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#1 07-07-2011 15:15:56

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Does this name ring a bell? The Proelior Magus was a Tournament organized by the Compendium at the heart of the Noz'Dingard city. Today, the Compendium invites the bravest warriors to take part in this brand new challenge. Confront each other and switch between camps to progress! Two camps confronting each other to the death: "Anti Mage" Vs 'Sorcerer". Rewards involve new Item cards!

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Malefliction, the incredible spell.

Mages do have a sense of humor... Bold statement do you say? Well did you know that the highest members of the Compendium have created a very powerful yet hilarious spell (depends on your point of view): Malefliction. The particularity of this spell is that it can be cast by anyone and any class in the game! Picture Okooni casting a spell!


Malefliction (and its four upgrades). Collector. Mental Spell. The opposing character has Sprit= 0 and if he is carrying one or several Proelior Magus wands, they will discard. If, the moment this card is played, the opposing character's appearance has been modified by a Proelior Magus Wand, he has Attack -3 and suffers 3 magic damage.

This card upgrades to the Proelior Magus Wand : Accio Pisces or Avi Nocturni or Amphibillicus or Pocinatum majorex.

Malefliction is available in all boosters!

New Trophies + Proelior Magus Trophies

Until Wednesday the 13th of july, 12.00 (french time), take part in the challenge of the Proelior Magus through the 10 new Trophies:

5 « Anti Mage » trophies: Play the "Malefliction" card against characters carrying one of the Proelio Magus wands. You will win the Crystal Stone.
Crystal Stone: Collector, Item Jewel, Unique. Spirit +4. Spirit +4. At the end of the fight, this card discards. Non-multi Class Mage: Chain Spell.

5 « Sorcerer » trophies: Play the "Malefliction" card on your characters carrying one of the Proelior Magus wands. You will win the Illusory Cloak.
Illusory Cloak: Collector, Item Clothing, Unique. Your character takes on the appearance of an opposing character determined at random. Each time that your character suffers damage, the character whose appearance you are imitating loses 2 Health points.

Once you've completed these two sets of trophies (all chain related trophies included), you will win the "Grand Sorcerer's Trophy" and the "Grand Sorcerer's Wand".
The Grand Socerer's Wand: Collector, Item Staff, Unique. The opposing character takes on the appearance of a cuddly toy. As long as he keeps this appearance, he suffers 1 direct damage at the start of each Turn, your character will also gain Attack +1 each time that the opposing character suffers damage. This card becomes a Pet. Activates immediately.

Note that during this event, the group of Proelior Magus trophies (transform opposing characters via wands) has been reactivated. You can now complete them and win the Felys Wand.

The Challenge of the Proelior Magus - Lottery.

When the event ends, a random draw will be organized amongst those of you who have Lottery tickets (several tickets will give you more chances!):
First: 15000 Fee'z
Second: 5000 Fee'z
Third: 2000 Fee'z
4th to 40th: 2 premium boosters.

You will win tickets by winning the Challenge of the Proelior Magus trophies (starting from the second trophy of each camp).

PS: This event does not replace the weekly event that will take place tomorrow.

Have fun!
Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
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Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#2 07-07-2011 15:17:53

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

hmmm, I smell harry potter smile. Coincidence?

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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#3 07-07-2011 15:18:50

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Right on time for deathly hollows part two lol the cards are so hary potterish and malefication is expelliarmus also the items you can get are all the three deathly hollows awesome but to bad this is another milking thing again  let the complains begin  especially that certain someone again -_-

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#4 07-07-2011 15:18:54

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-05-2011
Messages : 145

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

I just bought a basic booster but there was no Malefliction included.
Is this a bug?

Thorn between light and darkness.

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#5 07-07-2011 15:21:06

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

I'm glad you posted that little note at the bottom let alleviated my fears. These mage tournaments are ridiculous. The only way to get any of the trophies is to buy boosters. Of course a lot of people just arent ever going to be able to afford them. So we have to sit idly by and just watch all opposing players show off these fancy cards. It gets a little old. Im glad we still have the weekly event to look forward to otherwise I wouldnt have played at all this week.

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#6 07-07-2011 15:28:57

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 04-04-2011
Messages : 3 275

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Admin edit.

Having an opinion is fine but openly criticizing Feerik, worst, insulting them is out of order, especially for a mod.


