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#1 Bugs » Conquer and Perish + Narwhal on Silikat » 05-08-2011 04:45:42

Réponses : 0

The choice for Narwhal pops up, but the fight ends at same time. Happens for many times. Seems to corrupt at Silikat most often

The tapped character card appear to be black after next fight start, and the card in hand also appear to be black.

Poor pirates... just getting weaker

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ka-Boom (Pirates) » 04-08-2011 15:35:19


Pirates are not that competitive, it is very hard to play it well in elo room.

It's also frustrated sometime to see other deck to have such high damage output, while pirates' dmg is very limited. Even for marauder... if your opponent does not use action card, such as Mage or Priest.... Your damage output drops a lot ._.

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ka-Boom (Pirates) » 03-08-2011 22:35:56

Powder keg can be a serious block without craftsman.

If powder keg is draw before Scuttling, the deck will be much less effective. In addition, using craftsman to put powder weapon on the other character is the key to do massive dmg for one term kill. I love using Mechanist deck for this such reason~

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Card of the Week: Anathematize » 03-08-2011 04:51:04

Agree with the Chain.

If the card can Chain, I will put it in my main deck actually.

Too many deck nowadays recycle discard pile.

1. Dragon Knight

2. Circus

3. Priest Deck who just want to drag it out

4. Sap Heart with Item have Soul

Card in Effect (with out Deck specification)

1. Weapon at Will

2. Burn In Hell

3. Warrior's Fury

4. Watcher

Oh well~ hope it chain!

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ka-Boom (Pirates) » 03-08-2011 04:31:58

Personally I don't really like deck with high stall hand chance.
However, I did spend all my crystal on Pirates only since forever, and try every combination i could...

Powder keg is really cool card... sadly, the bug doesn't seem to get fixed anytime soon. So I pretty much gave up on that.

However, I played Powder Keg deck in Level Room from time to time.
The best Two Combination I found is...

1. Mechanist Deck with Klementine in Nut version!

If play well, the Time Bomb can trigger Powder Deck in average 3 times per game.

And your opponent won't have a chance trying to discard Powder Keg or use Prestige on the Bomb. 'Cause the "Ica-Rusty Mechanical Arm" will built up and become a insane high atk + def monster.

Not to mention if Klementine has Master Craftsman with all powder keg out... and with Nut equipped with Arm and Overload...
The Two Golem here can also use Narwhal or Inferno

2. Powder Deck with Captain, Clover, Armanda

Armanda can be switched, but I really like to use it as a diversion; since most people will try to get Armanda first before powder built up.... which gives your time to change your hand to Scuttling ready for clover.

In addition, Captain will get built up over time as well~

Using the Flame of Phoenix will definitely hurt your opponent very badly.

However~ Since Powder Keg don't usually work properly I will only play it is level room..

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » RE: Looking for Improved Spell deck, looking for suggestions » 02-08-2011 18:41:37

Honestly, there is lots of crazy deck that costs over 300k crystal. And of course they usually get the edge in any battle.

If you like Mage, Compendium or DK deck is pretty competitive.
(DK is hybrid as you know, but it is indeed very good...)

If you are looking for 1700+ elo, there are not much choice in fact.
There is always something not balanced with each update imho.

However, as far as I see.. 1700+ are usually:

Circuis Discard with Psychurgist
Nomad with Solaris
Priest with Lady Yilith
Dragon Knight
Sap Heart with Keizan and Rockspeaker.....

I am using Pirate Marauder and My position goes up and down around 1700 as well..  Given up on the top rank now... Pretty much lose automatically when it's Priest or Dragon Knight...

#7 Re : Update list » Jorus and the Mysterious Mekalchemia » 01-08-2011 16:37:50



[card]Animated Puppet[/card]
[card]Gear Wheel[/card]
[card]Living Flame[/card]
[card]Living Shadow[/card]
[card]Magic Clay[/card]
[card]Shadow Ball[/card]
[card]Shadow Golem[/card]
[card]Sheet Steel[/card]

p.s. check?

#8 Bugs » Powder Keg? » 30-07-2011 03:25:24

Réponses : 4

So it heals rather then damage? huh??

#9 Re : Bugs » Time Bomb » 29-07-2011 08:28:15

^ Exactly, even if the time bomb is attached to opposing character due to the effect of Ica-Rusty; the time bomb has to be detonate during the combat period, which cause both characters in battle to receive damage..... fairly useless.

#10 Re : Update list » Jorus and the Mysterious Mekalchemia » 28-07-2011 22:49:49

Only way to get "life" is to buy the booster pack.... is it?

if it is.... pretty lame...

#11 Bugs » Time Bomb » 28-07-2011 20:37:46

Réponses : 8

even the card is attached to character outside of combat, it still damage both char in play

#12 FAQs » Guemelite » 12-06-2011 06:29:25

Réponses : 1

Can guemelite cast spell that does not affiliate a common guild?

#13 Re : Update list » The Forgiven Trophy and results for the Man Hunt event! » 09-06-2011 15:50:18

It is calculating as the number of "times", your own character is damaged.

#14 Re : Update list » Kotoba Reinforcement! » 08-06-2011 18:03:56

aaa.... way too over powered.... way way......

