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#1 03-05-2011 02:43:16

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

This topic is for tell us you'r experience in Elo rooms event tournament

Personally I think that is good that they ban some cards but .... they forget to ban Items has a soul.... the most decks with good rating points was this mediocre and bad balanced decks.

Which decks dominate the meta?

I see that this decks dominate I see:

Items has a soul
Zil marauder
Desert solaris decks
Discard decks
Witch blades
Other dirty decks

This is the proof that meta is completely unbalanced even if your playing eredan long ago. This is called power surge or the effect of pay-per-play that happen in type of game like this one.

Discard decks it's ok, is interesting to deal with, as other standard decks, but I had complains with decks that:

- Have Multi! Multi! Multi classes.... like Desert nomads and Witch blades. If your costructing marauder deck you'r limited to the best cards of this class, but this decks don't. They select the best cards of each class and voila!!! dirty really hard to deal deck. What can you tell me about solaris... chained for other of the most dangerous cards? "A warrior fury"?

- Decks that cost too much less that you, that don't have any strategy, this perfect example es Sap-Items decks. There are only few ways to deal with and the idea of a game is that each deck has is counter Spirit decks vs armor decks, Discard decks vs courtesan decks, etc... but this is completly broken.

As I suppose and say a lot of times creative staff of this company don't want to create a short of balance and don't want to hear people.

I say it and I'll repeat it the times that would be necessary....
I don't want to follow like a sheep this kinds of decks, I want to make my own type of decks. Sheeps or creative persons?   

What do you think

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#2 03-05-2011 06:58:16

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

To be honest, if you can afford good cards, then you can have "better" chance of winning a tournament. Dealing with the meta game is by constructing a deck with some sideboard in mind. Items have soul? Anathematize. Etc. by recognising the decks, you can build some answers in yours.

The game has already limit some of the power decks by banning some cards. I think card banning will rotate? Regardless, banning of cards is a stroke of genius in order to promote other decks being used. And it is only in Amnezy tournaments. So if your deck is not up to scratch for Amnezy, then it is the matter or tweaking or use other decks to answer the meta.

This concept is very similar to Magic the Gathering and if you are not prepared for the meta, be prepared to have higher lose rate.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#3 03-05-2011 07:38:38

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

I believe there will be rotation in banned card...
If they should ban all powerful card like what u suggest, then there will be no game to play, isnt it?

The most complained deck in the forum is discard and WB, which already have their cards banned.

As for IHAS, it's really a cheap solution for those who can't afford expensive card, and so that they can keep competing in elo. IMO, it's really a bad move to ban this kind of card

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#4 03-05-2011 08:57:04

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-10-2010
Messages : 201

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

RyogaLX, by reading your post it looks like anything capable of winning is considered "dirty".
There will always be decks that are stronger, if you can't stand this you have to play poker. Then everyone has to use the same cards.

You mentioned at least 5 dominant decks (and tbh IhaS is anything but strong) and in reality there are even more. That's already a large field of competitors. There isn't this one single deck that dominates them all.
That's what a TCG is all about. Finding strategies, building decks, testing it. And use what works best for you. You can't really expect some piles of  20 random cards to be able to beat decks with a good strategy.

RyogaLX a écrit :

- Have Multi! Multi! Multi classes.... like Desert nomads and Witch blades. If your costructing marauder deck you'r limited to the best cards of this class, but this decks don't. They select the best cards of each class and voila!!! dirty really hard to deal deck. What can you tell me about solaris... chained for other of the most dangerous cards? "A warrior fury"?

Congratulations, you just discovered the sole reason why multiclass characters exist. They're meant for being able to use cards of different classes. And no, that's no problem at all. That's strategy. That's variety. It's a good thing, you know. Without this kind of freedom in deck building this game would be terribly boring.

RyogaLX a écrit :

- Decks that cost too much less that you, that don't have any strategy, this perfect example es Sap-Items decks. There are only few ways to deal with and the idea of a game is that each deck has is counter Spirit decks vs armor decks, Discard decks vs courtesan decks, etc... but this is completly broken.

Well, that might be a problem if it was that way. But IhaS is weak. It's better than the aforementioned pile of 20 random cards, but it still is weak. Of course, sometimes you'll get a bad draw and IhaS beats you to crap. But it's not constant, there's so much you can do to stop them. You don't even need anathematize. I know because i beat them at a regular basis. A timed obesity beats them, magic damage beats them. Even an insane amount of defense can stop them rolling. You just have to be creative and come up with a strategy, and if i got you right that's exactly what you wanted.

RyogaLX a écrit :

I don't want to follow like a sheep this kinds of decks, I want to make my own type of decks. Sheeps or creative persons?

