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#1 29-03-2011 08:23:08

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

"OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Welcome big_smile I like to introduce this topic so we can share Bad/Good experience and strategies on Decks who are "OP" (Overpowered)....

everyone's welcome to share their experience win/loss and how they deal with them maybe someone has ideas that really works against  "OP" deck... who would love to share their kick-ass win against them...

We can help each other solving our loosing problem against "OP" deck and making solutions and not just talking about it... that they're too strong, they're shouldn't be that. etc. blah blah blah... i hope you got my point wink...

-OP deck list- (I'll add more if you have more concern) smile

1. A-Bomb Deck  (Total Rampage deck Ouch!!! Abomination molested me on my debut) yikes

2. Discard Deck (Why is everyone quitting if they see Abyssien, guess why?) roll

3. Witchblades deck (Magic+Attack "no shit I'm dead again" sad)

4. Noz Mage Deck (magic damage, magic damage, and more magic damage) mad no wonder everyone's angry...

5. Ishaia and friends (Councilors always hiding on ice no wonder she's cold and overprice...) neutral

Dernière modification par Cossette (30-03-2011 04:35:37)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#2 29-03-2011 09:58:49

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Great idea Cossette! It has becoming quite unbearable to read through the forums with regards to the same "OP" deck over and over again. It is time for people to think how to overcome the metagame that we have running right now.

EDIT: I have always believed that by understanding how a deck is played, you can think of the way to counter it.

So I'll start with: (Please note this is a GENERAL view of a typical deck)

Witchblade Deck
The typical cards you will see in this deck is Spells, spells and spells. Here are some staple cards in the WB deck:

* [card]Rain of Death[/card]/[card]Fireball[/card]/[card]Burn in Hell[/card]: This is why WB are powerful. Able to cast such offensive spell and attack at the same time.

* [card]Lightning Bolts[/card]: Level 3, this allows them to finish off their opponents after the initial strike.

* [card]Blade of the Witch[/card]: Allows them to chain as all of them are Marauders while boosting their weak attack. The 4 damage is easily overcome with good Spirit stat.

* [card]Ice Shield[/card]: Direct 2 dmg for each physical attack received. Chain as well.

* [card]Ice Coffin[/card]: To activate equipments the second time with chain.

* [card]Magic Attack[/card], [card]Freeze[/card]: Depending on the decks, these cards act as a counter to other decks.

* [card]Assassination[/card], [card]A Warrior's Fury[/card]: Some WB goes more into the Marauder's route.

The main advantage of WB is their ability to chain. But without their Blade of the Witch, their attack is quite low in comparison and therefore they needed Marauder based cards to compensate that. RoD is a MUST in WB decks as it offer the damage needed in the early games.

So how do we overcome them? Here is how:

* Never ever allow Naya to activate her turn bonus. She is the most dangerous of the WB as her turn bonus allows the +1 Spirit, therefore boosting LB3 to finish off low health opponents, RoD to its fullest potential.

* Boost your Spirit. Get cards that helps with your Spirit. By reducing RoD damage, you will reduce your chance to get one-shot death. Kotoba, try using [card]Randori[/card].

* Destroy their Blade of the Witch. To be honest, their attack is quite low and this is the only equipment in their arsenal to boost their attack. Get rid of it asap. It will prevent [card]Ice Coffin[/card] to activate it the second time.

* Kill Anazra as soon as you can. She is the reason for boosting WB attack and allowing the chain of Light spell.

* Crown of Border. To stop those pesky Magic Attacks. Most typical low-level WB deck relies on Magic Attack when they cannot afford the good Spells like RoD.


That's it from me. But an advice: Just add some cards to help to strengthen your deck against WB. If you are Kotoba, then add [card]Randori[/card] and [card]Crown of Border[/card] or the latest trophy card [card]The Untouchable[/card].

I will add more strategies to overcome some other decks later on.

And oh yeah, there is a difference between ranting and asking for help.

Dernière modification par magius (29-03-2011 10:16:37)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#3 29-03-2011 10:13:17

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

the latest trophy card [card]The Untouchable[/card].