#15 Re : Update list » The Special Man Hunt! » 03-06-2011 00:14:06

I keep stuck at the second trophy where I need to fight against certain char.....

#16 Suggestions » Narwhal for Pirate » 19-05-2011 23:32:19

Réponses : 0

To make it competitive...

Could add 1~2 ATK or DEF bonus when the card is first equipped.

Sound good?

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Finalized Pirate Marauder » 19-05-2011 23:25:27

The reason I didn't put [card]Fall Back[/card] in the deck:

1. Does not Chain

2. Couldn't put more then one in the deck, considering the fact that "Time to Die" needs attack bonus rather then decrease. Higher possibility for stall hand.

Reduce the fire power by a lot.
But I guess if we are only talking about Desert Nomad and Quick Draw. It would be good.

In fact I am using Demon Apparition instead one of the Assassination.

p.s. Yeah, Pirate Marauder is very good with Courtesan.

pps. By the way, [card]Escaping Death[/card] is in fact much more useful than it is assumed on the market. Lots and lots way that this single card can win you the game... Just need to know when to use it~

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Finalized Pirate Marauder » 19-05-2011 18:37:20

RyogaLX a écrit :

Then Narwal is pretty bad weapon and Hook priest version even worst. I found more usefull Hook shadow version that lock shadow spells against discard and take bonus against mages.

I have tried both version. And the reason I prefer priest version is because I am in the Elo room a lot.

Desert Nomad is far too common in high rank stage.. which are all priest and shadow immunity is nothing.

Cause with Priest version, the maximum atk boost from char is 2, but shadow version is 1.

And Shadow version is not that useful against discard. Since they could have easily save the shadow spell for other character who also has rather high spirit. And my strategy as most other marauder decks are... is to kill them as soon as possible. (Winning rate is 50% against Good Discard Deck)

But yeah, have a really high winning rate against mage deck. Even higher if Noz.

(My raging rant is usually about Sap Hear Quick Draw and Nomad Solaris.... damn I hate those...)

#19 Deck and Strategy » Finalized Pirate Marauder » 19-05-2011 07:45:33

Réponses : 11

Got up to 1760 elo last time...
But got too tire of fighting Quick Draw and All the Desert Nomad with Solaris.
(as we all know the unbalance of the game~)
But yeah... after all, Pirate Marauder is very hard to play and not that strong. Zil Marauder still trumps Pirate Marauder without a doubt.

However, I think my pirate marauder is pretty great. Winning most of my games; someone asked me to put up a complete list. And I feel selfless, so here we go~

p.s. I do think if Narwhal can give some DEF or ATK bonus activate immediately would be good tho? pretty please?

[card]Hook[/card]           Priest Version
[card]Lil Laddie[/card]

[card]Narwhal[/card] x3
[card]Infernal Cricket[/card] x3
[card]Cutlass[/card] x3

[card]A Warrior's Fury[/card] x3
[card]Assassination[/card] x2

[card]Time to Die[/card] x1
[card]Demonic Apparition[/card] x1
[card]Escaping Death[/card] x1
[card]Favor of the Dawn[/card] x1
[card]Weapon Kata[/card] x1

[card]Implosion[/card] x1

Enjoy~ My in Game name is the same as my ID

#20 Re : Deck and Strategy » Elo room event (Cheking the meta) » 04-05-2011 19:34:26

I use Pirate Marauder~
I think it's really a good combination now.

The only thing I lose constantly to is discard deck...
Really dislike those discarding thing.
Fight me like a man!!

and yeah... it is because of my high spirit.

Which makes it easier for mage deck tho
And I don't really find witchblade a problem.
With high spirit and high attack, witchblade can do much less damage.

Hom'chai deck? no problem either! Usually pwn them!

#21 Bugs » Sitar Hero » 25-04-2011 21:04:19

Réponses : 2

Also have damage increase with dead unknown class

#23 Deck and Strategy » Pirate Ardranis » 24-04-2011 19:37:03

Réponses : 2

Not so good as a marauder I will say, but definitely good as a mage.

As a hybrid, the extra damage does help a little, and being one of the only three mage in pirate increase its value a bit.

However, pirate mage is pretty limited. If you switch off Al'Killicrew, the deck is pretty much dead if run against high spirit.

Fiery sword is a necessity in my opinion.

And as a marauder...

she shouldn't use [card]Narwhal[/card], since the low damage point is 4.. WAY too low.
and if compared with Lil Laddie, Adranis has a slightly lower overall damage.

Without cards that reduce opponent's defense like [card]Hypnotic Melody[/card], a second strike on the min attack of 4 is pretty much useless.

Well~ if the written effect apply on other characters then it is slightly better. However, it's usefulness is again limited by Narwhal, which is the "game" of pirate marauder.

Anyone actually use Adranis before??

#24 Re : Update list » Ardranis the pirate! » 24-04-2011 19:11:27

anyone got the confirmation yet?
Tho it doesn't seem to be that useful?
And the effect is limited to Adranis.

People are selling it like crazy?

#25 Bugs » Daily Quest Card » 21-04-2011 23:57:13

Réponses : 5

Cannot obtain the card, after I finish the 5 consecutive daily quest and choose the random card.

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