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#1 29-06-2011 00:48:29

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 12

Card Fanners...

A "card fanner" is my name for a player whose deck is built to "fan away" the cards of the other players deck, so as to win by their opponent not having enough cards.

Quite frankly, I hate players that use this technique. It's cheap and shows cowardice. And no, I'm not upset by these types of players because I keep losing against them, as I have beaten them before. However, instead of relying on luck to beat a Card Fanner, does anyone have any strategies to use against them that doesn't include stuffing my deck full of "Reuse Discard Pile" cards?

Discard deck users are cowards.

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#2 29-06-2011 01:08:28

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-06-2011
Messages : 347

Re : Card Fanners...

Unfortunately gaming in high tier situation without ANS or at least a few moneyed is  gonna result in tears on a few occasions. Zill discard decks can be beaten fairly easily with your standard low spirit  beatdown deck. Nehants holding deck is tough...high dam low spirit is generally your best bet there too. It's a double edged sword i'm afraid. You have to build an 'all round' deck that gives the best chance of beaten decks you meet most often.

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#3 29-06-2011 01:54:30

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 455

Re : Card Fanners...

There are several threads already made about this topic...

Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken

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#4 29-06-2011 04:43:28

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : Card Fanners...

'Card Fanner?'  I always heard they were 'Mill' decks, which actually came from Magic: The Gathering from a card that took cards from the top of the opponents deck, which was Millstone.  Hence 'Mill.'

I don't think it shows cowardice, it shows a want to win.  It's foolish to expect this sort of 'Honor of the Sword' thing you seem to be going for, I.E "If they don't deal damage it says they're a coward."  Winning is winning, whether you kill all of the opposing characters or kill your opponents deck. 

It's not even terribly difficult to beat them, either.  Just like any match-up, luck helps.  Moneyed isn't an expensive card, and it's a cheap alternative to A New Start, which not many can afford with it's steep price-tag.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#5 29-06-2011 07:08:10

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Card Fanners...

I have a ZiL Discard deck in my collection. This is what I've observed running the deck...

The ZiL Discard have it's downside. It's not an automatic win. In fact, going up against Desert Nomads, the ZiL Discard may be an automatic loss. Running the deck is tricky when you're opponent's spirit is 1 or 0. There's a lot of timing involved when to use the discard cards and when to play defense.

Going up against opponent's whose attack stats get steroid-boosted like Abomination and his posse, or Shui Khan and his hoodlooms, is an uphill climb. It's very difficult matching the speed of their damage dealing.

It's not a cheap way of winning. If a ZiL Discard wins against ZiL Warriors, Trackers or Desert Nomads, the opponent had a bad opening draw or they played their cards wrong.

Wrong timing during discard is also disastrous for a ZiL discard deck.

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#6 29-06-2011 11:33:29

Inscription : 12-05-2011
Messages : 33

Re : Card Fanners...

Lyquid a écrit :

I have a ZiL Discard deck in my collection. This is what I've observed running the deck...

The ZiL Discard have it's downside. It's not an automatic win. In fact, going up against Desert Nomads, the ZiL Discard may be an automatic loss. Running the deck is tricky when you're opponent's spirit is 1 or 0. There's a lot of timing involved when to use the discard cards and when to play defense.

Going up against opponent's whose attack stats get steroid-boosted like Abomination and his posse, or Shui Khan and his hoodlooms, is an uphill climb. It's very difficult matching the speed of their damage dealing.

It's not a cheap way of winning. If a ZiL Discard wins against ZiL Warriors, Trackers or Desert Nomads, the opponent had a bad opening draw or they played their cards wrong.

Wrong timing during discard is also disastrous for a ZiL discard deck.

i agree i also have a zil discard deck it's not auto win against any deck

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