
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » More nasty shadow spells » 12-07-2011 14:34:57

@blackwaltz nice cards where did you edit this or what program?

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Unban my favorite deck? » 11-07-2011 11:07:02

i also have a discard deck and i've been waiting for almost a month now to play it again in elo room...

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Feedback and opinions on the Magus Event. » 08-07-2011 11:02:06

jackal19 a écrit :

Yeah we need a sorta calendar of events or something that can remind us or warn us of  upcoming events

i think they will not agree with this idea it's a marketing strategy plain and simple

#6 Re : Update list » The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus! » 07-07-2011 16:06:54

jackal19 a écrit :
xchong a écrit :

how many boosters do i need to buy ? if i have to buy more than 1 booster to be able to play forget it..

8-9 maybe for the wands you need 8 to get all of them and one for the main quest or three for faster completion i think

geezus! 8-9 boosters!  ..if the boosters are on sale i think ill be tempted to buy this event is not for me im saving my feez for better events

#7 Re : Update list » The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus! » 07-07-2011 15:54:33

how many boosters do i need to buy ? if i have to buy more than 1 booster to be able to play forget it..

#8 Re : Update list » The Royal Guard Trophy » 01-07-2011 07:32:23


like this if it is your turn play the char with the lowest health

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Just Bought A Trophy » 30-06-2011 19:03:36

glad to hear that now i can go to sleep without worrying thanks a lot : )

#10 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Just Bought A Trophy » 30-06-2011 17:15:34

Réponses : 2


I just bought a  trophy today "The Stormy"  an im a bit worried about the time to complete the quest 30/06/2011 is it just 1 day ?

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Card Fanners... » 29-06-2011 11:33:29

Lyquid a écrit :

I have a ZiL Discard deck in my collection. This is what I've observed running the deck...

The ZiL Discard have it's downside. It's not an automatic win. In fact, going up against Desert Nomads, the ZiL Discard may be an automatic loss. Running the deck is tricky when you're opponent's spirit is 1 or 0. There's a lot of timing involved when to use the discard cards and when to play defense.

Going up against opponent's whose attack stats get steroid-boosted like Abomination and his posse, or Shui Khan and his hoodlooms, is an uphill climb. It's very difficult matching the speed of their damage dealing.

It's not a cheap way of winning. If a ZiL Discard wins against ZiL Warriors, Trackers or Desert Nomads, the opponent had a bad opening draw or they played their cards wrong.

Wrong timing during discard is also disastrous for a ZiL discard deck.

i agree i also have a zil discard deck it's not auto win against any deck

#13 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » scheme and storm card question please help » 28-06-2011 06:08:16

Réponses : 2

scheme and storm card question please help me i could not seem to find them in the trophy store what's the name of the trophy so i could buy them

#14 Re : Bugs » Is This Possible? » 22-06-2011 18:30:44

it's a first time for me experiencing this i thought it was a bug it was his turn btw.

#15 Bugs » Is This Possible? » 22-06-2011 15:00:38

Réponses : 4


is this a bug? i was waiting for my opponent to for his move and this actually came out after

#16 Re : Bugs » No card effects » 19-06-2011 10:02:13

yay! its back the  no card effect bug

#17 Re : Bugs » I cant enter eredan itcg? please help.. » 17-06-2011 06:57:27

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User eredan_itcg already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/eredan/common/class.db.php on line 63
db :: Veuillez ressayer dans quelques secondes.


#19 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » PLease!! Fix the Market place!! » 04-06-2011 04:36:20

yeah same problem here market place always freezes you need to refresh a couple of times everytime you browse and buy cards.

#20 Re : Update list » The Special Man Hunt! » 01-06-2011 15:11:34

how many keys do i need to participate in the event?

#21 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » its ishbal the avatar guy » 24-05-2011 15:41:12

Réponses : 18

wow a rare chance to play with the avatar winner ishbal i was lucky that i run into him at level up room good game sir ishbal : )


#22 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Post your pics of incredible victories/defeats and funny moments :) » 23-05-2011 13:13:43

Lol 1st time win against a deck with   ishaia  in it and the opposing player quits sad



#23 Bugs » Game Freezes » 22-05-2011 05:35:49

Réponses : 0

my first time joining the tournament room when i was about to win then the game suddenly freezes i decided to wait for about 15 minutes but still nothing happen so i decided to quit  and join another game it freezes again  my elooo points T_T 1500 - 1485 here's the pic of my two games.


2nd game freezes again : (


#24 Re : Bugs » Server lagging badly! » 22-05-2011 05:33:00

yeah mine too my first time joining the tournament room when i was about to win then the game suddenly freezes i decided to wait for about 15 minutes but still nothing happen so i decided to quit  and join another game it freezes again  my elooo points T_T 1500 - 1485 here's the pic of my two games.


2nd game freezes again : (


#25 Bugs » Cant Log-in » 21-05-2011 08:19:52

Réponses : 5

is server down?  can't log- in

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