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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » Weaknesses » 18-05-2011 17:57:08

Your weakness:
1. Port & discard (as you noted)
2. Noz mage
3. Noz compendium
4. Nehantist corrupt
5. Nehantist warrior
6. Eclipse
7. Priest control deck
8. Foam giant deck

And your very most weakness:
You can't enter elo, no wonder if u beat everyone in level room

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Elo room event (Cheking the meta) » 04-05-2011 08:00:20

Yes Ice shield is ban but multi class cracractes has many options, ban 1 card don't represent to ruin it.

Whose deck is going to use iceshield other than WB anyway. That's perfect, it reduces the WB's power, but not reducing as much as it would make them uncompetitive.

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Elo room event (Cheking the meta) » 03-05-2011 07:38:38

I believe there will be rotation in banned card...
If they should ban all powerful card like what u suggest, then there will be no game to play, isnt it?

The most complained deck in the forum is discard and WB, which already have their cards banned.

As for IHAS, it's really a cheap solution for those who can't afford expensive card, and so that they can keep competing in elo. IMO, it's really a bad move to ban this kind of card

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Some Advice Politely Requested » 01-05-2011 20:42:14

I have been playing with Nomads Eclipse, so much fun since it has answer against almost any deck, except: Pure Control deck (almost no chance to win); though I can get close to 50% chance of win against Control-Discard deck (like the one you own) without having power destiny card in my pocket

so as your deck is very related to control (control-discard right?)

- - - If you have any questions on beating Discard please don't hesitate to ask, I know damn well what kills me damn near every time and it is not the commonly quoted 'Speed Damage'

I would like to ask any advice to optimized my play style.
Normally I just play all offensive card:
1. Solar anger: (perfect!);
2. Assasination: only when it kills
3. War's fury: when they throw in Trecherous I discard this
4. Solaris: to cut out Ish-super-def buff
5. Anathematize: very staple against ANS/HV/prestige; (since I don't have ANS)
6. Obesity: countering manipulation/tadaa/HV/ANS/

The problem I mostly encountered is:
1. When turn 1 Ish pick my Iolmarek and double buffed with ice-barrier; pretty much dead end for me
2. Obesity timing is purely guess and deduction, bad guess (against panic/barrier); lead to severe loss
3. Prestige followed by cloning/HV

The match against this kind of deck is the most tiresome, it can goes up to 8 turns, and I can't see whether I will win this match or not. Need ot of thinking and judging.

Any way, I have few questions I would like to know:
1. Why don't you put mental siphon? I found it is the most irritating spell which makes the difference between ANS owner and non-owner of ANS very great.

I also found Marlok is very good option to substitute salem (I fear this set the most). It plays cloning perfectly and chain spell, manipulation user beside Ish, high magic resist, and his turn order makes the long-end game worser.

2. What deck do you fear most? The hardest match-up? Also, what is it that kill you other than the most quoted 'speed damage'?

3. If I were to change my deck to full NoZ blast (w/o three power destiny card), would it be better against this kind of deck?  Noz is more offensive than my current deck, and makes manip/barrier/tadaa useless. But suffered most when get trecherous-ed.

4. Or nehantic aggro (Fury and def debuff slap hard)? does it has better chance against control-deck?

Thank you, two thumbs for your deck!

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » About the mages being overpowered... » 04-04-2011 06:57:21

Erian a écrit :

Well... IIRC almost everyone was saying that they only encounter Noz Mages and WB decks, so they, even if not so versatile, should be used anyway, right?

Well who says? It means that you are only reading other people experience and not experience it yourself. Don't assume something generally when u were pushed.

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » About the mages being overpowered... » 01-04-2011 21:52:44

GGuti a écrit :

ON: Mages are not OP, they are one of the most expensive decks, if not the most, you need like 1kk crystals to make it.

IMO, this kind of argument is invalid. They're expensive because they are VERY POWERFUL, which people often says OP, and so that lot of people want them.

Actually, pricing problem has no real correlation with the OP since we're comparing the power of cards and their synergy, not power per money spend.

Erian a écrit :

Btw, if RoD is SOOOOOOOOOOO common and SOOOOOO OP, why don't u all use Fierce Lions + Bleeding?

ROD is versatile because it can be used against any kind of opponents. (Simply it chains everything, and mage spirit should be higher than normal opponents, or at least in par with other mage)
Fierce Lions + Bleeding not. There are some restriction to use it namely chaining combination, random deck hand, and opponents you are facing against.

