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#1 Bugs » Conquer of perish » 28-06-2012 17:08:06

Réponses : 2

Hi, guys!

Conquer or perish has not worked at all today. I faced a couple of different decks, but i had huge problems because even playing the combo conquer or perish + narwhal, i only got the narwhal attack. The opposing player played an action card after me, I know how it works, I've been playing pirate maraurders for a while now

Hope it can be solved soon.


#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 30th 2012 : iTCG : Fe'y / Inakta » 30-05-2012 15:52:14

I don't really understand what [card]Sand Storm[/card] conditions are.
Anyway, I'm dissapointed that there's another useless Nomad release, especially for Immortals.

The only maybe useful, but only good for really long fights is "desertification"

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 20th 2012 : Election of Miss Eredan » 20-04-2012 15:12:06

I'm dissapointed I can't vote Djamena sad

Just thinsking about [card]Dazzle[/card] or [card]Ordeal[/card]

#5 Bugs » Time to die + mark of the crow » 05-04-2012 17:25:45

Réponses : 0

When chaining Time to die to mark of the crow, you don't get the double attack, only a +2 attack

#6 Re : Bugs » Can't Chain Cards » 05-04-2012 17:22:20

Same thing here. Some combos work, some don't, even if they are chainable. This happened to me both in amnezy tournament and level rooms.

Also, I didn't get any trophy points for level room fights. Nowhere is it written that it is only appliable to amnezy

#7 Re : Update list » Unknot the Thread of Time » 16-03-2012 11:52:20

I don't know why everybody keeps saying that Discard Deck doesn't work against the 4th mission (zils). It works like wonder.

On the other hand, on the 5th one, with Pilkim, I had no chance to discard their deck fast enough to keep him alive. I've tried 3 time already and he's never seen turn 4 alive.

Until now I've used Discard for Quest 1 and 4 and Immortals for Quest 2(with the Favor card) and 3. Immortals are not really fit for this missions, but they did the job.

I'm thinking of using a Nehant Aggro with [card]Pulling the Strings[/card] for Quest 5

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » My Temple Deck » 12-03-2012 21:57:45

Norad IV a écrit :

temple guardians IMO aren't competitive. trust me I've been playing nomads since their release. they had their hayday the week they came out but never since then (over a year ago).

the only viable deck that I even came to 1800 ELO is with eclipse, and the only reason is they can do massive damage in a short period of time. but up against sap hearts/zil/nehantists (maurader) they mostly lose.

but 1800 ELO is nothing compared to the upper 1900s and 2000s people get every week.

nomads are the weakest guild in the game.

Don't forget about immortals. A long time they have been a top elo deck and from what I know, every week there is at least one immortals deck in the top 20.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Help With Incident On The Iron Titan? » 03-03-2012 22:04:53

Dazzle is perfect to kill the first golem who actually has 0 attack.

A couple of solaris and maybe a disembodiment and you can get a perfect against them every time if you use the Immortals deck.

The only problem is that you don't get a favor for every win. I get a favor only every 6-7 wins. I spent them carelessly and I didn't beat the ships yet.

#10 Re : Update list » Temporalis » 01-03-2012 23:54:51

I can only think of chaining Solaris and Dazzle 8-> How lovely will it be to meet foam giant, kill the two craftsmen and then enjoy the massacre

This card is deffinetely a must have. It takes quite a bit of time to get, but it
s totally worth it.

I wonder if it will allow you to play cards you would be restrictes :-? Like playing an Eclipse card with an Eclipse Character(burning soul, maybe) and then using an Immortal (let's say kebek). Will it blend? smile

Anyway, there are some many ways in which it can be used. I already have nightmares about melissandre with 2 quick draws...

#11 Re : Update list » iTCG: Mount an Onslaught on Bramamir! » 29-02-2012 16:01:32


Even if you can bring their deck to zero cards really easily, they are not defeatable by remaining without cards. Still, you get the points for the battle plans

#12 Re : Update list » S.A.R.A.H./ Vizier Mahamoud » 23-02-2012 07:53:57

jackal19 a écrit :
genesyx a écrit :
jackal19 a écrit :

and the divide def to 2 is still better than a useless bonus so him replacing prince is highly unlikely

btw for those who want to know his final … t8dtSv.png

see? hes meh

as an imortal,yes
but I see potential in him for the TG smile

yes give him skywards and its +1 def for all t guardians for all eternity he kinda reminds me of nashi in ability and bonus

He could also be useful for an hybrid Immortal-TG deck so that you have two characters of each (maybe Sphynx, Vizier and Urakia OR Ahlem, Vizier and Urakia), but he's useless for a pure Immortals deck.
I think, the idea was that many people had tried to insert a priest in an Immortals deck and he wouldn't fit really well.
Or maybe, they'll make a multi-caste deck with the next release (Vizier, Djamena and a new Eclipse-Immortal) smile))

#13 Re : Update list » S.A.R.A.H./ Vizier Mahamoud » 22-02-2012 18:23:03

OHanicide a écrit :

When someone is available to do so, please post final evo picks of Sarah and Vizier! big_smile


#14 Re : Update list » S.A.R.A.H./ Vizier Mahamoud » 22-02-2012 17:01:58

jackal19 a écrit :
'Ke a écrit :

R[4u']it must evolve on later lavels ;o

saw the later level already its meh smile

What stats does it have ? Or abilities?