Well then, just do build your own decks. Some of the toughest matches are those random decks you meet in ELO. If facing discard you know what'll happen, and react accordingly. But those creative decks you're talking about can give you real headaches. You can't tell what they're up to, what to expect of them. Surprise is a great weapon, if you know how to use it.
Just don't call it creative deck building if you put 3 subpar character together and add some cards just because they fit the classes. That won't work. But building creative decks with a real strategy does, to a certain point at least.
Just face it, if it's really strong, chances are someone else already came up with the idea and it's widely known by now. Believe it or not, every top deck started as nothing but a creative idea, it just proved to be worthwile.

In conclusion i don't believe you. You just want to be able to win with anything you put together regardless of how crappy it might be. Because that would be "fair" and "creative". No one should be able to win just because he used the better deck. That would be "dirty".
At least this is the impression you left on me.

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#5 03-05-2011 14:30:12

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

SamsonXL a écrit :

RyogaLX, by reading your post it looks like anything capable of winning is considered "dirty".There will always be decks that are stronger, if you can't stand this you have to play poker.

Stand? I'm convicted player of Marauder Zil decks that do a lot of work to build a deck with 3 assassinations, 3 a warriors fury, 3 fist of blade, 3 devourers and even in Elo this kind of ultra costly decks don't mach WB, Items has a soul or others.

Ahh and I forgot it... I play poker too and waste about 30 euros per month in Eredan to see this unbalanced meta.

misterM a écrit :

As for IHAS, it's really a cheap solution for those who can't afford expensive card, and so that they can keep competing in elo. IMO, it's really a bad move to ban this kind of card

Whats the point? did you believe that I play with "I feel like lucky punk"? I'm competative player that is making a honest analysis or personal view of the meta, for me.... unbalanced.

I found a card that can be usefull marauder card against Items has a soul. Escaping death hahahahaha

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#6 03-05-2011 16:01:41

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

RyogaLX a écrit :
SamsonXL a écrit :

RyogaLX, by reading your post it looks like anything capable of winning is considered "dirty".There will always be decks that are stronger, if you can't stand this you have to play poker.

Stand? I'm convicted player of Marauder Zil decks that do a lot of work to build a deck with 3 assassinations, 3 a warriors fury, 3 fist of blade, 3 devourers and even in Elo this kind of ultra costly decks don't mach WB, Items has a soul or others.

Ahh and I forgot it... I play poker too and waste about 30 euros per month in Eredan to see this unbalanced meta.

misterM a écrit :

As for IHAS, it's really a cheap solution for those who can't afford expensive card, and so that they can keep competing in elo. IMO, it's really a bad move to ban this kind of card

Whats the point? did you believe that I play with "I feel like lucky punk"? I'm competative player that is making a honest analysis or personal view of the meta, for me.... unbalanced.

I found a card that can be usefull marauder card against Items has a soul. Escaping death hahahahaha

To be honest, more often than not your luck in your card draw will increase/decrease your chances of winning. And playing strategically with the cards you have of course.

Judging from your post, you have already an optimized zil marauder deck and you solely use it for this tournament. In my experience, that deck is very strong when you have a good draw. But if the meta is 'unfavourable' against your deck, I would suggest to design other decks or improve your deck against the meta with specific cards.

Saying the meta is unbalanced based on only zil marauder deck is imho skewed. Especially when key cards to some decks are banned.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#7 03-05-2011 17:28:44

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

magius a écrit :

Saying the meta is unbalanced based on only zil marauder deck is imho skewed. Especially when key cards to some decks are banned.

Yeah your right, I concentrate my work in optimize marauder decks, my top deck is Zil-marauder, as you say has a lot of back draws, sap-quick draw kick your characters pretty hard, discard decks quit the key cards from your hand, witch blades harass you characters quick and otherwise...

For fun I have pirate marauder deck with Infernal crickets, pirate flags and weapon katas, that result in very fun deck but with moderate results. Pirate marauders are weak, have too much borderline stats (Specially damage that is the key of marauder decks) and some times.... the high spirit of you characters (Obviusly gemieye in game) make Treacherous card insane agains it...

Ok... I'll want to play marauder decks and I'll waiting for new cards that improve his overall.

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#8 03-05-2011 20:36:21

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-10-2010
Messages : 201

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

Guess i was right then. You just want your pirate marauders to win, regardless of how crappy they are. This has nothing to do with creativity, but with ignorance.

Oh, and just because you have to sell your soul to be able to afford Zil marauders doesn't mean they should wipe the floor with any deck showing its' head. Again you don't want variety, you want to pwn everyone just because you spent so much.

Dernière modification par SamsonXL (03-05-2011 20:36:57)

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#9 03-05-2011 20:47:15

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

SamsonXL a écrit :

This has nothing to do with creativity, but with ignorance

Lacks Creativity? the real lacks of it is to see the same witch blade deck again and again. This not question of money or something! is for fun! right?

What kind of fun did you expect if they create a card that gives you damages for every crap that you have in discard pile? This is creativity?

I don't want to see my pirate marauder to win, I only want to play for fun, Yes they are crap but has original not OP or untactical cards.