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it! » 01-04-2011 20:58:30

Any kind of deck with combination of mental siphon+ANS+prestige+hungry void

It's just impossible to beat them without the 'right card' which is, mental siphon+ANS+prestige+hungry void themselves. So, it's not exactly the way to counter them.
Anyone know how to deal with this kind of deck?
(I don't have 1million crystal to spend and no ANS either, so I don't think it can be helped...)

I know anathematize will help IF ONLY I have ANS also. It may prevent him to cycle the deck, but not prevent my whole deck running out to empty before him.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it! » 29-03-2011 19:26:59

1. A-BOMB deck: Obesity works very well, I throw 3 obes in deck.
2. Discard deck: Obesity often help to cancel panic/tada/theft, but it's likely not guarantee the winning... ANS is the best answer, but it's too pricey for me so I don't have it.
3. Witchblade: NO CURE. Dead in 4-5 turn. 1 hit kill +lighting bolt. Obesity won't help, and there's no way you can prevent both normal and magic dmg at the same time (guess? LOL).
Just if I get lucky turn 1, I usually choose to face Moira+Egylantyne to prevent their order, and they have such large difference low/high attack, so just pray for low dmg.
4. Noz: Not as hard as witchblade, just hit fast and hard. Discard +def cards.
5. Ishaia: If she goes turn 1 and you don't have killing combo (TTD+assasination/something dish out lot of dmg), just say goodbye.
Constant healing+manipulation+barrier, almost impossible to kill her in the late game.
Oh again, Obesity works very well against manipulation and overwhelming victory, but poorly if she decided to use ice barrier.

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Soraya » 27-03-2011 07:32:37

As long as you didn't get 1 shoot killed (it's very possible since they start up with 18hp or 2def 16 hp), you can build up many things.

I just fought with this kind of deck, he just put 1 oath of faith, 1 book which gives all chracter spirit+1, and cursed bigblade. Then keep healing/nova/protctive spirit/scarab (he used 3 divine light, i just turned mad everytime he heals 7-9hp LOL)

Constant spiritual duel+anything usually enough to safe you from being one hit killed, as combination you can add book/oath of faith.

I just don't see prospect against mages using this deck.

#11 Re : Bugs » No marketplace » 20-03-2011 10:57:05

me too, the problem is that we can't even open marketplace!

#12 Bugs » What is minimum level to use marketplace (buy things)? » 20-03-2011 05:25:42

Réponses : 5

I think this is new regulation, is it? I can't find marketplace in the lvl 5 character! Is there anything wrong?

#13 Re : Deck and Strategy » Rate my ELO eclipse deck » 20-03-2011 05:02:51

Santuros a écrit :

If you use expiation with aura of faith it could be a good combo

so it means i have to wait to fight against noz, then wait for good turn order, then wait to get RoDed then use aura of faith?
It's not a versatile combo man, too much restriction to be used, and also eat space

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Rate my ELO eclipse deck » 18-03-2011 14:41:37

Yes the auras won't work well

If I get Solar's anger early, I can do anger, then next turn Solaris, leave fury to Kararine.

If I don't get Solar's anger early, I still can do Fury-Solaris or Fury-Anger or Fury-Assasination

Actually what I need is another chain other than Sacred Nova, so I put those Fury. Nova sometimes sucks, and against Mage/Priest very often deals nothing while I need fast kill against them.

#15 Deck and Strategy » Rate my ELO eclipse deck » 18-03-2011 12:21:14

Réponses : 6

This is the deck I'm building right now, mine is not yet finished, so i can't test it myself, and I need your opinion about this:


3 Obesity
3 Solaris
2 Solar's Anger
2 Sacred Nova
1 Assasination
3 Warrior's Fury
1 Time to Die
1 Divinelight
2 Expiation (countering noz)
2 Fallback

My unfinished deck has good outcome against Noz (expiation,divinelight,solaris)

Against zil, just competition about damage, and obesity-solaris works very well

But, I encountered problem against Kotoba:
1. When Sacred Nova deals no/little damage,
2. My Iolmarek is very 'unsuitable' against this kind of deck (not enough attack to overcome the def, and when I heal using divinelight, the heal is very little)
3. It's hard to put nice obesity since they sometimes chain equip-equip or keep guards-equip or equip-action

Else, pretty good.
Any suggestion to change some cards?

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