Oh yeah! The new card it has "chain" and got "def bonus" and it can be use by everyone...
and not only witchblades uses magic attack all mage as well big_smile my only concern its unique sad
another one [card]hypnotic melody[/card] will work against it too! and we know when you see [card]Melissandre[/card] there's always a hypnotic... thanks big_smile

Dernière modification par Cossette (29-03-2011 16:42:45)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#4 29-03-2011 17:13:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

A really underused card [card]Tensai[/card], Kot warriors will gain +2 or +3 permanent Spirit (against WB).

Also Zils should remember to use Dark Stone Heart (negates RoD's and Magic Attacks), it helps vs Mages too
Just my two cents

Dernière modification par GGuti (29-03-2011 19:18:41)

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#5 29-03-2011 18:31:41

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

GGuti a écrit :

A really underused card [card]Tensai[/card], Kot warriors will gain +2 or +3 permanent Spirit (against WB).

Just my two cents

[card]Okooni[/card] love tensai... maybe other decks would appreciate it too...

Dernière modification par Cossette (30-03-2011 05:15:38)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#6 29-03-2011 19:26:59

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

1. A-BOMB deck: Obesity works very well, I throw 3 obes in deck.
2. Discard deck: Obesity often help to cancel panic/tada/theft, but it's likely not guarantee the winning... ANS is the best answer, but it's too pricey for me so I don't have it.
3. Witchblade: NO CURE. Dead in 4-5 turn. 1 hit kill +lighting bolt. Obesity won't help, and there's no way you can prevent both normal and magic dmg at the same time (guess? LOL).
Just if I get lucky turn 1, I usually choose to face Moira+Egylantyne to prevent their order, and they have such large difference low/high attack, so just pray for low dmg.
4. Noz: Not as hard as witchblade, just hit fast and hard. Discard +def cards.
5. Ishaia: If she goes turn 1 and you don't have killing combo (TTD+assasination/something dish out lot of dmg), just say goodbye.
Constant healing+manipulation+barrier, almost impossible to kill her in the late game.
Oh again, Obesity works very well against manipulation and overwhelming victory, but poorly if she decided to use ice barrier.

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#7 29-03-2011 19:36:25

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

misterM a écrit :

2. Discard deck: Obesity often help to cancel panic/tada/theft, but it's likely not guarantee the winning... ANS is the best answer, but it's too pricey for me so I don't have it.

Panic is a spell. The best answer against discard if u have 1 spirit or less is not playing cards, or nukeing Ish / Abyss (if u are sure you can OHKO them
-7 points (barrier + tadaa) Ish
-9 points (look away + tadaa + 1 health point from bonus) Abyss

But calculating an average of -3 or -4 will do most times.

The other way around discards is Hook version that ignores Shadow Spells, but it obviously limits you a lot

Dernière modification par GGuti (29-03-2011 19:39:40)

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#8 29-03-2011 19:44:03

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Compared to new evils (mainly discard and witchblades) A-bomb looks less and less OP. its just a normal deck with chars with good stats.

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#9 29-03-2011 19:54:57

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Politikas a écrit :

Compared to new evils (mainly discard and witchblades) A-bomb looks less and less OP. its just a normal deck with chars with good stats.

Thats funny cause Discard and Witchblades are the decks I can usually beat no problem with Zil beatdown.

I tend to have more trouble with decks that stall and heal.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#10 29-03-2011 22:32:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

new card to piss WB's = Dandy, has a lot of combinations, like full courts, Meliss + Ydiane.. etc

Dernière modification par GGuti (29-03-2011 22:33:36)

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#11 30-03-2011 01:54:38

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Oka, let me repeat it again...
You'r plan it's deal with OP decks with ..... the current OP decks?
What's the point? If you really want to give some "appreciable" or "resourceful" for deal the OP.

What was the OP decks for you?

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#12 30-03-2011 03:41:56

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

RyogaLX a écrit :

Oka, let me repeat it again...
Your plan it's deal with OP decks with ..... the current OP decks?
What's the point? If you really want to give some "appreciable" or "resourceful" for deal the OP.

What was the OP decks for you?

