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#1 03-06-2011 19:38:07

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 25-05-2011
Messages : 13

PLease!! Fix the Market place!!

Hi guys, i signed up one week ago.
i found the game great but....i am in big troubles with market place!
it is ALWAYS "freezed" and i cannot buy cards!!
it is not possible to play, gain krystals and cannot spend them because marketplace doenst work correctly.
anyone please keep an eye on that problem
Thank You

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#2 03-06-2011 20:32:52

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : PLease!! Fix the Market place!!

yeah the market has some problems but if you wait like 5 seconds it will go back to normal, the key is to know what you are looking for and buy it quikly!

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#3 03-06-2011 20:48:49

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : PLease!! Fix the Market place!!

I think it's trying to constantly update itself in realtime. Mind you its better than it was with the pictures there.

Not the most efficient manner, but it works I guess. The stress is evident on the system, but it will correct itself after a few moments of refreshing.

Probably would runa  heckuva lot smoother if it only refreshed on player's command.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#4 03-06-2011 20:59:01

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 25-05-2011
Messages : 13

Re : PLease!! Fix the Market place!!

Rathedan a écrit :

Probably would runa  heckuva lot smoother if it only refreshed on player's command.

That's seems a good idea...however it is still "freezed" again sad

Dernière modification par JackZparrow (03-06-2011 20:59:31)

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#5 04-06-2011 04:36:20

Inscription : 12-05-2011
Messages : 33

Re : PLease!! Fix the Market place!!

yeah same problem here market place always freezes you need to refresh a couple of times everytime you browse and buy cards.

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