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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
IHAS is another deck that requires tons of discard.
I'm with Beo, this is easy if you want it to be.
Zil marauders are made for this, I'm tossing Warriors furys as fast as I get them, daggers if I don't need them, all for the hard hits. I almost never end a game with more than 5 cards in my hand and 0 in my deck.
Well, from the looks of it you might as well call it the demon hunters tournament. I use them, the entire top 10 seems to use them, everybody uses them. I literally haven't seen anything but demon hunters for at least 10 fights!
They seem to have just a tad bit too many good non-rare cards
It's just better synergy. They're one of the few castes that have 3 uncommon characters, and it's blindingly unfair now that the tournament's occurred.
The others is Witchblades and Tsoutai. I tries Tsoutsai and got my ass handed heavily by DH, so I washed my hands.
And the common successful theme is RoD paired with Guems/Mage-hybrids. DH is simply better because of other synergy.
It's a definite oversight, something I'm not entirely impressed with.
Trackers only have 2, which was my gut go-to deck. Same with Courts. Other good decks that have a lot of non-rares,
Also, I highly approve of the setup for this tournament. Common/Uncommon cards only so theoretically low spending players have a relatively fair chance. Am I right in assuming this means no collector's cards as well?
No collectors, which sucks if that's all you keep of certain cards (OV for example)
Yup fair for lower players but Demon hunters with 3 Rain of Deaths owned me completely, so I played my 5 games and got the hell out of there I cant afford 3 RoD to compete so I played for the cards, might try again later
Uncommons still have extremely powerful cards.
Post were deleted above/below mine, if you don't see it, take it as a hint to not start flaming.
anyone know if we're suppose to have a weekly trophy this week?
Always have a weekly
Gonna sit back and watch as this thread degrades again
No you're not. That last post I made is far as this argument goes. Sorry to have the last word, but its a benefit of the position really. I've seen the other side, I don't agree, but me bickering about something moot is not going to happen.
P2P get extra events and somewhat fancy cards, and it isn't changing. If something is broken like Scargh, then voice a complaint. Otherwise, it's an unwinnable argument to complain that F2P isn't getting enough, especially when the last two updates were aimed at F2P.
What I said, I said and meant, and I'll enforce. Argue good points, not the business model.
And not just on Beo. If people continue to argue illogically, it won't be tolerated. If it's too much, it'll be deleted (including mine). Don't lash back and just post because you disagree and spout hate. Especially don;t do this.
People will get their posts deleted and potential 1-3 days bans will be enforced. For everyone and anyone.
Scargh's banned for anything competitive. Which means, most likely, and errata will come soon for his card.
Strength's are nerfed for everyone, not just F2P. They completely destroyed any ELO play that I saw, +6 stats on a permanent was way too much. If they weren't nerfed as such, they'd be banned from ELO and slated for errata too, probably to a respectable +1/+1/+1.
The Great sorcerers wand? I've seen that... 5 times in about 3 months? Pints are the same. Alchemical Golem I've seen in incomplete decks in the training room. Dhan? What about Artiban? There's a good P2P trophy...
Tell me how many decks you see playing any of these in any format. The P2P cards are mainly trophies. No one seriously plays them besides Scargh, but he is honestly OP and needs a fixing, and will most likely get it. Complaining about that one card is valid, and I wouldn't tread on that, because it is a valid complaint.
Scargh is blurring your vision of what P2P actually gets rewarded, which is extra events, access to more cards, semi-good trophies that are no use competitively, and collectors editions of cards F2P can't get.
This week's P2P is a "free" booster and a collectors edition of anathematize. Hardly game breaking, barely rewarding, its just a nice thank you for contributing. And it doesn't affect any F2P rewards for the week. There was no reason to pipe up and complain and yet you did. And that is what I'm trying to tell you. Choose your battles or they will be chosen.
And free speech is a judicial right, not a social one. Free speech in America allows people to also spout Hate speech without any repercussions judicially. It has no ramifications of social repercussions. If you came in here spouting that you hated some specific race, that's your right, just don't expect to be treated as a member o f this society anymore. Calling feerik names and complaining moot points is your right too, just don't expect to be a part of this community either, you already recieve enough backlash for your actions and it will only escalate.
You guys realize you're bickering over non-existent cards right?
Everyone's entitled to their opinion of the OP-ness of suggested cards. You can't take it too hard to heart when people express thier opinion of it.
Nurvus is a bit off. Its not a perma Dazzle per se from what I read, especially since the effects would take place only after the card is played. All it does is screw up that turn for any bonuses played, then any turn after, it just freezes the player from stacking bonuses, or face a penalty.
