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#1 18-03-2011 12:21:14

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Rate my ELO eclipse deck

This is the deck I'm building right now, mine is not yet finished, so i can't test it myself, and I need your opinion about this:


3 Obesity
3 Solaris
2 Solar's Anger
2 Sacred Nova
1 Assasination
3 Warrior's Fury
1 Time to Die
1 Divinelight
2 Expiation (countering noz)
2 Fallback

My unfinished deck has good outcome against Noz (expiation,divinelight,solaris)

Against zil, just competition about damage, and obesity-solaris works very well

But, I encountered problem against Kotoba:
1. When Sacred Nova deals no/little damage,
2. My Iolmarek is very 'unsuitable' against this kind of deck (not enough attack to overcome the def, and when I heal using divinelight, the heal is very little)
3. It's hard to put nice obesity since they sometimes chain equip-equip or keep guards-equip or equip-action

Else, pretty good.
Any suggestion to change some cards?

Dernière modification par misterM (18-03-2011 12:27:57)

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#2 18-03-2011 13:08:42

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Buenos Aires, Argentina
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 197

Re : Rate my ELO eclipse deck

maybe you should try, instead of [card]solar's anger[/card], the other one for priests (don't know the name of it, the one that boosts attack x with your character's spirit, then spirit goes 0), so your characters don't turn into warriors, and [card]a warrior's fury[/card] doesn't become useless...

Dernière modification par Raymond4PLP (18-03-2011 13:09:48)

La derrota deja abatidos a los perdedores, pero inspira a los ganadores...

Noblesse Obblige:
The Abuse of Greatness is When it Disjoins Remorse from Power

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#3 18-03-2011 13:21:29

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Rate my ELO eclipse deck

Iolmarek is dark version, it reduces spirit, so aura would now work well, too low spirit scores.

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#4 18-03-2011 14:41:37

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : Rate my ELO eclipse deck

Yes the auras won't work well

If I get Solar's anger early, I can do anger, then next turn Solaris, leave fury to Kararine.

If I don't get Solar's anger early, I still can do Fury-Solaris or Fury-Anger or Fury-Assasination

Actually what I need is another chain other than Sacred Nova, so I put those Fury. Nova sometimes sucks, and against Mage/Priest very often deals nothing while I need fast kill against them.

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#5 19-03-2011 10:43:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-10-2010
Messages : 201

Re : Rate my ELO eclipse deck

[card]Under the Sun[/card] is a nice chain too. -1 defense to all opponents, and the -1 to spirit is handy against those pesky discard decks.

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#6 20-03-2011 02:51:01

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : Rate my ELO eclipse deck

If you use expiation with aura of faith it could be a good combo

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#7 20-03-2011 05:02:51

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : Rate my ELO eclipse deck

Santuros a écrit :

If you use expiation with aura of faith it could be a good combo

so it means i have to wait to fight against noz, then wait for good turn order, then wait to get RoDed then use aura of faith?
It's not a versatile combo man, too much restriction to be used, and also eat space

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