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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
@Squamation and Patrik, the first post isn't really long at all.
In it, I wrote this:Nurvus a écrit :Example:
True Damage would trigger [card]Hit for Hit[/card], [card]Rage[/card] or [card]Icy Aura[/card].
Life Loss does not.Not wanting to be rude, you could be less dense.
Dude, saying that you don't want to be rude doesnt make something rude you say less rude. You try your best to be innovative and smart, sometimes you do better and sometimes.. not so good. Not to rain on your little "vs. the world parade", but, maybe, just maybe this idea ain't that good.
You want to add another dmg wording that interacts with like 10 cards.
Eredan doesnt need a steeper learning curve. It needs better balance. Even if your idea is technically good it fails to keep the game simple.
More rule triggers makes the game harder to balance.
I simply don't see that the gains from a new dmg type is worth the hassle. It's simply not a good idea.
Edit moderation : Please keep the rude words out of the thread.
Edit for Zurga: Really? Was it that I said that he shouldn't be rude to me? Or that his idea was bad, or perhaps that he fails at being smart and innovative here?
Or was your moderation perhaps intended for Nervus who said I could be "less dense"? As in less stupid.
First: Yes I'm Necro'ing this thread, but just after a few weeks, and I figured this is better than spamming a semi unique deck style. This deck likes some of the new trophies like Artrizils Shadow, but I found older cards that came out before I had any sort of card base (or money) to even attempt to go after Trophies like I do now.
Cards like [card]Suggested Itinerary[/card], [card]Kiss the Fairy[/card]?, [card]Free the Shadow[/card], [card]Mutiny[/card], etc. This deck gets better and better the longer you have played this game.
Yeah, I'm all for necroing this thread. CAPTUSA needs to be reminded. Though I don't see how [card]Free The Shadow[/card] is useful in this deck.
the point of my posts are to point out the obvious imbalanced nature of new released cards. I can guarantee that you either 1) do not play ELO or gotten to 1800+ or 2) play the new releases.
Shouldnt that be: 1) do not play ELO, 2) havent gotten to 1800+ or 3) play the new releases?
Okey... Why?
We have Direct damage, Life loss, Physical damage and Magical damage. What new strategy will come from True damage? Other then a new confusing trigger word.
Nah, Eredan would be better off without the powercreeping and instead exploring optional strategies for the existing guilds.
so everyone who play eredan are cats??
No. I friggin' hate cats.
Great art, nice and quick campaign.
I really do enjoy a campaign that even a casual player like me can do. Its a pity that they didn't give us a trophy to go with it though.
Wild's my favourite as well.
Plus the pictures ain't ALL about tits and ass with her. Which is very refreashing. Most of the female chars are just about being sexy. The males got a bit more variation.
PatrikÅkervinda a écrit :First off - The market is controlled by the min/max prices. Which (in this form) will never lead to a healthy supply/demand.
No more min price, only max ones.
See the update last Tuesday.
Yeah? Relly?! That's one step towards a better market. I've been taking a week off from the game so I'm a bit out of the loop. Thank you for the correction Zurga.
Though. My point still stands.
Sorry mate. It's not supply and demand.
First off - The market is controlled by the min/max prices. Which (in this form) will never lead to a healthy supply/demand.
And secondly - The hoarders you mentioned yourself.
There are more problems with the market but those are the biggest.
Anto Grayo: your best bet is to try to understand which cards/decks are -going- to be attractive and which are uninteresting. Buy them when they are far from a buff-release and sell 'em when they've gotten the buff.
Any deck ideas to go with these characters? It looks like they would wreak witchblades without playing anything.
Well I'm Running Deirf Geis, Scragh, & Bramamir Renegade, & So far I'm 3/0....I Wish I Had The 2 Characters U Have, But I Stopped Playing Eredan For A Month & That Happened 2 Be The Month They Came Out, SMH, But Hit For Hit Works Great With Fall Back, I Run 3 Life Devourers Seeing Geis Can Chain them, Avalonian Shields Are Also the Best Shields To Use, & that's Basically My Deck For Now!
For crying out frickin' loud! Why?
Why do you keep typing like that?! This is well meant: by capitalizing like that you force the reader to stop at the start of every word. Reading your posts becomes a chore and your meaning gets lost. By using "&" instead of "and" you stop the readers flow as well. We are all so accustomed to reading "and" that we hardly even read it when we pass through it in a text. It also helps to shorten your sentences. Your never ending sentences confuses the reader. By using proper puncuation the reader will be able to follow your thoughts.
Yeah, I kinda agree with Malleuz here. It's pretty pissy to introduce such a buggy feature in the game and then just expect the players to just go along with it.
I haven't signed up to be a beta tester. But obviously I am doing a beta testers job.
So I pay Feerik to get the full experience of the game and then the company wants me to test out their buggy features to get the full experience?
Sorry, but being able to collect the cards in an ITCG feels like a pretty frickin' essential part of the gaming experience.
So, sod off and please do choke on the 169 SEK I spent on the game last week.
