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#1 18-03-2011 03:48:32

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 1

No marketplace

Theres no longer an option for the marketplace on my account, and when I click on my cards in my collection theres no option to sell them. I thought that maybe its because I havent' bought a booster in a while, so I bought two boosters, and even after repeated relogging and refreshing the marketplace is tsill missing.

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#2 18-03-2011 08:50:20

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : No marketplace


Please contact Feerik's Support Services, available here:

In order to access directly to our support in-game, please click on your mailbox, then you will find a "Contact Us" button on the bottom left of your window.


Please do not forget to give us your exact nickname (including capital letters, punctuation, etc.), then describe your problem, the payment option, your country, date of transaction, etc.

You will receive an answer within the next 24 hours.

Best regards,


« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#3 18-03-2011 11:14:17

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : No marketplace

So...does that mean you need to buy a pack to even ACCESS the Marketplace?

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#4 19-03-2011 18:20:45

Inscription : 16-02-2011
Messages : 747

Re : No marketplace

Ryken a écrit :

So...does that mean you need to buy a pack to even ACCESS the Marketplace?

Can you answer him?? I have the same problem...


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#5 20-03-2011 10:57:05

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : No marketplace

me too, the problem is that we can't even open marketplace!

Dernière modification par misterM (20-03-2011 10:59:39)

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#6 20-03-2011 17:37:16

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 20-03-2011
Messages : 4

Re : No marketplace

I had the same problem, we can't access to the marketplace, no possibility to buy or sell cards

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#7 21-03-2011 07:29:05

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : No marketplace

Kind of amazing. With such a huge problem you'd think they'd tell us SOMETHING. Oh, wait... "It's being resolved™" seems to be the common response.


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#8 21-03-2011 07:47:54

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : No marketplace

Maybe instead of complaining, those who cannot access the marketplace can provide a screenshot of the missing marketplace tab? Would surely help Feerik to resolve the issue faster, as this is definately not a global problem.

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#9 21-03-2011 07:50:56

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : No marketplace

bleachman a écrit :

Maybe instead of complaining, those who cannot access the marketplace can provide a screenshot of the missing marketplace tab? Would surely help Feerik to resolve the issue faster, as this is definately not a global problem.


Dernière modification par Ryken (21-03-2011 08:32:22)

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#10 21-03-2011 08:47:05

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 20-03-2011
Messages : 4

Re : No marketplace

Here another screen


I think it's a global problem

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#11 21-03-2011 08:52:25

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : No marketplace

oliveredan a écrit :

Here another screen

I think it's a global problem

Global would mean it effects everyone. I can easily access the marketplace and many of my friends can as well.

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#12 21-03-2011 11:31:04

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 20-03-2011
Messages : 4

Re : No marketplace

I think it's for the new account, I suscribed friday...

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#13 21-03-2011 11:51:20

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : No marketplace


In order to counter some illegal moves from some players, the market is now only accessible from Player's level 6 onwards (6, 7, 8, etc.).

Thank you,


« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#14 21-03-2011 11:55:23

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : No marketplace

Lonak a écrit :


In order to counter some illegal moves from some players, the market is now only accessible from Player's level 6 onwards (6, 7, 8, etc.).

Thank you,


That's really really good to know. O_o

The first. The best. MSN.
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