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Majyqman a écrit :rutse a écrit :whot?
I'm talking about the new tournament of millions where you swap your deck with your opponent 50% of the time.
See the words "new tournament" in my title? Sort of gives it away. If you didn't follow, logging in and checking the news would have been a start. This applies to everyone who responded...
Given that you don't give anything to your opponent with your deck, it comes down to pure stats/printed abilities. Zil has the stats... but I think aleshanes T2+ -2 def combined with multiple free attacks & ourenos' on death ability might have it...
But was also wondering if there was a combo I'd not considered (is scragh legal & enough without pump? Does Theya get her pet before the decks are swapped? etc)... not that it really matters to me, missed the BS SE characters... and can not yet afford Ourenos... so another I'll sit out. But curiousity.
1. "New tournament" could refer to new Amnezy tournament too, especially with the format changing every tourney right now.
2. That's why starting a topic with only one sentence without clarification or some valid arguments is not just stupid but needless.
3. The swapping is only 50%, so if you got a powerhouse OP deck it's likely you will lose 50% of the time
4.Therefore there is no Autowin-Deck in this tournament (figure it out, it's logical)
5. ???
6. Profit
7. BTW next time start a topic in the proper way before b****ing around
Amnezy was most of the way over... there was only one NEW tournament... so, really, from there, it's just you trying to cover your lack of even the modicum of effort required to log in and check before jumping in with your sage advice... or the inability to put 2 and 2 together if you had (logged on)...
Oh, especially given the use of "50%"... what in Amnezy has anything to do with precisely "one chance out of two" (gee, wonder where I've seen those words before)
But if we need to... it was not obvious from the tournament info that characters would be swapped as well (how does Theya attach her guardian unless Theya is in play at the start of the game... and if characters in are in play at the start of the game, how can they still be part of the deck to be swapped?)... so that leaves it as a contest of "if you didn't have a deck (unless your opponent was bad)... which team would win" No less strange, in my mind, than swapping everything... but, given clarification had alerady been made, your condescension was not required, I'm passingly clever enough to figure it out from there...
BTW, next time do a little bit of checking (only one new tournament, and almost over Amnezy doesn't count), so this little thing called "context" can make the start of a topic actually quite perfectly fine, before coming into someone elses topic and farting around.
I guess you tried harder than the "whot" guy.
Majyqman a écrit :rutse a écrit :whot?
I'm talking about the new tournament of millions where you swap your deck with your opponent 50% of the time.
See the words "new tournament" in my title? Sort of gives it away. If you didn't follow, logging in and checking the news would have been a start. This applies to everyone who responded...
Given that you don't give anything to your opponent with your deck, it comes down to pure stats/printed abilities. Zil has the stats... but I think aleshanes T2+ -2 def combined with multiple free attacks & ourenos' on death ability might have it...
But was also wondering if there was a combo I'd not considered (is scragh legal & enough without pump? Does Theya get her pet before the decks are swapped? etc)... not that it really matters to me, missed the BS SE characters... and can not yet afford Ourenos... so another I'll sit out. But curiousity.
So the characters are kept and the other cards are switched? Wouldn't that simply put Courtesans at a higher rank?
Hrm, not paying 10k crystal to check, perhaps someone can report in. Hadn't considered it would be the whole thing, because I thought your characters were already in play at the start of the game.
I'm talking about the new tournament of millions where you swap your deck with your opponent 50% of the time.
See the words "new tournament" in my title? Sort of gives it away. If you didn't follow, logging in and checking the news would have been a start. This applies to everyone who responded...
Given that you don't give anything to your opponent with your deck, it comes down to pure stats/printed abilities. Zil has the stats... but I think aleshanes T2+ -2 def combined with multiple free attacks & ourenos' on death ability might have it...
But was also wondering if there was a combo I'd not considered (is scragh legal & enough without pump? Does Theya get her pet before the decks are swapped? etc)... not that it really matters to me, missed the BS SE characters... and can not yet afford Ourenos... so another I'll sit out. But curiousity.
is it Abomb/Aberration/Zil OR Ourenos/Melissandre/Aleshane OR something I've missed? Either way, I'm out
snakekill321 a écrit :When farming him and a character dies his health goes up 20 and than down 10. i just figured id mention it
I really hate that display mechanic... it happens everywhere.
