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#1 24-03-2011 21:22:58

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 25-11-2010
Messages : 193


Well Desert Nomads have always been my favorite guild but seem to be the most underpowered. Well I finally managed to get Soraya hoping she could add a little more effectiveness but after playing around with several builds I just cannot find a competitive way to play.

I don't really like her bonuses, they don't really add anything valuable unless you sacrifice melee power for more priests. Without the +2 def she would just get creamed like all the other DN characters. But having 2 extra priests just doesn't do enough damage and doesn't provide enough defense. And she is always the main target so there's no way you can get 3 Swarm of Scarabs in your discard pile before dying for that measily +3 damage. The +1 attack for every dead character is just a joke. Really it's more of an insult to her already hideously low attack score.

If you try to go heavy on offensive theurgies, then you lack defense. And since sacred nova does 0 damage 90% of the time, it has become so unreliable I'm thinking of just selling them off. Swarm of Scarabs seems to be the only good offense theurgy and I'm disappointed after spending 30k on them to find they don't pull off the job as well as a marauder's or warrior's printed attack score.

Priests have such low attack, such unreliable magic damage, and basically no defense, it's so easy to counter them. Even if I play spiritual duel on Abomination or any other character, they have such high damage attack cards that it's practically useless.

If I try Rampart of Faith, -2 to -4 damage is still not enough for their high attack cards.

Miracle and Spear of Light might save you for one turn, but you end up doing no damage and gives your opponent the advantage of buffing up or just killing me anyway with their high attack cards.

And priests have such low healing abilities vs any other deck's attack or magic damage that it's practically useless and you end up doing 0 damage against your opponent while he dishes out a whopping 20+ damage that you can't even heal through.

Kararine's priest evolution is a joke. 15 hp no def? Excuse me while I LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

It's no wonder I've NEVER EVER seen Soraya played in the ELO or even the god damn level rooms.

It really comes down to this... you can either go offensive and base your luck on sacred nova's damage.. which like I said 90% of the time does 0 damage. Or you can try to go defensive and try to survive the first 3 turns, but you end up having such a low amount of life left and practically dealing no damage that your opponent dominates you the whole game.

Even versus mages, it's a loss. Their spells do so much better damage and they have more spirit anyway that it's impossible to deal damage to them while they own you with their RoDs. And the more your try to survive the game, the more powerful your opponents buff up, making any strategy you have in place absolutely ineffective.

So I guess what I'm trying to ask is if anyone plays Desert Nomads (specifically Soraya) and how do you compete against the overwhelming stats of other decks that cost half as much crystal to make. Is there really a way, at all, to compete (especially in the ELO where witch-blades and Ish's dominate it currently).

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#2 24-03-2011 23:27:25

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-10-2010
Messages : 201

Re : Soraya

That's quite a wall of text.^^

But you're right, priests are pretty weak at their own. They are good as single support characters to different decks, but a deck consisting of priests alone won't cut it.

If you wan't to go Nomads in Elo and be relatively effective it pretty much comes down to Eclipse. (Iolmarek, Djamena, Kararine)
Anything else is semi decent at best with many annoying tricks but nothing really packing a punch.

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#3 24-03-2011 23:35:17

Inscription : 01-03-2011
Messages : 38

Re : Soraya

Well I don't play the build ***bip*** asking about so I can't help you.
You do seem to have it figured out tho, I understand everything. My advice keep trying, maybe they will add a card that helps in the area you need. With a card game like this is hard to get perfect balance with all guilds, but so far I have seen if your deck can't beat -deck1- or -deck2- it can beat decks 4 5 6!
  So your prolly correct as you can't win them all. But I've taken some 10 dmg from those silly sacred novas. So I don't think you should lose faith in those. It just takes a lot of luck hehe. Hope u find your answer!

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#4 25-03-2011 02:21:39

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : Soraya

HIiiiiiiiiiiii, im working on a desert nomad priest deck, and you can play some cards that can defend and provide you with a good attack power, like the combo Spiritual Duel-Rampart of Faith, since you need a lot of spirit i would recomend you to play her with Iolmarek(not eclipse version) and have an Orzine, with a nomad book, this way she sould get a 3 on the spirit and the +2 on the defense. I dont play with her but it should be good to try...

Dernière modification par Santuros (25-03-2011 02:25:05)

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#5 25-03-2011 09:46:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 25-11-2010
Messages : 193

Re : Soraya

thanks for the replies guys, sorry if I seemed a little irritated, sometimes I get frustrated after trying over and over and I wrote so much (based from games I played) cause the mods say I don't write in enough detail and tend to remove my posts, I tried to split it up in paragraphs to make it easier to read.