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Marketplace rules » 12-02-2012 00:58:46

I got it. That's kinda sad because I just sold one Drowning with 28k, and now the price has dropped to 19k and I think I will hold on to the other one.

Anyway, thanks for your answer!

#16 Re : Deck and Strategy » Immortals » 12-02-2012 00:44:54

I just love how every topic on Immortals turns to something completely different smile The last one I think turned to sexy characters.

On the other hand there are those who try to explain how you can't win with an "old" strategy, but they never suggest a new one with existing cards.

Regarding what jg9 asked, firstly, you have too many [card]Support of the gods[/card]. You can speed it up a little with [card]Kapokek's Jaw[/card].
[card]Dazzle[/card] helps quite a lot versus high damage combos. I suggest 2 of them. Still, I have problems with new decks, mostly magic users (can't counter spells, I would use [card]Counterspell[/card] or [card]Magic Shield[/card], but I don't have what to get rid of).

Anyway, I think the only way to save the Immortals now is to make Lucyan one of them ...

#17 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Marketplace rules » 10-02-2012 01:02:55

Réponses : 3

Could someone explain exactly how listing in the marketplace works?

I want to sell [card]Drowning[/card]. The Current Listing Price is 21.000 (max price for which I can sell it), but all the cards on the market are at 33.000. Why is that? How can I sell it for the same sum ?

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Are Immortals any Worth? » 07-02-2012 21:18:14

I can't believe you're forgetting Bloodsword and Dark, when it comes to Zils.

For Pirates, clearly Armada, specially on lvl 2 Look at my guns, while Nomads have some sexy cards with Djamena and Malika (Dazzle, Clumsiness)

For Kotoba, the Amaya is pretty hot as well (To lay bare)

Anyway, back on topic: is there anyone who has any ideas on how to make an immortals deck work at this moment? Mine is way to slow and lately there are so many heavy hitting cards.

#19 Re : Update list » The mysterious Phoenix » 02-02-2012 11:33:05

Well, Kebek with an Istaryam Blade, 2 rages, 2 longevity + Jorus attaching to Kebek some good jorusiens and you can keep going endlessly.

Of course, Solaris is a great add-on, but not everybody can afford it. I got 14 monsters on the first try until I used up all my energy, specially because I had used my normal immortals deck and I had used my rages on urakia and prince metchaf, not knowing how the game is going to work

#20 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Excessive luans » 31-01-2012 23:59:17

Réponses : 7

Is it just me, or the number of luans present in the auction are way too high. I've played quite a bit since the release of the shulong temple and I am close to raising the luans needed for shulong without buying any booster. I am convinced that someone who played hardcore and kept the game open non-stop could have raised around 8-10.000 luans.

Still, there are people auctioning huge sums. For example, right now, somebody is offering ove 70.000 luans for Ishaia. That means buying almost 100 big boosters in less than one week. There are others who offered 30.000 luans for a Foil Card. If you bought that huge number of boosters you should also have enough crystals to buy any Foil card, or to buy Ishaia.

Are there so many players who buy hundreds of boosters weekly ?

#21 Bugs » Nehantists and mercenaries » 24-01-2012 14:43:29

Réponses : 3

Is this a gameplay thing or a bug? I can't use mercenaries with Nehantists ...

#22 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Adventure mode: Best drops » 12-01-2012 02:03:14

I see the Sap Heart boss has way better drops than the Kotoba Boss

I've beaten him countless times, still haven't got the [card]Heavy Armor[/card], but I did get:

1x [card]Berseker Tactic[/card]
1x [card]Demonic Cloud[/card]
1x [card]Djamena[/card]
1x [card]Eglantyne the Witchblade[/card]
2x [card]Katamaru[/card]
1x [card]Ode to War[/card]
1x [card]Ring of Nibelle[/card]
1x [card]Time Blast[/card]
1x [card]Time Shift[/card]
1x [card]Unleash Hell[/card]

I got many more, but their value was around or under 1000 crystals.
Most of the drops from the Kotoba Boss were: Sap Hearts, Nehant, Tempus and Kotoba (mostly Tsoutsai)

I can't say I've received until now anything truly usefull for my decks (Immortal and Demonic Portal)

#23 Re : Deck and Strategy » Adventure Mode - Desert Nomad Boss » 12-01-2012 01:26:57

Actually Immortals with Solaris, Dazzle and Support of the Gods don't work so well. Neither does Demon Portal pack.

#24 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Broken marketplace » 10-01-2012 13:39:47

Another problem it's the tuning of prices (I'm not sure extensive mods are needed, but some changes should be done). For example Azaram lvl 1 costs around 500 crystals, each demon blame (each uprgrade needs one blade) costs 3700 crystals, gets you to a grand total of 7900 crystals (not taking into account the experience for upgrading it or anything else.

Now, because of the marketplace strict rules that set max price depending on its rarity, you can sell it for 4400 crystals at most. Of course you can't find any azaram over level 2 on the market (that one is scarce as well). Having the lvl 3 version is a waste of money if you're not using it. If you sell it, you will lose 3500 crystals, if you keep it, you will have all those crystals blocked.

The marketplace should also take in account the price of the cards needed to evolve you character, not only said character's rarity.

#25 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dazzle, Demonic Portal and other cards with similar effects » 10-01-2012 11:57:00

I play Immortals.

You should see when I counteract DMR + Demonic Portal with Dazzle. It's hilarious.

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