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#1 24-04-2011 19:37:03

Inscription : 20-03-2011
Messages : 35

Pirate Ardranis

Not so good as a marauder I will say, but definitely good as a mage.

As a hybrid, the extra damage does help a little, and being one of the only three mage in pirate increase its value a bit.

However, pirate mage is pretty limited. If you switch off Al'Killicrew, the deck is pretty much dead if run against high spirit.

Fiery sword is a necessity in my opinion.

And as a marauder...

she shouldn't use [card]Narwhal[/card], since the low damage point is 4.. WAY too low.
and if compared with Lil Laddie, Adranis has a slightly lower overall damage.

Without cards that reduce opponent's defense like [card]Hypnotic Melody[/card], a second strike on the min attack of 4 is pretty much useless.

Well~ if the written effect apply on other characters then it is slightly better. However, it's usefulness is again limited by Narwhal, which is the "game" of pirate marauder.

Anyone actually use Adranis before??

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#2 26-04-2011 03:47:47

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Pirate Ardranis

Moved to the appropriate portion of the forum. Please in future regard the different subforums and post your topics in the respective subforum dealing with those threads. smile

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#3 29-04-2011 00:23:22

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Pirate Ardranis

Yes Ardranis is only optimal unit in Mage pirate decks, in marauder it's useless.

His ability to repeat attacks is worthless and do nothing about ANY opponent.
The real relay in ardranis is use it in Even turns because his spirit rise considerably.

Ardranis lacks in the fact that she'll be a pure mage or pure marauder. Even with that this unit can cause good damage with powder spells, when equiped good weapon works similar to a witch blade.

If I had been the person that design ardranis I had put 2 final updates, one pure mage and other pure marauder.

Ardranis don't make additional attack when one of your other chapters has less life that X and his low attack value ruin the second attack ability.


The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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