
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » January 24th: The Althing » 26-01-2013 13:40:48

Well, seeing Althing in action makes me so sad... ;_;
Why they had to create a card that so clearly change flow of game to brickwall?
Even Scragh and Ex-Ourenos is nothing compared with this card. *sigh*
Design flaws is such a nuisance...
Quitting seems more than an option after this sort of "creativity". *sadface*

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » January 24th: The Althing » 24-01-2013 17:31:33

Impressions about event aside old Hrimnir and berserker items.


Everything obtainable.
Nice unique action card.
Interesting and powerful hero.
Card prizes at event missions - I've had seen only commons so far, but even commons alright when there has been none in the past.


Another dumb grind with some chance at luck on missions, and luck need to be high enough, even 15% is frustrating. Two wins of 30 Amethysts a day or so. Would have been better if missions accumulated score consistently, let's say for 3 wins - 30 Amethysts.
Althing is broken. It grants utmost immortality, if some end-of-fight damaging effects cards haven't been used by opponent.

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Upgrading characters that require specific cards » 19-01-2013 01:06:55

ioxygen a écrit :

about the putting the cards into deck to avoid merging, can that be confirmed?

Game doesn't care if card that needed for merging is in deck or out. It can choose any of them. Only placing card on sale can lock it out from merging.

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Can´t this Legend Be updated? » 11-01-2013 05:05:43

Chain would've been good on that one.
And maybe some effect like "card has a 1 in 2 chance to be discarded" not just "discarded", for more continuous protection.

#6 Re : Bugs » Game sometimes Doesn't start, no cards are produced. » 09-01-2013 08:39:32

And another wasted round of energy, game unplayable with this bug.

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Adventure mode: easist boss to farm » 07-01-2013 11:53:00

Ursend guild boss give better rewards than Thread of Time.
But your discard deck need to be good enough.

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Adventure Rewards » 05-01-2013 22:32:55

Eclipse marauders using [card]Burning soul[/card] have a good win rate over him, especially when you got [card]Time to die[/card] to chain it to.
For some protection you may use [card]Basking in the sun[/card].

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » December 27th: Guild meeting! » 27-12-2012 19:25:34

Many thanks to Feerik for this trophy!
It can be achieved pretty easy - feels like another Christmas gift.

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » December 24th: Our goals for the beginning of 2013 » 24-12-2012 16:59:34

+1, from my own little community against tedious and useless micromanagement.

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Advent Calendar » 24-12-2012 05:44:43

Woot! I've got [card]Lady Yilith[/card]!
Nice present, Christmas style.
Thx Feerik! smile

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » December 20th: Last Tournament before the End of the World » 20-12-2012 21:09:35

You're absolutely right. No way they can withstand their damage.
Bad match-up. Just don't play any cards.

#13 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » December 20th: Last Tournament before the End of the World » 20-12-2012 19:02:44

ijklim a écrit :

Is discarded card counted as played and removed from Deck? Hope not

It doesn't count.
But. Playing card from Discard counts. And sux.
Somehow this event feels like a big stupide. Can't shake off this feeling.
Not much of entertainment. Maybe Cataclysm time isn't so much of entertainment anyway.

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Fairplay Incentive v3.0 » 15-12-2012 15:05:31

+1, Nurvus.
Nice rewarding system, square and simple.
Mostly adventuring players will be tempted to play on ELO and standard playroom.

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » December 13th: Wrack! » 13-12-2012 21:40:38

Most frustrating event.
If you actively trying to participate and achieve points in it, you victimize yourself and in most cases get defeated in the process.
But opponent get points not doing anything toward the goal.

Well, at least trophy card is interesting.

#16 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 29th: Wake The Guardian of the Council Up! » 30-11-2012 10:47:05

Damncaster a écrit :

Noz - I hate the noz so i think i won´t ever finish this one since all the noz cards i have are from adventure and i don´t play them but u can try Boomzar.

Marzhin deck helps.

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 30th: The Night of the Witches » 01-11-2012 21:37:13

Nurvus a écrit :

Feerik should let players progress in multiple trophies simultaneously, instead of making us pick 1 by 1 in a retarded grind.

Even three or in bad case two simultaneous missions will be of much help... but only one is soo frustrating.

But all this said and done many times before...  nothing changes.
Grindfest continues.

#18 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » This is it ! » 31-10-2012 18:19:08

Good luck in all you'll do next, Sapphon!
You've been good CM!

#19 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 19th: Closure! » 19-10-2012 16:09:36

Zurga a écrit :

they have detected some disturbance in the magic power.

Forest Jedi?!
They've sensed disturbance in the Force!

Thanks for summary, Zurga! smile

#20 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 26th 2012: A new equinox... » 05-10-2012 12:43:33

She want to look like a Captain America but in Eredan shields aren't weapons.

#21 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 26th 2012: A new equinox... » 05-10-2012 11:25:20

Coranthia is... complete nuts. %)
She healed me and put Runic shield on me.
Don't know she's fighting or trolling? big_smile
If she properly used rune generation or generated them by self, she maybe would've been more stronger and interesting.

By the way, [card]Wanted[/card] turn her into easy target for anyone.

#22 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 26th 2012: A new equinox... » 04-10-2012 11:35:13

Eclipse Maradeurs with [card]Dissidence[/card] and [card]Burning Soul[/card] totally toast Nehant guy.

#23 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 26th 2012: A new equinox... » 30-09-2012 13:19:50

Queen can win over him, and of course don't forget to take Gold Medal into a fight.

#24 Re : Suggestions » 3 in 1 Character » 29-09-2012 13:53:03

There is another one.

Name: OPilkim the Humble Guy in Glasses
Guild: Noz'Dingard
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Spirit: 7
Attack: 1/2
Defense: 0
Health: 3
Can't play cards.
Always starts a game first.
Can play any spell.
Spirit +1 for every spell he plays.
At start of fight, plays every spell one after another from Deck, targetting random opponent character if spell is offensive. At end of fight, any spell he played returns from Discard pile to Deck.

Quote: Rain Death like True NozzBlaster!

#25 Re : Suggestions » Adventure Mode » 21-09-2012 12:43:29

Good suggestion, and not that hard to implement I think. *thumbs up*

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