough of those to test for a typo smile

#7 Suggestions » Booster Draft » 26-03-2011 15:50:13

Réponses : 4

I'm quite bored with this game since about a month, the game itself is great, but there isn't enough diversity or end-game content to keep it interesting. So I'd like to introduce an old friend from my MtG days, Booster Draft, as a tournament format.

For a general explanation on what a "booster draft" is, see: … ed#limited

There are some things that need to be addressed to turn this into an Eredan version:
- Disconnects are an issue, give players a 2 minute time limit to re-join a draft table. Also, some sort of rule for re-distribution a player's pack, who permanently drops from a draft table, needs to be established. I haven't played MtG online, but I'm sure they've got something that could be  recycled...
- There need to be filler cards to allow players following a strategy dictated by their deck, not by the characters they open. Mercs could be great for that purpose. Those characters should follow their basic template, i.e. a filler Warrior should not be (a lot) stronger than any Warrior character you can open in a booster pack. Also, some generic low-powered cards should be available as filler cards to allow players to make a 20-card-deck (like Blast, Fight!, Simple Dagger...).
- The amount of boosters and filler cards needs to be given thought, since A LOT of cards recently introduced either have very limiting Guild/Caste/Class restriction or fulfill a specialized role (i.e. silver bullets vs. Ports, Courts,..). Maybe a draft-only booster could be created that has a higher amount of generic cards like Smart Ass or slightly restricting cards like Armed and Ready.
- Don't allow rare drafting. Just reward players with packs or Feez depending on their final standing. This also allows a smaller entry fee to draw more players into drafting.

So far, this is very sketchy and requires a lot of programming effort, but it will be a great addition to this game if done right. The biggest benefit besides adding diversity is that it rewards good players with a tight financial budget, which is a huge step towards making this appealing for professionally minded players.


#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » On Fairness » 19-03-2011 10:55:01

It contradicts a bit with the Travian-joint-venture for making the game available to a broader audience. If they want this game to be taken serious from an international perspective, they should make it available to everyone, i.e. using an internationally accepted language. French ain't, we're gamers, not diplomats.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Structure or builds of a port deck » 14-03-2011 19:07:35

I played something like this, haven't done elo for some time so I'm unsure about recent additions or meta changes:
Klemetine / Jorus / Yilith
1 Oath of Faith
3 Multitasking
3 Port
3 Good Jorusien
2 Noodles
3 Divine Light
2 Expert Craftsman
1 Prestige
1 The Hungry Void

Switched around between a configuration of 0-1 Journey, 0-2 Expert Craftsmen and 0-2 Oath. Was sufficient for around 1850, didn't have the spare time to try for a higher rating. Can get kicked in the nuts by high base atk decks (Zil), lucky AoE vs Yilith (Noz), Eternal Control (very draw dependent) and itself (again, very draw dependent). It's maybe not the best choice if you want to go for top elo, but a very fun deck to play, alone for the fact that it handles Ishaia with no trouble.

#10 Re : Bugs » Lady Yilith » 16-02-2011 22:39:57

Cause her description says so at l3. Mainly one-shot protection.

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Post your pics of incredible victories/defeats and funny moments :) » 05-02-2011 13:30:07

Guys, this is a card game and not a competition who has the largest e-pen. I'd rather see some pictures here of clan A's Fog Snake assassinating clan B's Ishaia, so we can at least stay on topic.

#13 Re : Suggestions » Elo » 04-02-2011 15:43:43

Getting more players to play elo solves this issue. At the moment it seems a few selected players who have enough time to compensate for bad matchups or unlucky draws can get enough points to profit from the 2-4k reward for t3 (which is a joke compared to a useful card's price).

Right now, elo is a nightmare from a statistic point of view. Till you hit 1650 it's mostly easy going, from that point you can either get paired vs a high elo player who could be a good matchup depending on the deck you play (who usually drops out of the elo room for some time till you're occupied with something else) or low elo that I would describe high risk - low reward situations that get really tiresome.
There's nothing wrong with the elo system itself, but it was designed for games with a high pool of active players, so you encounter a new group of players for every 25-50 points you gain and don't run into mentioned "gain 5 - lose 20" situations most of the time. I've seen similar situations in other online games which use the elo system, which isn't a lot of fun except for the occasional random swearing in a foreign language because you just port-ed a noob's Ishaia to death smile

There are actually a few ways to counteract this problem - one would be to up the reward both in quantity and quality (ie top 10, starting with at least 20k reward) or by simply blocking level rooms for all high tier decks. 300+ active games should provide a large enough number of players...

I don't like the solution of segmenting rooms to 1800+/.. since it doesn't solve the real problem.

#14 Re : Suggestions » Side deck. » 02-02-2011 18:42:26

Dunno, some players are already unbearable slow without a side deck, this would make things even worse. Apart from that you can easily cycle through your deck if you chose to include some metagame cards in favor of deck stability. Running out of cards shouldn't be too much of a problem since most decks either go for a quick turn 4 kill and add some generic counters like obesity or go the slow route and include ANS.

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort? » 31-01-2011 20:12:58

SMASHistheway a écrit :

Yeah I'm sick of babysitting him. Still trying to figure out how to fit him into a decent deck if he will at all. I don't have a massive choice of decks and I'm really wondering if this card was worth the effort.

I'm hoping the final evolution he will deal direct damage rather than just an attack, or something that will make this guy stand out a bit. Because at the moment he's below average for me.

His final evoultion gets +1 Def compared to the evo3 version.
He is kinda weak right now, but he has an unique effect and with new cards being released every week, maybe he will shine some day or at least be an extra option for future fun decks. Expecting anything else by a limited time offer would just upset anyone who missed the event, therefore the card design is just right. At least you can play it after the event is over, which sets it apart from any other pay to play event so far.

