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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 Re : Bugs » game page stuck » 31-01-2013 05:00:40

same here, need 20 amethyst to get  500 ... i'm gonna miss those cards for that bug..  kinda sad....

#2 Bugs » Bug point d'exclamation gris » 11-01-2013 05:51:54

Réponses : 1

Bug point d'exclamation gris en plein centre de mon écran qui me fait perdre des match importants..... … feafb3.jpg

#3 Re : Bugs » Blocages en partie » 11-01-2013 05:19:21

Merci pour votre bon travail mais maintenant, j'ai souvent un gros point d'exclamation gris dans un rond gris dans mon écran et je ne peux plus jouer... suggestions???

#4 Re : Decks et Stratégies » [Tap & Untap Project] Besoin d'aide pour améliorer un concept tordu » 10-01-2013 22:04:03

Jeme demandais si il avait des personnages qui tapent untap??  Le sujet est de trouver des cartes qui tap et untap non? nous sommes rendus avec des mange vie et autres mais cela n'A aucun rapport avec le sujet. Et cette semaine, la quete est : tap^untap smile aidez moi à trouver des cartes qui tap untap pour finir la quete .. merci !!!

#5 Suggestions » card limit » 02-07-2012 12:59:24

Réponses : 3

Why is it that this game pushed the limit cards to 50 ?? this move really killed the discard deck ...  I took all my crystals to get myself a nice discard and now, all those cards are worthless cuz everyone has a 35-40 card deck thus giving a hell of a impossible misson to win a game....

#7 Re : Bugs » quest bug » 23-05-2012 16:32:35

and how do i contact support??

#8 Re : Bugs » quest bug » 23-05-2012 12:55:48

actully no i didin't. i'm from Quebec canada and it was written on the timer 12 hours left when i went to bed. it was supposed to finish at 10 am eastern time. Je suis du quebec et j'ai vu qu'il restait 12 heures...  It's not about the time zone, it was written that i had 12 hours left and it was supposed to finish at 10 am this morning at my time zone.

#9 Bugs » quest bug » 23-05-2012 12:24:15

Réponses : 5

I had like 12 hours to finish the key map quest. when i logged back on,i was supposed to have like 5 hours left to finish the quest but it was gone, the time was done. I lost my chance of getting Dhan while s till had 10 hours left... I hope there is a way that i can get that event done.  You can look in the logs and you will see that i am right.

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 20th 2012 : Election of Miss Eredan » 20-04-2012 12:17:49

WEll spahira is not bad..... voted saphira !!! hot, like dolls smile  the best one...

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Regenerate Artaban! » 29-03-2012 21:44:54

deirf, sevylath n kolan ....

i don't even remember where they are !! sad


#12 Re : Deck and Strategy » How do you kill inferno? » 17-03-2012 12:05:10


i'm only allowed to use 3 of each kind of card and i read here 5 of those and 4 of this etc.. how do you use more copies??

#13 Bugs » Tutorial » 09-03-2012 13:09:01

Réponses : 1

Bonjour !

Imaginez vous donc que je viens de gagner le trophée tutoriel au level 18 o.O
J'ai les trois personnages mais je ne peux pas les ajouter dans aucun deck. Il me manque aussi plusieurs cartes `l'intérieur du deck en question. Comment pui-je avoir le reste des cartes et comment ajouter Lucyan et les deux autres ( chat pourpre et la mage) dans un deck pour m'amuser.. merci !!

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Battle of Brammir without favors(ships) » 04-03-2012 18:29:50

I may have an idea about keep an eye.... since it taps or untaps a ship, why not use it so that  ark Kadia get untapped more often to give spirit to the 2 other ships?? Since spirit is the only way to use cards , you can untap more often your main ship to give spirit to the two others.. while  you use cannon fire VS peerless since your cards will be garbage at round 4 VS him...   when you are VS Megaladon, use the -10 card attack so that he dosen't hurt you badly and continue tu pressure on the ship that cancells your cards... i think that assault is a useless card since you burn 2 spirit for only 4 to 7 damage... you need spirit to survive ,not to kill.

Like i wrote in 1st,  just an idea....

#15 Re : Deck and Strategy » Battle of Brammir without favors(ships) » 03-03-2012 18:27:41

dosen't seem to work for me loll can't get that combo and even ifi do once a while..  the flag ship still have round 40 hp left loll

#16 FAQs » Assassination level 2 ???? » 24-02-2012 17:58:58

Réponses : 11

Where did all the people get that card ??  i'm playing for quite a while abd never got the option to get it, buy it or win it..... please tell me how to get it.... thank you .