My pain is Mages/Priest.... and I'm using pirates (all types) I'm familiar with my weakness and as of now not much cards are created for my guild to deal with this pain... or i just sacrifice them all for a big Kabooom! big_smile

Then... smile I open up this topic for everyone can read that "OP" decks can be dealt with and beaten up just like every other deck around... and not seeing only complains that they are the king of META...

sharing ideas from us player's on how to counter them and fine tune our decks...
Be the solution and not the problem... every deck counts cheap or expensive

This is a give and take tips... so people will stop complaining that they're deck are so weak and can't solve their dilemma over "OP" decks... and they can say that.
"i beat-up this "OP" deck with my little creation"... smile and seeing from the "OP" deck what a surprise that they can be molested by a hundred crystal card... big_smile

Hope you got my point...

(for the "OP" owners I have a WB and Discard too..., so its fair to say I'm not bias on "OP" decks what counter cards we put in here will be my pain too)

Dernière modification par Cossette (30-03-2011 05:08:43)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#13 30-03-2011 03:50:38

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Politikas a écrit :

Compared to new evils (mainly discard and witchblades) A-bomb looks less and less OP. its just a normal deck with chars with good stats.

Your right! with the coming of new cards,  A-bomb is becoming less and less of a threat... more likely going to stall like DK's anytime soon...

Anything you would like to add up.... big_smile you can put anything and maybe someone have a solution on it who would love to share...

Dernière modification par Cossette (30-03-2011 05:07:35)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#14 30-03-2011 23:34:04

Inscription : 11-03-2011
Messages : 20

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

As I said on another post...
Cards that aren't used much, but could help...
Against WBs or Mages:

Philosophical Debate
Fierce Lion (stop crying abt RoDs...)
Tracker Emblem
Tracker Mask
Diversion (isn't it fun to be able to chain it with 'Assassination'?)
Dark Stone Heart (funny!)
Evil/Good Jorusien
Runic Gauntlet (guess what, 2 def and +2 spirit if the opponent plays a spell or theurgy... CAN BE WORN BY ANYONE, NOT JUST HARES!) -Can't think of a reason why not to have 3 of these in ANY deck... Other than a pure-mage's deck
Totemic Shield
"War Axe" (in "" cuz it's not that big deal...)
Lady Yilith (limiting enhancements... Sounds good)
Malyss (on a tracker deck...)
Exhort Faith ('the opposite' of Lightning Bolts except on the part where EF doesn't get reduced by Spirit [well... LB usually doesn't, either, since most ppl plays with chars of Spirit=0])
Deflection (50%-50%)
Disappearance (-2 to damage)
Magic Shield
Randori (not so good)
Overwhelming Victory
Armor of the Thunder King (can be worn by others as well).

Well... Those r the ones I could think of... Without having to be a Noz...

Dernière modification par Erian (30-03-2011 23:39:13)

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#15 31-03-2011 01:25:05

Inscription : 01-03-2011
Messages : 38

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Well in my opinion for prepareing for meta or OP decks you would end up haveing to use situation cards to win games against OP decks.
To me dealing with OP decks would be to deal with the strenghts of a deck.  What makes the deck OP is when a deck has too many strenghts to deal with to get a good win against it. So if those decks exsist we need new cards to deal with them or get good at timeing cards just right to counter all their strenghts. But I don't see a deck that is OP seems to me if you can't beat this deck you can beat the others. And sorry if I repeted myself.

As for an idea against witchblades, well I don't have that much trouble with them. I use pirates and use exstortion against that sword they use. I can't say I always win but its at least 6 outa 10 I win. But I lose to a lot of others, and Noz magic isn't that bad either because I can kill the defenceless chars with my Narwhals.(Love it when they use all those spells to buff up their defence just for me to shoot the other chars lol) Oh and speaking of Narwhal u can use them to get around those pesky ice barrier thingys, Lol. You don't take dmg from them when shooting a char that isn't active. one day I will remember the names of all these cards.

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#16 31-03-2011 03:33:29

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Thank you for the responses...  big_smile 
do you have winning moments you like to share... we can make new strategies out of that smile

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#17 31-03-2011 05:43:30

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Colombia
Inscription : 21-12-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

this thread is win, i'll read through soonly, hopefully,

The blank vast gaze which grins lay thin..
There's a higher sight to blindness kin.. [MSN].

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#18 31-03-2011 05:49:04

Inscription : 01-03-2011
Messages : 38

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

the new cards that just came out seem like they will help alot! yay!

mostly Favor of the Dawn i think could go into any deck.

