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#101 10-06-2012 04:04:46

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
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Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Nurvus a écrit :

Wow, are you eating icecreams with your forehead, or something? smile


Yumy smile

Well, i agreed that make it useless is too brute... But well, if it at least get "playable" i think that its okay smile

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

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#102 10-06-2012 04:54:57

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : New York City
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 304
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Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

soulst3al3r a écrit :
Nurvus a écrit :

kilcosu, soulst3al3r, etc...

Why the hell are you discussing your losses when you don't even know what the hell the changes are going to be?

You look like a bunch of old hags discussing how the sky is falling.

lol dont give a rat's ass about what you think...As I've said before there is no way they're gonna make wild buds better. Just because you're not affected by this doesnt mean you can berate me for complaining about the potential changes. It's my right to voice my opinion. So just shut the f*** up b***h an just go back and suggest more stupid shit in the suggestions board cuz that is what you are good at.

Hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Tell em bro, I agree 100% I just lost 200k seling my ecstasys off, so I feel your pain, btw if this nerf doesn't affect you, stay the f*^& out this room! plain and simple!

Yesterday Was History,
Tomorrow Is A Mystery,
Today Is A Gift,
That's Why It's Called The Present!

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#103 10-06-2012 04:56:09

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : New York City
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 304
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Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Damncaster a écrit :
Poptolev a écrit :

Honestly I am for nerfing ... a lot of it. I personally own a wild buds deck.
There is just one thing, one little tiny thing I dont get.
They nerf almost everything except ... Noz ? And Noz is THE most broken thing out there as far as I am concerned. It just seems like a dumb move.

The day they nerf Noz mages will be the happiest day of the entire Eredan history


Yesterday Was History,
Tomorrow Is A Mystery,
Today Is A Gift,
That's Why It's Called The Present!

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#104 10-06-2012 04:56:47

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

All nerfs affect me.
I don't like to play with unviable decks.
But I don't like to play against unviable decks either.

Nothing indicates any of the cards involved in the changes will become unviable.

You're still talking about nerfs that haven't happened yet.

How paranoid can you get?

Dernière modification par Nurvus (10-06-2012 04:57:45)

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#105 10-06-2012 05:11:52

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
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Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Nurvus a écrit :

All nerfs affect me.
I don't like to play with unviable decks.
But I don't like to play against unviable decks either.

Nothing indicates any of the cards involved in the changes will become unviable.

You're still talking about nerfs that haven't happened yet.

How paranoid can you get?

Do you think that they gonna make Ecstsy more OP? come on >.<

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#106 10-06-2012 06:57:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-05-2012
Messages : 242

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

How much you want to bet that all they're doing for the cursed cards is making them activate right away? It's a pump but I'd like something more interesting.

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#107 10-06-2012 07:03:26

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Ellias a écrit :

How much you want to bet that all they're doing for the cursed cards is making them activate right away? It's a pump but I'd like something more interesting.

I want to see what they make to those cheap cards

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#108 10-06-2012 08:41:40

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 04-12-2011
Messages : 341

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Ellias a écrit :

How much you want to bet that all they're doing for the cursed cards is making them activate right away? It's a pump but I'd like something more interesting.

I was thinking they might make them Nehantic also.

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#109 10-06-2012 11:23:14

Inscription : 02-07-2011
Messages : 760

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Nurvus a écrit :

But worse than changing and failing - wich can be perfected - is not changing at all and just keeping cards Banned...

That´s what they did to extasys and itshould be liek that forever instead of changing it, it should be like that for EVERY SINGLE CARD, me personally didn´t see the old Avatar as OP, i gave him a couple of slaps before he got nerfed, living nature... for god sake i loved that card but it was countered in many different ways, wild buds -.- i haven´t use the card yet but jisas why nerf something that just makes a guild competitive?? I´ll keep sayin just use this chance to change scragh too.
This changes are all about WEAK players that don´t stand a chanc against these decks but let´s be honest is the amnezy tournament a tounament for all or just for the best? Actually ithink it´s for the best because we can´be weak and expect to win a tournament.Tournaments must be like this, sometimes we are lucky sometimes we find a badass opponent. And what about the future? Now hey call this OP but someday they´ll be worse than s*** then whant? players will as to change them again as they were?

Dernière modification par Damncaster (10-06-2012 11:27:59)

No good... No evil... Just a Judge

It´s all about Mastery!

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#110 10-06-2012 12:04:55

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-05-2011
Messages : 145

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

sMuuth a écrit :
Ellias a écrit :

How much you want to bet that all they're doing for the cursed cards is making them activate right away? It's a pump but I'd like something more interesting.

I want to see what they make to those cheap cards

Maybe they'll make it so you can upgrade them to be a cursed character, like the Thunder King set.

Thorn between light and darkness.

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#111 10-06-2012 12:13:12

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Lol well I have 3 copies each of the 2 cursed items that will change ( I hope they do become activate immediately). I also notice that they disappeared from the market conveniently. I'd put my extra ones on the market to help people who want them but alas... THERE ALL UNSALABLE LMAO!!

Dernière modification par kilcosu (10-06-2012 12:14:49)

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#112 10-06-2012 12:23:05

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

not to worry about those curse items they so many in adventure mode

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#113 10-06-2012 12:28:00

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

hotfoot a écrit :
Ellias a écrit :

How much you want to bet that all they're doing for the cursed cards is making them activate right away? It's a pump but I'd like something more interesting.

