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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
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Surprise Myrina wasn't hit. She is over the top with her start bonus and being in same deck as Runic Legendary.
Way I see it if they are going to make over the top Legendary cards, they should at least give us a way from getting out of facing those stupid OP cards in the top elo.
Lovely just recently got internet back after Sandy. And I get to come back to a grind event that leads to a ridiculously overpowered BS of a card. Creator of the Black Mage card please resign from your position, it's clear you don't know what you are doing.
Welcome back!
I rather have the other legendary characters nerfed.
It's a sad day when people are asking for more OP than asking for more balance. Oh well noobs will be noobs.
Temple Gaurdians with [card]Guem Tear[/card], [card]Punishing the Unpure[/card], [card]Solar Plastron[/card], [card]Harshness[/card] and [card]Forced March[/card]. I hve never lost to Dragon using this deck.
Hmm! Wonder if Mercenaries are going to get their legendary tomorrow.
Strangely, Blessing of the Phoenix doesn't state it deals fire, only magic, though I'm curious about that interaction...and obviously, the two guns that work on the physical attack mechanic (Narwhal and Pocket Shooter).
Because it is a Fire Spell (the type of spell dictates what kind of elemental damage is done). Flames of the Phoenix is an action so it has to state what kind of magic damage it does like how Ice Elves action state they do water. If those cards were spells it will change to Spell Fire/water (accordingly) and not state it does fire damage.
Well tempus are pretty good at making it to turn 10+ really fast....
But remember the more playable cards by Tempus the lower the chances of pulling it off.
[card]time to die[/card] + [card]Cheksathet's Vision[/card]
[card]Time to Die[/card] is unique meaning only one copy.
So use the Eternal (Only Marauder) play [card]Temporalis[/card] and chain into [card]Time to Die[/card]. Then use your other character to get back TTD and hope that playing [card]Cheksathet's Vision[/card] will get TTD and Celerity. For better chance make it so those (Vision, TTD, Celerity) are the only cards in the deck that are playable (still vision might play celerity then TTD).
Yeah I am surprise how buff they made them. Like seriously making direct damage an easy thing to do didn't raise any red flags with them.....
But Temple Guardians steam roll them!
Elfine decks don't need quick draw. They need ways to drop defense, so drop [card]Net Traps[/card] and replace with [card]The Grand Hunt[/card]. Another thing you want 3 [card]Amber Daggers[/card] to make it so you discard [card]Ivory Bow[/card] so you get to 2 DOTS on the opponent and no attack reduction. Also add in [card]Surprise Attack[/card].
Nope, if it did then it wouldn't be a crappy armor.
I think people are getting things wrong here...
Legendaries should be balanced with non-legendaries.
Non-legendary decks should be able to compete with legendary decks.That said, guilds should be balanced with each other.
I don't care wich guild has the "most op legendary".
Legendary characters should be nerfed in general.
Ishaia and Doyen aren't loaded with a crap load of abilities or stats and they are still quite balanced with other characters. Hell even vanilla Pilkim has only one ability and I find him to be able to one shot almost any character.
To all shadow mage users out there! I am packing 3 [card]Breaker[/card]s! Why? Because **** you that's why. >->
No when you get down to it Character A lost because he dealt less damage not for having higher health in the first fight. You think in the case both character reaching 0 hp the one with higher hp is at fault for losing yet completely overlook the fact that one character did more damage. You believe it should be a draw simple for the fact they both die with 0 hp.
Allow me to make you rethink your argument. Your saying that if both [card]Sol'ra Avatar[/card] and [card]The Duelist[/card] reach 0 HP it should be a draw instead of [card]The Duelist[/card] winning. Simply because Sol'ra Avatar has higher health and that is a great disadvantage.
Adding the printed health of your characters to your score, evens out the unbalance at the end of the game, without causing any problems at all.
If I have +2 health than you, and take as much damage as you, it's not a balanced fight.
15 Health and 13 Health both take 13 damage. You win because you out tanked me.
15 Health and 13 Health both take 15 damage. We draw for doing same amount.
If I have +2 health than you, and take +2 damage than you at the end of the game, it's a balanced fight, but I lose in Score.
15 Health and 13 Health you take 15 and I take 13 damage. I win because I out damaged you.
If we take do your idea on scores I will still lose in first match (even in the situation of the draw) and draw on second match (even though I won by out damaged you.
No problems at all, huh? Love how you ignore my example.
Nurvus a écrit :(Note: Adding defense, spirit or mitigated damage does NOT work and would be unbalanced as well.)
The fact my "extra 3 health" is added to your score after you did 16-0=16 damage, but your "extra 3 defense" is NOT added to my score after I did 16-3=13 damage is not unbalanced to you.
You're funny.
Please stop contradicting yourself. You said it yourself any block damage (Mitigated) being added to the score would be unbalanced.
If I have +2 health than you, and take as much damage as you, it's not a balanced fight.
15 Health and 13 Health both take 13 damage. You win because you out tanked me.
15 Health and 13 Health both take 15 damage. We draw for doing same amount.
If I have +2 health than you, and take +2 damage than you at the end of the game, it's a balanced fight, but I lose in Score.
15 Health and 13 Health you take 15 and I take 13 damage. I win because I out damaged you.
If we take do your idea on scores I will still lose in first match (even in the situation of the draw) and draw on second match (even though I won by out damaged you).
Again your problem is that defense takes away points from you.
- Two characters, one Desert Nomad and one Kotoba
- After cards are played, the Desert Nomad has 16 Attack, 0 Defense and 16 health
- After cards are played, the Kotoba has 16 Attack, 3 Defense and 13 health
- Both die and end up with 0 Health. This is balanced.
- At the end Kotoba wins with a Score of 16 versus the Desert Nomad's Score of 13.This is unbalanced.
You see in your scenario if we took away his 3 defense, he would have had -3 HP and drawn. The problem wasn't that you had more HP the problem was he had a way to prevent you from out damaging him.
Dude, are you high?
I have more health.
You have more defense.
My extra health is added to your score.
Your extra defense is NOT added to my score.
Sollution, add MY printed health to MY score and YOUR printed health to YOUR score. This is balanced.
(Note: Adding defense, spirit or mitigated damage does NOT work and would be unbalanced as well.)
In conclusion you just want an unwarranted buff to Nomads.
Okay you are just speculating and using the worst case scenario. And who says you will not get a better overkill just because you have higher health?
Also Desert Nomads have a lot of ways of healing and defensive cards.
Your problem is that defense stops you from getting points and that Nomads barely have any.
You should change your argument to say defense shouldn't do a common sense thing.
So what you are saying that if your opponent manages to do more damage than you because you fail to pack defensive cards you shouldn't lose.
I think you are mistaken about higher health leading to lower score, since any overkill (when health is in negative) gets counted toward your score. If it did stopped at printed health then having high health would be a disadvantage.
I think she should be War Guem.
Sorry but I disagree. I play Temple Guardians and with things like Forced March, Litany and Miracle I can easily negate massive damage. When my deck has a shortcoming I do what I can to overcome it, not try to get the game changed.
Absalon would be so awesome if [card]Armor Invocation[/card] had no caste and retrieved [card]Dragon Armor[/card] from the graveyard as well. Meh speaking of Dragon Armor it seems to be the worst armor now for its rarity.