Dernière modification par Reycom (07-07-2011 15:29:19)

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#7 07-07-2011 15:33:55

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-05-2011
Messages : 145

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

DaRkStAr666 a écrit :
Xervos a écrit :

I just bought a basic booster but there was no Malefliction included.
Is this a bug?

in the basic booser there is a 1/3 chance

Mmmhhh... I think there were no warning/guide about that. The only thing they say is that Malefliction is included in all booster.

Thorn between light and darkness.

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#8 07-07-2011 15:34:48

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Im glad someone actually agrees with me for a change. And a Moderator no less. Maybe that will get the other players off my back about me voicing my opinion.

Edit Admin: you can voice your opinion but that doesn't mean you should encourage disrespect.

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#9 07-07-2011 15:37:42

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

DaRkStAr666 a écrit :
Xervos a écrit :

I just bought a basic booster but there was no Malefliction included.
Is this a bug?

in the basic booser there is a 1/3 chance

what now that's over the edge literally i cant buy 11 premiums that's irritating man what if i buy a 4 pack i may get none now that's irritating

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#10 07-07-2011 15:39:47

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Reycom a écrit :

It's stupid , in the old events you didn't need to buy boosters to finish the tropheys , now you MUST do it or you can't.....
[card]Burn in hell[/card] Feerik ......

False, this is not the weekly event, it will be released tomorrow.

There was others events with this type of things, Saint Valentine, you need to buy trophies, Saint Patrick, you need to buy boosters, before that, Christmas tournament or Halloween tournament or Praelior Magius (first edition) in Thanksgiving.
All of these you need to buy boosters.

This is recurrent, no need to be in that mood.

Every month you have a paying event, you know it, nothing will change this.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#11 07-07-2011 15:41:21

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 04-04-2011
Messages : 3 275

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

DaRkStAr666 a écrit :
Reycom a écrit :

It's stupid , in the old events you didn't need to buy boosters to finish the tropheys , now you MUST do it or you can't.....
[card]Burn in hell[/card] Feerik ......

yeah it sucks.

"PS: This event does not replace the weekly event that will take place tomorrow."

so? that's not the point , the weekly event there is every week for the card of the week ( that will be put on the market later ).
I'll not buy fee'z for this "mage" event , it's just ridiculous.

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#12 07-07-2011 15:42:11

Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 26

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

one word. Opportunist.

we know you here to make money. but please don't disturb us "not have that much to spend" player with the "u have to pay to compete better HERO"

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#13 07-07-2011 15:48:16

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 04-04-2011
Messages : 3 275

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Zurga a écrit :
Reycom a écrit :

It's stupid , in the old events you didn't need to buy boosters to finish the tropheys , now you MUST do it or you can't.....
[card]Burn in hell[/card] Feerik ......

False, this is not the weekly event, it will be released tomorrow.

There was others events with this type of things, Saint Valentine, you need to buy trophies, Saint Patrick, you need to buy boosters, before that, Christmas tournament or Halloween tournament or Praelior Magius (first edition) in Thanksgiving.
All of these you need to buy boosters.

This is recurrent, no need to be in that mood.

Every month you have a paying event, you know it, nothing will change this.

In the Egg hunt of april you didn't need to buy boosters , same in the Man hunt last month.
I'm mad with Feerik cause this game have great potential but this thing ( and other things ) are .... stupid?
I don't understand why ......
To explain myself , i'm not a troll so don't think about that , i'm just angry .....
They won't have my money this time , people can do what they want but i think this time Feerik failed ( a lot ) .......
I play this game since march ( so i don't have free fee'z .... yuppie ) , sorry if i didn't know about old events ....

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#14 07-07-2011 15:53:30

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Reycom a écrit :

In the Egg hunt of april you didn't need to buy boosters , same in the Man hunt last month.

Yes theses two doesn't need to Feez.
Please, verify that you have old trophies of Praelor Magius (Thanksgiving ones), they allow to gain wands.
With some thinking, you do not need to spend so much in boosters.

I do not like when an event is only paying one, but it is the case on this game from day one.
I admit that and stay.
You can do the event and pay or leave it, it is your choice.

Dernière modification par Zurga (07-07-2011 15:54:52)

Collectionneur de cartes

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#15 07-07-2011 15:54:33

Inscription : 12-05-2011
Messages : 33

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

how many boosters do i need to buy ? if i have to buy more than 1 booster to be able to play forget it..

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#16 07-07-2011 15:57:04

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

xchong a écrit :

how many boosters do i need to buy ? if i have to buy more than 1 booster to be able to play forget it..