I was thinking they might make them Nehantic also.

why wouldn't you just use [card]Cursed black armor[/card] then? lol

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#114 10-06-2012 13:46:02

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

I don't get it.

Back in my day, when something like this was announced, we waited before pissing and moaning. Sure, there were speculations about things but that's all they were. Most of the cards they mentioned...probably not gonna make them better, no. Nerf them to the ground? Hopefully not. But from the butthurt emanating from the posts here is off the charts. Waiting is good. Maybe the “modifications” won't be as bad as you think. But acting as if the world is ending when the final verdict hasn't even been cast is just plain silly. And dumb.

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#115 10-06-2012 15:18:30

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Xervos a écrit :
sMuuth a écrit :
Ellias a écrit :

How much you want to bet that all they're doing for the cursed cards is making them activate right away? It's a pump but I'd like something more interesting.

I want to see what they make to those cheap cards

Maybe they'll make it so you can upgrade them to be a cursed character, like the Thunder King set.

I like your prediction
Maybe they will release Yses next week.
but the card used to improvement never said to be modificated
like regeneration.suddenly needed to upgrade new character fe'y and make lack of it on the market

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#116 10-06-2012 15:22:09

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Oh come on, Damncaster, the Avatar and Living Nature+ (Warrior) Kei'Zan was retardedly OP...

Having a counter against them in your deck didn't do much...
Only specific decks or decks with specific cards were a match - that's OP.

However, the nerfs both cards got were also retarded.

Living Nature should've been changed to a Great Spell as I suggest in this thread:

Dernière modification par Nurvus (10-06-2012 15:23:29)

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#117 10-06-2012 18:07:56

Lieu : São Paulo
Inscription : 26-12-2011
Messages : 1 434
Site Web

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

we should have at least a chance to vote, something like, dilemma is a letter that makes a single deck competitive mercenary in the middle of hungry wolves of the link, and now they will probably nerfar, I think it ta very ugly.

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#118 10-06-2012 20:02:46

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Gallant a écrit :

we should have at least a chance to vote, something like, dilemma is a letter that makes a single deck competitive mercenary in the middle of hungry wolves of the link, and now they will probably nerfar, I think it ta very ugly.

Well, they made this modification to day 20, becuz they know that not everyone would like of it, so, they'r colecting some info for now... smile

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#119 10-06-2012 22:14:35

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-04-2012
Messages : 164

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

i think they give us this warning to cause a panic to have a little control of the market on said cards

not to be disrepectful but this shows they know how we think

Dernière modification par vampiricshaman (10-06-2012 22:17:28)

their will come a day when the Katoba return to being a threat to all other guilds. I await that day.

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#120 10-06-2012 22:27:11

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-01-2012
Messages : 212

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

Stormholt a écrit :
Gallant a écrit :

we should have at least a chance to vote, something like, dilemma is a letter that makes a single deck competitive mercenary in the middle of hungry wolves of the link, and now they will probably nerfar, I think it ta very ugly.

Well, they made this modification to day 20, becuz they know that not everyone would like of it, so, they'r colecting some info for now... smile

Its more of a buffer to allow people to sell their cards.
If its a Nerf then Ecstasy will be worthless compared to the price now.

I have encountered a lot more Ecstasy users in the past few days.

Pirates and Temple Guardian.

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#121 10-06-2012 22:54:42

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

vampiricshaman a écrit :

i think they give us this warning to cause a panic to have a little control of the market on said cards

not to be disrepectful but this shows they know how we think

I'm not selling anything until I know what is going to happen. I might have spoke like "an old hag" and acted like "the sky is falling" as nurvus so trollishly put it but I also gave a detailed explanation about why I was upset, which apparently no one respects on forums

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#122 10-06-2012 23:42:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-04-2012
Messages : 164

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

I was not pointing at anyone who was panicing i meant people in general and not just those who have complained on the forums. but I am sorry if you feel i was attacking you or the others who have complained about the changes to certain cards.

but you have knowlege to wait to see what will happen and I applaud that

Dernière modification par vampiricshaman (11-06-2012 00:33:42)

their will come a day when the Katoba return to being a threat to all other guilds. I await that day.

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#123 11-06-2012 07:55:52

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-11-2010
Messages : 111

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

codalafin a écrit :

I am very upset about the English promotion's wording.
This should be fixed asap and those XP cards should be there! It's not fair that we English people were scammed by the game.


Seriously, that's not something that just falls through translation like the difference between 30% on all BOOSTERS vs 30% on all PRODUCTS. I can see that, and then the obvious check the market "Oh hey, only the boosters are on sale, nothing else is marked down" clears it right up. But the XP cards...that's...a whole sentence? A bonus concept? Where does that even come in? Who was misinformed and didn't fix it?

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#124 11-06-2012 11:51:39

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

In my opinion there was a lousy copy / paste in making the announce ingame.

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#125 11-06-2012 12:15:38

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications

vampiricshaman a écrit :

I was not pointing at anyone who was panicing i meant people in general and not just those who have complained on the forums. but I am sorry if you feel i was attacking you or the others who have complained about the changes to certain cards.

but you have knowlege to wait to see what will happen and I applaud that

lol that definetly wasn't pointed toward you with that last comment. your quote was just used because I gave my opinion on the whole "selling cards" thing. I haven't ever really been attacked on this forum. just trolled, which I can't be a hypocrite over so it's meh

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