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#1 Re : Bugs » Game sometimes Doesn't start, no cards are produced. » 09-01-2013 13:01:06

Happened to me too & also right now in adventure mode...
Black screen all the way, nothing happened... wasted many energy...

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 17-12-2012 20:28:41

[card]Halo of Light[/card] is kinda awesome... maybe a new lock down WB play?

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 23th 2012 : The Leaking Cask Inn » 23-05-2012 17:51:11

ow if it is card type than it is easier... but I think u need character that can chain spells and potions maybe for the 2nd mission...

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 23th 2012 : The Leaking Cask Inn » 23-05-2012 17:28:18

I manage to finish the quest without using fugu, just use Noodles and Surprise Cake...

The 2nd mission is doing the same card orders as Psalm but I got disconnected in the middle so I only can see half of his cards:
1x Fog
2x Freeze
2x Fury Potions
1x Healing Potions
1x Sitar Hero
1x Trophy that gets theurgy in the discard pile

Anyone knows the rest of the cards?

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Destiny Priests » 23-05-2012 16:27:05

Its really fun to play this deck, I got this deck too...
The combo of Presence, Wooden Language, Psychoanalisis and Smooth Talking is what Im doing right now...

Its kinda good with Blackmail in the deck...

#6 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 18th 2012 : Obective: Dimizar » 20-05-2012 06:47:23

Did the 9 points thing working? I used Hand deny deck and he got no cards in his hand when I kill the opposing character and i still get 1 points only...

#7 Bugs » Black screen on adventure... » 18-05-2012 11:28:14

Réponses : 38

This is annoying, I hope I can get my energy refunded...
I wanted to play Inferno Adventure mode and it took my energy but all I get is blank black screen and it did nothing, so I tried again restart the browser and try again to beat Inferno...
It happened again...

It happened before but not twice in a row and now I'm out of energy...

Pls fix this and refund my 46 energy...
Thx for reading

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » KotH Event Deck » 13-05-2012 11:26:26

Golemarlok is Golem, Golem can use any weapon withput restrictions

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Kotoba Deck » 09-05-2012 21:04:55

[card]Kensensei[/card] should be a good addition to this deck.

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Cards similar to Sentence » 09-05-2012 21:01:32

There is also a favor card for preventing healing but u have to spend 12 Feez on it. It is Shadow Blade for Zil...

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Runic, Runics, Runics? » 08-05-2012 20:31:21

Well I faced one Runic Priest today, its kinda slow but steady and it heals too. One thing to watch out is Sentence... Runic training looks good to put in the deck...

#12 Re : Bugs » To Track Down and Treacherous bug... » 08-05-2012 13:32:35

I see, so most people got this bug too... Its kinda annoying lucky for me it was in level room and.

#13 Bugs » To Track Down and Treacherous bug... » 07-05-2012 11:05:47

Réponses : 5

I don't know if this is a known bug or not...

Okay here goes:
Last Round (Last Characters), I got Kotori Kage and He got Brutus and I got To Track Down on Brutus since the 1st round and this is the 3rd Fight so the effect of To Track Down was active (Def = 0 and the cards that he played will be ignored)...
Well, he played Wolf Paw and Treacherous so it ignored the two cards and I kill his Brutus. The thing is the timer turns green as if I should discard my cards due to Treacherous effect and there is no button to click.
After the time ran out, it said I lost the match because I took too long to decide...

Is this a known error?

Thx for the answers...

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 25th 2012 : King Hrimnir' Tomb » 07-05-2012 08:56:15

Same here ran out of luck, didnt get him at all and I won quite a lot against him...

#15 Re : Deck and Strategy » Pirate lightning storm deck, infamous tribute » 03-05-2012 20:51:16

The new spells looks good, try putting some Electroshock in there maybe or try doyen in it...

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon Knights » 25-04-2012 10:58:34

noooo don't left out [card]Cut and Thrust[/card]... its kinda awesome to strip weapon or adds attack... big_smile

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon Knights » 24-04-2012 12:48:47

Hmm... Now the most common Dragon Knight deck I saw bring the new staff which is called [card]Pilgrim[/card]

I would say lose the [card]Life Devourer[/card] and put [card]Last Action[/card] in it but ***bip*** deck looks good...

#20 Re : Deck and Strategy » the few selection of decks that can actually compete in ELO » 11-04-2012 12:17:00

I think Nehants Hand Deny deck works like a charm against sap wilbuds deck...

#21 Re : Bugs » Black Cards... » 10-04-2012 14:46:31

Hah I see, no wonder I didn't get any points at all but this black cards thing is rather annoying...

#22 Re : Bugs » Black Cards... » 08-04-2012 18:08:58

haha... and now my weekly trophy count won't count even though i did magic damage to -13... hmmm...
Hopefully this will get fixed soon...

#23 Re : Suggestions » Lots missing card.. any idea for market? » 04-04-2012 19:23:27

Normally on cards release day like today the supply will be high, coz of many people buying boosters looking for new cards & they would also get a lot of cards from previous release (if they r buying newcomer booster). See there r so many Dozble Clay now.

#24 Re : Bugs » Black Cards... » 03-04-2012 18:03:13

They are busy inventing new OP cards instead of fixing the bugs...

#25 Bugs » Black Cards... » 03-04-2012 10:20:39

Réponses : 6

It happened for some time, especially when playing the 2nd Narhwal and the 2nd Narhwal just got passed by without activation so I cant shoot twice with the 2nd Narhwal...

I hope this got fix soon...

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