8-9 maybe for the wands you need 8 to get all of them and one for the main quest or three for faster completion i think

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#17 07-07-2011 15:58:40

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 10-05-2011
Messages : 145

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Also the cards can't be put in the market! /heh

Eu acredito no coração das cartas!

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#18 07-07-2011 16:00:31

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Rorynn a écrit :

Also the cards can't be put in the market! /heh

yeah trash cards again at least it will help with my trophy colections at least they could have do a discount for this event than it would be fine a bit

Dernière modification par jackal19 (07-07-2011 16:02:45)

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#19 07-07-2011 16:04:05

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 04-04-2011
Messages : 3 275

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Zurga a écrit :
Reycom a écrit :

In the Egg hunt of april you didn't need to buy boosters , same in the Man hunt last month.

Yes theses two doesn't need to Feez.
Please, verify that you have old trophies of Praelor Magius (Thanksgiving ones), they allow to gain wands.
With some thinking, you do not need to spend so much in boosters.

I do not like when an event is only paying one, but it is the case on this game from day one.
I admit that and stay.
You can do the event and pay or leave it, it is your choice.

I know Zurga , i'm not angry with you ....
The point isn't that i don't need to buy too much boosters , but that i need to buy to do this event ......
I didn't expect this from Feerik ....
Zurga i'm italian so i don't think i have these tropheis.
However , thanks to be tolerant and calm to answer me , i'm glad also you think in my same way.

Dernière modification par Reycom (07-07-2011 16:04:49)

Partecipate alla chat italiana di Eredan ITCG!!!

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#20 07-07-2011 16:04:14

Modérateur Eredan
Lieu : Aussieland
Inscription : 06-04-2011
Messages : 1 612

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Now I know why the market is opened only for 3 weeks.
That's not against multiaccounts, but only for moneys.
Isn't this right?

Oh, if you want I can present to you a few businessmans: this game is only a factory, or am I wrong?

No problem, this event could make happy some players and could make angry so much!

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#21 07-07-2011 16:06:54

Inscription : 12-05-2011
Messages : 33

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

jackal19 a écrit :
xchong a écrit :

how many boosters do i need to buy ? if i have to buy more than 1 booster to be able to play forget it..

8-9 maybe for the wands you need 8 to get all of them and one for the main quest or three for faster completion i think

geezus! 8-9 boosters!  ..if the boosters are on sale i think ill be tempted to buy this event is not for me im saving my feez for better events

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#22 07-07-2011 16:09:16

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

xchong a écrit :
jackal19 a écrit :
xchong a écrit :

how many boosters do i need to buy ? if i have to buy more than 1 booster to be able to play forget it..

8-9 maybe for the wands you need 8 to get all of them and one for the main quest or three for faster completion i think

geezus! 8-9 boosters!  ..if the boosters are on sale i think ill be tempted to buy this event is not for me im saving my feez for better events

yeah i'm thinking that too since i was planning on 4 packs until that 1/3 thing i may not join in if they did a discount then i may buy -_-

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#23 07-07-2011 16:21:20

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Reycom a écrit :

Zurga i'm italian so i don't think i have these tropheis.

Dantesan a écrit :

Note that during this event, the group of Proelior Magus trophies (transform opposing characters via wands) has been reactivated. You can now complete them and win the Felys Wand.

You can have them wink

Collectionneur de cartes

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#24 07-07-2011 16:24:22

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

This event has just screamed. "The Epic Fail of Feerik" Firstly as someone said earlier it is nothing but a milking of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" and secondly, a lot of people are barely making it as is so instead of making it easier to buy those cards in boosters. They make it harder, where you have to buy the full price boosters for a guaranteed card. 1/3 chance for it in the half price booster just is their way of saying "We do not care. We just want your money in the worst way possible." Now, I've never been able to play any event where they hide the cards you need in the boosters only. Since that is obviously catered directly towards their cash cows. This event has done nothing but upset a lot of faithful players. Releasing such a costly event right after a release day? They aren't even trying to hide their greed anymore.

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#25 07-07-2011 16:33:54

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : The Epic challenge of the Proelior Magus!

Hello all,

This topic is full of angst and negativity + insullting/bashing or even pointing fingers won't solve anything.

If you have some constructive feedback on this particular event (positive or negative) , I suggest you create a thread in the "Conversation forum".

I will not tolerate trolling nor the easy bashing.

By all means, express yourselves but in a civilized manner please.

Topic closed.

Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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