That being said, I'm going to agree with him that making it permanent is OP. Turn duration of 2-3 turns max, but it should be an instant overall.
Yet more tournaments free players cant get into. Totally fair. Well I'm glad at least the Weekly Trophy is tomorrow or there would be no reason to play this week. At LEAST last years Christmas Tournament you could play a few games and get a few trophies even if you were a free player.
I'm still trying to figure out how you always feel entitled to something for free without contributing anything back ever besides insults and complaints to the game....
This is a paid tournament, just like the Joust of Death or whatever the name of it is. All the difference is is that you get a guaranteed pack for your 400 feez this time and a free anethemetize (whoo ).
Free players still will get their weekly chance at a free event card. Which, I assume, you'll probably complain about being under powered and giving no equality to f2p players to paying people.
Get this: There isn't equality. There never will be. Go try and play MtG and see if you can play or compete for free. Bad example? Try Warstorm before it got run over by being bought out and completely destroyed afterwards.
F2P can play, they can compete to a decent level, but they'll never be on a playing field with people who pay to play. It's a benefit to actually investing in the game and allowing it to continue though funding the company to pay its staff and servers. It's like a thank you, and with it, comes extra benefits and extra events/bonuses. F2P are riding on paying customers backs for free.
If you don't like the model, no one is forcing you to play. But I'm getting quickly tired of every single pay-to-play event being derided by you simply because there is no F2P option, or that it isn't good enough, or some other "woe is me" and it's going to stop, now.
If you have a decent reason, then fine, explain it, explain how a P2P card is game breaking for everyone, and not a single faction of F2P vs P2P. If you can't, it's not a valid argument for the reasons stated above. Stating "X is the only way F2P can compete" isn't valid. Try framing arguments as F2P vs F2p or P2P vs P2P, or better yet, entire player base versus itself.
I am a moderator, but I'm not game staff, so don't say that Feerik is a money whore because of what I said either. I'm in charge of the community keeping itself in check, and that's as far as my responsibility goes. I'm allowed to express my opinion freely as a normal player, and even though I'm primarily F2P, I understand the tiered system, and accept it fully as the business model needed to keep the game servers afloat. It's time you started reconsidering your stance somewhat.
*&#(*ing Rain of Deaths
English translation states Direct Damage gets +1 dmg to it as well as magic.
Frostbite is still only doing 2 DD even with her rage.
Translation error or bug?
You build around beatdown without Ayir.
Six feet under, Rages, etc.
Ayir is the magic damage deck. Probably best to use Yilith with her. Heals, DD, Magic, etc.
Pretty sure if you look at the corner, where the rarity symbol is, the lvl 4's are collectors cards, which means no sale. Can't check with the server down for sure though.
Just deleted nearly 4 pages of bickering.
This is a patch note thread to notify players of changes, not a discussion thread. It went on as long as it did only because I was away for Christmas, or else it would've been knocked down earlier.
Keep this thread clear. I know I'm not the only one that comes to announcements to read what's been updated and not what people's opinions are. That's for the Discussion area.
Keep it more civil too. It seems the same culprits are beginning to emerge frequently in aggressive and unwelcome behavior towards both feerik and are toeing the line. Just be warned.
only on your end, your opponent still gets the boost
And now I'm sad
Take care amber, was great talking with you.
3 cards, all one turn.....wierd
Try doing it pre-unlimited training room like I did when each match only netted maybe 12xp tops.
Wiki's are community run you know, I'm betting a lot of the french input on the wiki is player created.....
No they can't. Only one or the other, makes for a long levelling process
To answer your question...you will not receive the trophy.
You are perfectly right but a player who only has a noz blaster deck will think Treacherous is Armageddon.
One deck having an advantage over one other deck is not overpowered. That's part of the meta game.
One deck having the advantage over every other deck, however, is subject for errata.
Suprised Ish didn't get some nerf as well.
Still...glad Fereek has decided to rescind their "no modification of cards" policy. It was silly to begin with and definitely hurt the game. Why bother having cards exist if they're always banned.
the image bin for the forum doesn't always get updated correctly.
Wow don't read too much into the words.
Undead are not dead characters. There's a distinct terminology that sometimes doesn't always translate well to other languages
Undead = Not alive, not dead, still functional. They are without life, yet exist.
Dead = Non-functional in any manner. They have ceased to exist.
The card damages only for each character who has ceased to exist. If there exists a non-living character in play, it attaches itself.