I'm also pissed off at Feeriks complete inability to balance casual vs. hardcore and the horrible, horrible marketplace. And not to mention the lack of planning that has caused most of the bugs.
And c'mon.. Is it really that impossible to get an english translator?
I'd go for the recaptable. Mostly gut feeling. I'd rather have a legendary card then tree rares.
I been building this deck for alittle while and it runs pretty well but was wondering if anybody has any suggestions here is the list:
[card]The sachem[/card] lvl 2
[card]pilferess[/card] lvl 3
[card]Rockspeaker[/card] lvl 3spells:
[card]arachnophobia[/card] x2
[card]freeze[/card] x2
[card]living nature[/card] x1
[card]regeneration[/card] x2actions:
[card]brothers in arms[/card] x3
[card]keep the customs[/card] x2
[card]leaf tornado[/card] x3
[card]temporalis[/card] x1items:
[card]strength of the saphearts[/card] x1
[card]butterfly collar[/card] x 3I like the characters the way they are. the object is to use the spells to boost rock while putting collars on rock and sachem and using them two mostly. pilk is just to die for sachem but pilk does decent too and heals sachem.
Fixed.. Almost.
Zurga a écrit :My sources in developer team say...
Do you really, with all your heart, believe anything the developers tell you?
Tin. Foil. Hat.
I'll say that again: Tin foil hat.
A new event starts, Kered! But at the same time you get femoral hernia and has to get surgery. You'll be up and running by the time the event ends of course.
I wish world fucking peace.
Is Anathematize needed? Does anyone play IHAS? Weapons at will is played, and anathematize counter it. But how well does a quickdraw deck fare against WaW without anathematize? I don't think you need to play a card that really just counter one deck.
I'm running a marauder packdeck myself so time to die is pretty useful with warriors fury, assassination and the best defence.
[card]Defend your territory[/card] has to be more useful than a fly off the handle? That's the spot it's taken in my deck at least. It's like a [card]Fly off the handle[/card] plus a card that might get randomized by [card]Paranoia[/card] and [card]Good Fortune[/card] instead of [card]Lunation[/card]. Plus it adds to The Best Defence.
Do you use your third [card]Dances With Volk[/card]?
I haven't tried [card]Annoyance[/card], how does that work?
I don't know how your deck works exactly and how it fares against the different matchups, tell us and it might be easier to suggest different cards.
[card]Time to die[/card]
[card]Defend your territory[/card]
These are good cards in a packdeck.
I woulden't recommend 3 [card]Dances with volk[/card]. It's one too many. It'll be a dead card far too often compared to extra dmg or an extra disruption.
I've tried out [card]survival of the fittest[/card] and it's not that good. Too bad you really need those +4 dmg. Especially since I really recommend [card]Time to Die[/card] and sometimes you just don't have a [card]the best defence
[/card] to pair it with.
How would [card]Assault on Bramamir[/card] work? I haven't tried it myself but it looks like a solid card.
perfects doesnt = better cards. ive got plenty of perfects and got only favors and nothing at all. Along with one game i edged out and won by a point and got 2 favors a rare and an uncommon
Perfect equals more crystals.
Paladino.:RR:. a écrit :(2 legendary for character and uniques, 4 for the others) 5 of any other kind at most.
I try to have all the evolution of each character.
I need at least 4 Lady Iyilith.6 cards of standard one allow to create 2 decks without need to switch from one to another each time you want to change.
Woah.. You really like to make it hard for yourself, don't you?
PatrikÅkervinda a écrit :CAPTUSA a écrit :Yar 8*tch About A Great Pirates release, 8ut Don't Say Sh*t About Noz & Da Otha 8roken Guilds....Give Me A 8reak, Pirates Needed Sum Great Cards, They R Prolly The Only Guild Dat Needed A Good Release Like Dis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you rape my eyes like this?! You actully put some effort in writing that bad, don't you?
It's cause he's from New York. Every one of those people I've seen talk like that in real life, too. Kind of sad. Makes half of the Jersey Shore cast look like High School graduates.
You made me giggle a little. I imagined someone in the Jersey shore cast typing what CAPTUSA wrote. Then I imagined what it would be if someone talked like that in real life and I could see just the type of person.
Yar 8*tch About A Great Pirates release, 8ut Don't Say Sh*t About Noz & Da Otha 8roken Guilds....Give Me A 8reak, Pirates Needed Sum Great Cards, They R Prolly The Only Guild Dat Needed A Good Release Like Dis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you rape my eyes like this?! You actully put some effort in writing that bad, don't you?
I'm sayin' it again: This forum is horrible.
Who gives a flying fuck about being called a noob by a complete stranger?!
And why do people keep posting usernames?!
Sorry if this is OT, but it's kinda related.
You guys are talking about "high ELO rating" without much actual numbers. What is a "high" rating? Are we talking about top positions as in ELO over 1900? Or do people mean just getting to the first third?
Yeah, you're added, Limestone.
And everyone else who might feel like it can add me on facebook: Patrik Åkervinda