I continued to play around with Soraya more today and actually had a few fun games. I used 2 cards that I have never ever used in a DN deck before, that would be the magic book that gives +1 spirit to all DN and Team Spirit (splits physical damage amongst your group - although I think there is a bug with this cause someone played crow claw when I did this card and it still split the damage even though it was magic damage, also Deflection does not work against crow claw magic dmg, I also reported that in the bug section in which I was told I didn't give enough details and was promptly banned and my threads removed).

But that little tidbit aside..

I used Soraya, Iol (+spirit version), and Ahlem.

I gotta say team spirit is very useful. It keeps me from getting one-shotted and if my opponent pulls out a Time to Die it helps me survive the rest of the game. The basic strategy is to slowly build up your spirit and attach items, keeping it purely defensive, then give a final blow to everyone with swarm of scarabs.

Since melee are my biggest adversary I pack my deck with spiritual duel and rampart of faith. One of my favorite moves is after I play team spirit, my other characters lose 3-6 HP, so then I play miracle and spear of light and it puts me right back up, I've had some people just out right quit the match after I did that.

However there are still some problems as I am up to about winning half my games now instead of 10% of them. If I can't get my opponent's health down to about half by turn 7 then it makes it very hard, especially with 2 or more dud sacred novas (need at least 2 good ones to go off). The cards I'm using now do help me survive longer but at the expense of physical damage, so all they have to do is put or 2 or 3 extra defense and I'm practically done for cause the priests' magic damage is simply not optimal.

I wish the spear of light did 3 or 4 damage like every other spear in the game. I'd gladly give up the healing stat for 2 extra damage. However I'd like some advice on Epic Fury (the card you can buy in the store, +1 dmg to all characters). I only have 1 right now maybe I should invest in 2 more and give it a go? Only thing is it would jam up my deck with less chainable cards unless I replace them with spear of light... dunno I'll have to experiment some more.

I'm determined to find a good solid build for priests. I love playing an all priest deck cause now there are a lot of good potential theurgies. I could probably use 2 more divine light and a new start but I don't have 300-400k to spend... and perhaps never will unless I find it in a 4-pack booster once every 3 weeks (so I can keep selling on marketplace).

I tried out I Hate Brawlers for a good defensive chain but found it useless against mages and craftsmen so opted for 3 Protective Spirit since my deck is almost all theurgies.

I still try my luck on sacred novas but arghhhhhhh it's either win or lose with those cards, and 1 or 2 duds will completely kill your game so I'm hoping another good chainable offensive theurgy is in the works.

Hope my observations are at least helping fellow Desert Nomads out there.

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#6 25-03-2011 16:47:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-03-2011
Messages : 139

Re : Soraya

epic fury is good, prob better then under the sun if you want to maintain your spirit, but if you go with epic fury, might as well just go with a concentration/aura of faith melee priest deck, and if you're going to go melee, might as well just go eclipse instead. there's the rub tongue

I enjoy playing nomad priests sometimes, they have tricky spells and interesting abilities but they generally have a hard time compared to most other builds, they can win but it usually seems you start off from a disadvantage. Like you said, its a slow build up.  If you're not looking to go melee maybe consider replacing one or 2 sacred novas with [card]Divine Wrath[/card], disadvantages : no chain and (potential) lower dmg; advantages: predictable dmg and priests have a lot of chainable cards anyway to get your 2 in

I think a good nomad-specific healing theurgy would go a long way in helping them out, since it might end up being semi-affordable. New people who think of priests might think:  yeah well my defense, attack, and offensive spells might be weak, but at least I'll have great healing, then you go to the market and realize nvm, you can't afford any good heals for your nomads so scratch that idea, most good decks which use theurgy heals don't even use nomads, driving the price up because of their versatility.

I spend around 75k on my eclipse deck and it kills nearly everything within 6 rounds or less or I could spend around 300k on a priest deck to reach the same level of effectiveness, thats a problem you face playing as DN priests so good luck to you.

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#7 27-03-2011 07:32:37

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : Soraya

As long as you didn't get 1 shoot killed (it's very possible since they start up with 18hp or 2def 16 hp), you can build up many things.

I just fought with this kind of deck, he just put 1 oath of faith, 1 book which gives all chracter spirit+1, and cursed bigblade. Then keep healing/nova/protctive spirit/scarab (he used 3 divine light, i just turned mad everytime he heals 7-9hp LOL)

Constant spiritual duel+anything usually enough to safe you from being one hit killed, as combination you can add book/oath of faith.

I just don't see prospect against mages using this deck.

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