It's so unprofessional and annoying.What happened was that he healed 10, but somehow the game heals twice the amount and then takes away the excess healing.
It's really stupid.
Every damn time a homchai dies. The others get their new static bonus with no fanfare... THEN it shows them "getting" the bonus (big green plusses, stats increase again), and then it quietly resets to what it's meant to be.
Try it sometime with homchai effigy and a spear thrown in. They're momentarily unto gods... then not so much
If all yours characters have 0 corruptions, the one with most corruption has 0 corruption.
If you use Tempus, first turn is turn 2, Receptacle uses his order and one of your character with 0 corruption (most of corruption attached) received 4 damage.
There is no indication that you should have a corruption attached to trigger the order of Receptacle.No bug here in this description.
Except that the receptacle says "with the most corruptions attached" can a character with zero attached corruptions belong to a set [corruptions attached] in order to be the one with the most?
Not how it's written in english.
Or put it this way, if I said you had to give your $1000 to the person with the most apples in their hand... and 3 people were holding out empty hands... do you think you would have to give the money to anyone?
No. And that's why this is either written wrong or working wrong. I guess I'm not privy to how it was intended to work (nor do I expect it would be admitted) but in which case the wording needs work.
Now, true, all my characters have the same number of corruptions.... but none have any ATTACHED...
So how does the receptacle still get to do damage?
(if you're wondering how... tempus and I choose the receptacle first)
Can two or more of the clones trigger in one turn?
Most notably, if a illumination is played (and cloned) will the spell the second illumination (or the first if chained off a spell) gets ALSO be cloned?
I posted this ages ago and they did nothing about it, said it is not a bug.
Well, they're either being lazy or wrong. Because, as pointed out above, FSH is quite obviously not counted as spell damage... so DSH is either bugged or the wording is wrong.
It either needs to say "spell and magic damage immunity" OR not work against FSH amongst other things.
Dark Stone-heart is just SPELL immunity, right? Not MAGIC (damage) immunity? I assume there is a difference... so it shouldn't stop that mode of civil war, the damage from fire elemental, or the damage from Fire Stone-heart? Given that they're an action, a character and an item, respectively, and all?
I dunno, seems like the kotoba undead are of the "honored dead" sort returning either at their own behest or that of their descendants... nehant undead..? Not so much.
Dark Stone Heart does not stop the "on damage" effects (either one) of Crystal Dragon... still a spell afaik.
Majyqman a écrit :I mean, hard not to notice when you're putting them in...
were they all active or was it just a visual bug?
Both the ones in play triggered shortly after...
I mean, hard not to notice when you're putting them in...
Tea ceremony needs a gdamn fix anyway... no card should be as obsoleted (and overwhelming victory & councils decision come close in that they heavily restrict your options for the rest of your deck simply due to new guilds being introduced... or rather don't get played) by simply the very act of the game expanding as this one has been anyway. And I don't count a legendary or a card that does nothing else as fixes...
Just make it 2 no matter what, and then it'd fix this bug too (one would hope)... because I'm sure a 1 shot crystal storm would be so broken
My understanding is this card should completely negate a crystal storm (no other cards to factor, his turn 1 is crystal storm, mine is mask, turn passes, my wearer takes 1... not "looks like" it takes 1 but nothing actually changes (and wouldn't it be 2?), their health points drop and stay dropped)... it does not, the wearer still takes 1 damage.
The market shows the 6 most recent copies of the card to come on sale and personally it's probably better this way because if I knew my card would always be first for having a full exp bar I would take advantage of it and jump the price to the highest it can go. and i'm sure everyone else would do the same
Which wouldn't work... because it wouldn't show up first... because it's not the lowest price.
He's talking about, out of ALL the lowest (EQUAL) price cards... seeing the ones with xp.
But only if they're equal lowest price.
Jisay a écrit :Hi Everyone,
we are working on the problem at this moment we will keep you informed as soon as the bug will be solved.
Please return 46 Energy when you're done fixing. Thanks.
Just wasted 2x23 Energy for nothing.
I'm up to 115
skadooosh a écrit :Saying a card is not OP because you can counter it is nonsense...
You can counter zil's abilty with dissidence, You can discard iro's weapon. You can anathemize both pilkim and admiral, you can sentence nebsen...