#16 Re : Suggestions » Powder mechanic revamp! » 28-01-2011 12:36:34

Pirates are rather weak atm, this is the only trick that sets them apart from default beatdown decks and it's tied to a unique card that doesn't guarantee a win (like IHAS does vs some decks). The Powder mechanic is fine for now...

#17 Re : Suggestions » Ban Cards » 24-01-2011 18:47:23

Different tournament formats and weekly new cards are a reasonable way to introduce diversity, not banning cards entirely (not even for a limited amount of time). I liked the approach of the Christmas tourney's restrictions (only l1 chars, banned ultra rares, highlander), this gives you a choice instead of a restriction.

#19 Re : The Clans » [MSN] The Guild Thread + Applications [NEW MEMBERS and APP. RULES] » 19-01-2011 19:07:33

Well, sign me up smile

Name/IGN: Proximus, big surprise here
Age/Gender: proud 30 / M
Location/Time Zone: Austria / GMT +1
Occupation: IT

General About Me: This game has turned into my favorite time sink over the past months, besides this I do have a regular job with regular work times, need 6 hours sleep a day and have like 8 hours per day left I can waste with some irresponsible leisure time activities that don't fit for all age groups that have access to this forum smile

Card Game History:
10 years MtG (4th-Time Spiral)
some non-FB Warstorm

#20 Re : Update list » To the Edge... » 13-01-2011 19:39:38

The completion notification for this trophy is so large you can't click the "OK" button and have to restart the app smile

#21 Re : Suggestions » Wreckwood... with a screw loose. » 13-01-2011 19:26:40

Wreckwood was designed for abusing Crown of the Border of course big_smile
Seriously, he is World Tree caste (at least the printed text), maybe for Splinters, maybe for some future release.

#22 Re : Suggestions » Make the Destiny Duo (Watchmaker and Apostle) saleable » 07-01-2011 13:43:01

This discussion is loosing focus on the Watchmaker issue and becomes another "cards are too expensive" thing. It's pretty clear right now that if you're f2p, you won't easily get those good (ultra) rares. If you buy some packs, chances are you're going to open some 40k+ crystal cards and you're fit for playing the market, which, at the moment, is a lot more profitable than leveling chars.
I've offered some suggestions already in this post:, fact is, if you use your brain, you can profit a lot, regardless of how much cards cost. I've sold my Blades of the Witch overnight for around 18k crystals net profit each since those increased in demand due to the new trophy.
Anyway, regarding the Watchmaker - this is a special case and something needs to be done about it. Having a 170k+ entry barrier (by today's market price) for getting some core characters to max level is just a way of telling new players to either spend a lot of money or look for another game. When I started out, 25k seemed a lot for a useless character and I can imagine how demotivating it must be by today's price. The real problem here is that it is too easy to monopolize since those are absorbed by your collection at high level. If a cheap Watchmaker shows up on the market, it's more realistic that a good trader buys it for re-selling purpose than a new player who really needs it. The traders are not the problem, only the system that supports it. So...the idea of re-selling (surplus) Watchmakers would ease the situation a lot. Poptolev's idea of making it available for fixed 50k is also a good solution, that would still net you 40k+ crystals if you open one in a pack.

#23 Re : Suggestions » Possible fix to market inflation » 04-01-2011 22:07:03

Melisandra a écrit :

I supposed to stop here, coz someone suggest to me. Only simply final short comment on Ishia, I studied Ishaia's attribute, find out she is a joke, even not as strong as my [card]Pilkim[/card], it is a waste to put her into my deck. I already gave up to buy her. but don't worry, if you have Ishaia eager to sell. I think there still someone like to buy this beautiful souvenir,

Yeah, you don't play Ishaia for her awesome stats, but for the fact that she is a courtesan (:)) for 4 guilds and the +1 spell effect thing. Order activation is nice for long games. She fulfills a whole different purpose, Noz mages won't swap Pilkim for Ishaia and, if it were possible, court players wouldn't swap Ishaia for Pilkim.

Anyway, why necro this topic? We already have enough topics about overpriced cards.

#24 Re : Suggestions » Deck Building » 20-12-2010 23:51:08

ledeir a écrit :

First off I would definitely like this as well.

But, as Devil's Advocate I need to point this out...

In a real world trading card game you need to physically remove cards from one deck and add them to another. Or get multiple copies.

This is an internet version of a trading card game, even though its digital the same rules apply.
You need to take the 5 minutes to switch cards or buy multiple.

Its just part of the spirit of the game...
Just my two crystals worth.

You just gave yourself the answer why this is not necessary. It's digital - so give players any comfort that digital media can offer. This is just an unnecessary restriction that should really be removed, I hate wasting my time looking through my decks for a specific card, clicking edit, clicking back, clicking yes, rinse and repeat.

#25 Re : Deck and Strategy » Newbie need suggest for kotoba standart deck ??? pls help !!1 » 20-12-2010 20:39:05

I'd abandon leveling Akutsai since you need a suited deck for him and splashing Mage/Marauder cards into a basic Kotoba Warrior build costs you a lot of consistency for little reward (and be prepared to spend at least 150k crystals for 3 Rain of Death). Basic line-ups are either Asajiro - Gakyusha - Xin or Asajiro - Gakyusha - Iro.
The cheapest semi-competitive Kotoba Deck are Trackers, Crow are also fun, but a bit more expensive if you want Manipulations and decent equipment.

I'm pretty sure the search function will help you for those deck types.

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