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this » 17-02-2012 00:53:30

Plz add me to finish that freind thing quest .. Maitre-Du-Lys.    thank you in advance

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Mysterious Pheonix Campaign, which decks? » 04-02-2012 15:22:00

Of course we can set all those 300k crystal decks in there,, those mobs are easy ! but the idea here is to have a deck for people that DON'T have crystals... when we set a thread of strategy, it's for people that can't offord all those mumbo jumbo cards and help them win games and do quests.... geez... of course we can write new start deck bla bla bla... all decks are good since the enemy is easy.  Please write down ideas that don't cost alot so that new people can play and have fun. don't flood this tread with almighty decks expensive, we'll have 35 pages in here.. thank you in advance.   

Like i said, the elf deck that everyone have is the best right now with no quarter that are givin in the other quest and ice aura. You just don't get killed and you don't play cards anymore even if the mob have any penalty in the world, ice elfs don't have negetive traits for mages, warriors, humain..  you name it! even spirit at 0, elfs don't bother.   There is no mob in this quest that effects ELFS !!!! 

Have fun !

#19 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Mysterious Pheonix Campaign, which decks? » 03-02-2012 19:38:06

it'S the same, you still have to pay 4 energy per kill... so the fact that you stay up there one on one dosen't change anything... you still pay 4 energy per mob killed except that you don't have to keep 3 chars alive, only one. Remember this method that i wrote is for less fortunate people that wants to still have fun and get free cards (like me).  And that your char never dies since he insta heal top HP and you never get hit plus that you don't have to play any cards so you never deck out. Real easy way to get new cards for free. Only patience is needed.

#20 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Mysterious Pheonix Campaign, which decks? » 03-02-2012 16:57:26


You guys make super duper decks for nothing.....  Ok, for the poor people, i'll tell you what i did to break those phoenix puny creatures.... And again, i choose the ice elf deck.. low cost, everyone has those....

2 ice auras and 3 no quarters and you are in business.....
the rest? all the original crap..

You put all those enchantments on one elf and voila!  nobody can kill you, you heal all the time, and you keep killing mobs without playing cards smile

keep only the elf that has all those enchantments and the 2 other die. on the mob side, keep only one alive. kill it and pay 4 energy per kill.

low cost deck and everyone can get this quest done smile

i play poor cuz i am poor.  by the way. the no quarters, i got them from killing the boss in the treasure of Zahal with the same ice elf deck.. so everyone can do it safely and no cost smile have fun people .

#21 Bugs » Finished adventure quest. no cards » 12-01-2012 13:06:51

Réponses : 2

i finished the quest for zahal's rabbit and i got no rewards.... is it a bug ??

#22 Re : Deck and Strategy » New venture mode strats » 11-01-2012 22:47:08

OldWolf ,

For the ice deck, since i don't have any crystals and no money for it , i play the cards they gave for the ice deck and a couple more from what i got.

so here's my great magical powerful ( sarcastic ) deck.

1  Agmundar's rage
1  Ametyst blizzard
1  dexterity test
2  Frostbite
2  Icy aura
2  It is time
1  six feet under
2  Northern Lights
2  Ring of Nibelle
2  Prowess
2  The grand Hunt
1  Dissidence
1  Litmus test

TBH: this deck works against sap heart deck quite often but you really need the dissidence card at start and the rings after for Ayir. The guys that i can't beat with this deck is the Zil, the Slayer and the Desert god decks. The rest, i've done them with it.. good luck !

P.S.:  of course, if some people know better cards with no value, give me a hint ! I don't have alot of crystals and quite frankly, i don't know how to get some at a fast rate !! loll

#24 Re : Deck and Strategy » New venture mode strats » 09-01-2012 15:21:39

Well for the noz boss and all the other bosses, if you get dissidence early, they are done... for the nomad boss, no clue yet but i tried using the crown of the border and it hits too fast. Maybe some anti-preist cards could help.... I killed all bosse swith the elf deck except the ursen quest and the nomad. Right now, all the others i can do them with the elf deck so guys out there that don't spend money : it's possible to do them !!!! 

2 key cards with the elf deck :  Dissidence and Litmus Test .

Good luck and have fun.

#25 Re : Bugs » item sap of the heart » 01-01-2012 14:36:09

well sorry if i don't live on this game geez... as if i'd loose my time to see people whine on a forum... i was just asking cuz all the weapons and armor stay and there is no place written that they are permanent.  some items do stay and it,s not written so hey , if you think that my question was out of hand, simply pass thru and don't read it ....

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