Mastery can make a copy of any spell... (doubling an AOE is not what I call fair...)
Prestige can just destroy a deck by getting rid of its key cards...What i'm trying to say is this that is way easy for you to counter a Single card, than counter a character that use the full deck.
A) Not Really B) Depends on the power level (i.e. how long does failing to counter it leave you alive)
Firstly, secret of the crow was a really silly example to use about mastery... secret owns warriors, not mages. But you REALLY want to pick the right turn for dissidence, or game over. And you know what they do then? They break the second chain on the mastery chaining compendium secret and kill you next turn anyway... and if you stop that? They will draw mastery again.
I deal with foam giant a lot more easily than that. Hell I deal with Iro more easily than that... he's just a big dude that counters my first card. Oerenus can go to hell though.
My point is... legendaries, characters or otherwise, are ALL different power levels... foam giant and anti magic glyph do NOT compare to mastery and ourenos AT ALL... they reside in completely different sets. Ban them accordingly.
Brzost a écrit :if u would be noob without elo i would post a screenshot but i explained whats the problem, besiedes that look who is puting stupid posts in this topic more carefully,k ?
Hey, I'm a noob with no elo, screenshot please?
Heh! I'm a n00b without ELO... this little troll told me so when I called him out for quitting as damage was occuring to avoid allowing me my perfect.
So can I have a screenshot?
Majyqman a écrit :And other legendaries don't?
Are you serious?
What can foam giant do, say, compared to mastery -> attracts lightning -> attracts lightning - attracts lightning -> spark it off -> spark it off?
Maybe if you took the time to read all of the thread you wouldn't have posted this...
Which part? Because you're not the only one in the thread who I would need to address.
It's this simple to address you though: you claim "Maybe legendary character are banned because they give an unfair advantage to whoever uses them"... which is more fair, mastery or foam giant? So, given we have established mastery is more unfair than (at least some) legendary characters... then why should it too not be banned?
But seriously, either change the listt o not include the ones you can get with trophies... or have a "hardcore" tournament with all the legendaries... and another with none. At all. (you can only enter one or the other)
Majyqman a écrit :skadooosh a écrit :that's funny how you could think this is the best suggestion when there is an opposite thread a few posts below yours...
Maybe legendary character are banned because they give an unfair advantage to whoever uses them...And other legendaries don't?
Are you serious?
What can foam giant do, say, compared to mastery -> attracts lightning -> attracts lightning - attracts lightning -> spark it off -> spark it off?
Not much considering you just compared 1 card to 6. As well as comparing a character to an non-character.
I would say a comparison of Doyen, Verace Councillor to Admiral Al' Killkrew is better. The difference is immense.
No, Im not comparing 1 card to 6... I'm comparing 1 card to at MOST 2... because you only needed mastery and one attracts in hand. Didn't have that? Well, compendium secret into mastery... so those lightning bolts get played twice despite not being chianed "by" mastery...
Know where the power of Iro & Killicrew lies? In that one shot BS like this using other legendaries can be stopped/mitigated.
But, given yoou just admitted legendaries have different power levels, and mastery is at LEAST on the power level of banned cards...
...what does that leave to be said about the arbitrariness of the banned ones? Seriously, having mastery in while foam giant is out is LAUGHABLE.
Breezy414 a écrit :Allow the use of Legendary Characters in ELO again. That is all. People will still play their OP Noz Mage decks, we all know how much Feerik loves them some Noz. But seriously, why even make Legendary Characters if they are going to be banned from ELO every week.. Such a waste of time.
that's funny how you could think this is the best suggestion when there is an opposite thread a few posts below yours...
Maybe legendary character are banned because they give an unfair advantage to whoever uses them...
And other legendaries don't?
Are you serious?
What can foam giant do, say, compared to mastery -> attracts lightning -> attracts lightning - attracts lightning -> spark it off -> spark it off?
Majyqman a écrit :Yeah, I did that, or thought I did.
Ended up stripping the deck down and starting with the characters in, adding what showed up when I cliked on each series in the right pull-out. Worked.
Perhaps I had the same card from two different series and only played one of them... but would have had to be terrible luck that the last unplayed cards were from the same one
Or maybe you counted characters? Because they don't work.
Nah, I didn't, so I'm still stumped. But got it at least.