Dernière modification par TheOmnislash (31-03-2011 05:59:13)

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#19 01-04-2011 01:20:37

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Yeah well, i was wondering, i am currently developing a nomad priest deck, and i love to battle with abomination, too easy when i use spiritual duel-Rampart of faith with Orzine, tongue he becomes a puppy big_smile, i can say the sameabout telendar.

When facing the WB i just have to use swarm of scarabs, the magic book of the nomds and keep healing myself, althoug it is not as easy as it sounds...

The problem would be when facing a discard deck, there is nothing i can do when my characters have high spirit, mostly beacuse i base my deck on it, so i dont have aura of faith in my deck.

Finally, for the mages and courtesans is the same strategy against the witches, although ishaia high spirit and defence dont let me do much against her :S

Dernière modification par Santuros (01-04-2011 01:21:49)

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#20 01-04-2011 07:03:43

Inscription : 14-03-2011
Messages : 22

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

I guess really this thread should be changed to how to get above 1600 elo rating using not one of the top 5 decks.

noz mages have been replaced by witchblades they just haven't really been around since Naya has come out. Surprised you didn't have yilth port on your list, or merc stall both are 1900 - 2000+ elo  decks whom for the most part beat almost all the decks you have mentioned.

Dernière modification par Jason_C (01-04-2011 07:05:14)

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain

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#21 01-04-2011 11:08:36

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

I guess really this thread should be changed to how to get above 1600 elo rating using not one of the top 5 decks.

its just came up in my mind, but my reason of making this post is change the mood of player keep on saying OP, OP, OP... hmm for almost 3 day straight, somenone has to have something good that would give reasons on keep playing their deck... or everyone of us will Just make WB, Discard, noz deck etc. and getting the monotonous results. where is the strategies on that? if all players has the same deck all the time...

(Inquest 2004 issue) one reason why MTG lost its popularity cause everyone are aiming for the top ten deck... with 5000+ cards to choose from, but only few cards are being use... or your playing type 2 decks or type 1 deck which limit your deck choices...

Surprised you didn't have yilth port on your list, or merc stall both are 1900 - 2000+ elo  decks whom for the most part beat almost all the decks you have mentioned.

I thought of that too... but not all decks can go up 1900-2000+ elo mosty they go run in level rooms which those 5 are the most popular...

I could add them up if you like but i think few people got good stories to tell that they kick yilith butt and slam her face in the gutter... lol with a $10 deck

You are welcome post your strategies againt them wink we might get some tips againts the top tier decks and lets wait for peoples response...
i thank you for you concern i really appreciate the comments smile

Dernière modification par Cossette (01-04-2011 11:15:06)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#22 01-04-2011 14:43:08

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

I've never actually seen a Merc Stall before. >_>

What does it consist of?

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#23 01-04-2011 15:09:27

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Eternal, Yilith, Ateb. Stoneater, Apostle.

3 of those

Lots of Defense stacking, Oath of faith, Sacred Nova, Divine light, A New start to recycle, and mental siphon to force you to drop under 5 cards in your final hand.

Most annoying deck ever.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#24 01-04-2011 16:16:35

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

TheOmnislash a écrit :

the new cards that just came out seem like they will help alot! yay! mostly Favor of the Dawn i think could go into any deck.

I guess its my turn... smile well i encounter this deck using the new cards, i was using my "WB" back then... i saw him using [card]Jian Qiao[/card], [card]Asajiro[/card], [card]Sen' Ryaku[/card] well as i can see its a typical Kotoba high defense/low spirit deck. so i was thinking going head to head magic against it. [card]Favor of the Dawn[/card] and i think this new card will be Hot...

First turn: i use Anazra and i choose Sen' Ryaku i know i'll hit her down to 2 to 4 hp... Anazra ([card]blade of the witch[/card]+[card]magic attack[/card]) Sen' Ryaku ([card]Life Devourer[/card]+[card]Imperial Armor[/card]) were both down to 7hp.

Second turn: opponent choose Asajiro against my Eglantyne and Moira i use ([card]Blade of the witch[/card]+[card]Ice coffin[/card]) asajiro uses ([card]Favor of the dawn[/card]+[card]Randori[/card]) my double magic blade attack bounce off and Eglantyne and Moira down to 6hp Asajiro down to 8hp.