It's seems that your one of that persons that uses witch blades or items has a soul, because you feel it personal.

Just face it, that decks it's not creative or tactical, is just put things that do more damages and more and more... which is the diversity that you call?

And I repeat, this post it's only my personal point of view and to write your personal experience in Elo event. Nothing more

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#10 03-05-2011 20:53:26

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-10-2010
Messages : 201

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

I use neither of the two, but just because you don't like it means it's evil.

Oh, and discard decks add cards to win by discard, mage decks add cards that do magic damage, marauder deck add cards that do physical damage.
This is just what Eredan is all about. You can't blame anyone for playing effective. Still, there are choices to make, you can't put every single card you want in a 20 card deck.

Dernière modification par SamsonXL (03-05-2011 21:02:13)

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#11 03-05-2011 21:03:54

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

SamsonXL a écrit :

I use neither of the two, but just because you don't like it means it's evil.

I don't say that it's evil, is just limiting meta and restrict the player to don't think.
Tell me, it's fun to win with items has a soul? it's make any deal to your mind?.... "Which card I'll select? Watcher or Items has a soul?"

That's the point

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#12 03-05-2011 21:20:28

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-10-2010
Messages : 201

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

I can't tell you if it is fun, "it's make any deal to your mind" whatever you're trying to say with this.
But i guess IhaS is pretty boring to play, but it is one more possible deck to face. So it adds to deck diversity, which is a good thing to any TCG. It would be a really bad thing if there were only one or two viable decks out there.
Same goes for Witchblades, Discard, Nomads and anything else. It may not be fun to play against them (i hate playing against discard) but you have to come up with something to beat them. You have to develop strategies, you have to be creative. Every opponent is different. This is a good thing.

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#13 03-05-2011 21:30:21

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

SamsonXL a écrit :

But i guess IhaS is pretty boring to play, but it is one more possible deck to face. So it adds to deck diversity

When I see Items has a soul for first time I think that creative staff it's trying to make a card that work with sap heart items, that is currently interesting, something like you need to fight good and equip spears, bows, shields, totems and otherwise and the card work under current items.

My proposal for Items has a soul is: make more sap heart items, make that items has a soul work under the total equipped items without discard then! Then when you start early turns you equip maximum 6 items (2 per char) and then items has a soul gives +6 attack ad +6 defense.... even with this mechanic is really hard card but susceptible to discard decks and items removal.

That would be fun and pretty nice!

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#14 03-05-2011 23:54:29

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

RyogaLX a écrit :
SamsonXL a écrit :

But i guess IhaS is pretty boring to play, but it is one more possible deck to face. So it adds to deck diversity

When I see Items has a soul for first time I think that creative staff it's trying to make a card that work with sap heart items, that is currently interesting, something like you need to fight good and equip spears, bows, shields, totems and otherwise and the card work under current items.

My proposal for Items has a soul is: make more sap heart items, make that items has a soul work under the total equipped items without discard then! Then when you start early turns you equip maximum 6 items (2 per char) and then items has a soul gives +6 attack ad +6 defense.... even with this mechanic is really hard card but susceptible to discard decks and items removal.

That would be fun and pretty nice!

Didn't read everything but have 3 items to point.

1. IHAS competitive in ELO? neutral
2. WB has banned cards? mind naming them?
3. Try DarkStoneHeart vs WitchBlades

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#15 04-05-2011 00:40:33

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

GGuti a écrit :

Didn't read everything but have 3 items to point.

1. IHAS competitive in ELO? neutral
2. WB has banned cards? mind naming them?
3. Try DarkStoneHeart vs WitchBlades

It's a shame but some IHAS ruin some elo fights, around 1700 points is full of it.

Yes Ice shield is ban but multi class cracractes has many options, ban 1 card don't represent to ruin it. Yes I use the ston but sometimes I don't draw it or simply can use it cuz in zil marauder decks you can't sacrifice some action slots, WB hit in melee to and has good resistance.

I have no complain about WBs, it's fun to deal with.

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#16 04-05-2011 08:00:20

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

Yes Ice shield is ban but multi class cracractes has many options, ban 1 card don't represent to ruin it.

Whose deck is going to use iceshield other than WB anyway. That's perfect, it reduces the WB's power, but not reducing as much as it would make them uncompetitive.

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#17 04-05-2011 19:34:26

Inscription : 20-03-2011
Messages : 35

Re : Elo room event (Cheking the meta)

I use Pirate Marauder~
I think it's really a good combination now.

The only thing I lose constantly to is discard deck...
Really dislike those discarding thing.
Fight me like a man!!

and yeah... it is because of my high spirit.

Which makes it easier for mage deck tho
And I don't really find witchblade a problem.
With high spirit and high attack, witchblade can do much less damage.

Hom'chai deck? no problem either! Usually pwn them!

Dernière modification par Viliennas (04-05-2011 19:39:57)

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