Third Turn: my Naya uses ([card]Unleash Hell[/card]) and Jian Qiao uses ([card]Randori[/card]+[card]Blast off![/card]) Naya down to 8hp Jian Qiao down to 10hp

Fourth turn: opponent choose Asajiro 5hp because of [card]unleash hell[/card] against my Naya  i use [card]Sword of light[/card]+[card]Fireball[/card] and Asajiro uses [card]Zazen[/card] were both dead and buffing the two characters with [card]Zazen[/card]...

Fifth turn: i Choose Eglantyne and Moira againts Sen' Ryaku(+5 attack zazen) (using Double [card]Ice coffin[/card]) and Sen' Ryaku uses ([card]Favor of the Dawn[/card]+[card]Randori[/card]) opponents deflect all my magic damage and killed Eglantyne and Moira and Sen' Ryaku down to 2 Hp.

Sixth turn: my anazra use ([card]Ice Shield[/card]+[card]Sword of light[/card]) Jian Qiao(+5 attack zazen) uses ([card]keep your guard up![/card]+[card]imperial armor[/card]) Anazra melee damage just bounce and loosing the match, leaving Jian Quio 6hp left...

With this new card [card]Favor of the Dawn[/card] that can be use by almost every guild in addition with the other combos you have read... tongue next time the "WB" deck will be the one complaining OP! OP! OP! lol  weird huh!!!

Dernière modification par Cossette (01-04-2011 17:20:37)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#25 01-04-2011 18:00:51

Inscription : 01-03-2011
Messages : 38

Re : "OP Decks" How to deal with them and not just complaining about it!

Cossette a écrit :
TheOmnislash a écrit :

the new cards that just came out seem like they will help alot! yay! mostly Favor of the Dawn i think could go into any deck.

I guess its my turn... smile well i encounter this deck using the new cards, i was using my "WB" back then... i saw him using [card]Jian Qiao[/card], [card]Asajiro[/card], [card]Sen' Ryaku[/card] well as i can see its a typical Kotoba high defense/low spirit deck. so i was thinking going head to head magic against it. [card]Favor of the Dawn[/card] and i think this new card will be Hot...

First turn: i use Anazra and i choose Sen' Ryaku i know i'll hit her down to 2 to 4 hp... Anazra ([card]blade of the witch[/card]+[card]magic attack[/card]) Sen' Ryaku ([card]Life Devourer[/card]+[card]Imperial Armor[/card]) were both down to 7hp.

Second turn: opponent choose Asajiro against my Eglantyne and Moira i use ([card]Blade of the witch[/card]+[card]Ice coffin[/card]) asajiro uses ([card]Favor of the dawn[/card]+[card]Randori[/card]) my double magic blade attack bounce off and Eglantyne and Moira down to 6hp Asajiro down to 8hp.

Third Turn: my Naya uses ([card]Unleash Hell[/card]) and Jian Qiao uses ([card]Randori[/card]+[card]Blast off![/card]) Naya down to 8hp Jian Qiao down to 10hp

Fourth turn: opponent choose Asajiro 5hp because of [card]unleash hell[/card] against my Naya  i use [card]Sword of light[/card]+[card]Fireball[/card] and Asajiro uses [card]Zazen[/card] were both dead and buffing the two characters with [card]Zazen[/card]...

Fifth turn: i Choose Eglantyne and Moira againts Sen' Ryaku(+5 attack zazen) (using Double [card]Ice coffin[/card]) and Sen' Ryaku uses ([card]Favor of the Dawn[/card]+[card]Randori[/card]) opponents deflect all my magic damage and killed Eglantyne and Moira and Sen' Ryaku down to 2 Hp.

Sixth turn: my anazra use ([card]Ice Shield[/card]+[card]Sword of light[/card]) Jian Qiao(+5 attack zazen) uses ([card]keep your guard up![/card]+[card]imperial armor[/card]) Anazra melee damage just bounce and loosing the match, leaving Jian Quio 6hp left...

With this new card [card]Favor of the Dawn[/card] that can be use by almost every guild in addition with the other combos you have read... tongue next time the "WB" deck will be the one complaining OP! OP! OP! lol  weird huh!!!

lol all i can say is exactly! Its what i was thinking when i seen that card right away.

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