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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » Foam Giant?? » 29-11-2012 00:48:54

That's why he said you need to worry about it.

#2 Re : Neuigkeiten » Der Apokalyptische » 22-11-2012 18:19:59

Ich kann kein französisch und weiß daher nich wie die Originaltrophäe aussieht. Aber in der englischen Beschreibung muss man gegnerische Charaktere töten an die man selbst mindestens 3 Karten angespielt hat.

Die Trophäe hat demnach nix mit Karten zu tun die man an die eigenen Charaktere anlegt. Was ja auch irgendwie Sinn macht wenn man bedenkt dass es storymäßig eine Nehantistentrophäe ist. Korruptionen und so.^^

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 26th 2012: A new equinox... » 30-09-2012 15:00:54

Ourenos was one of the easiest for me, actually.

I was using Eclipse marauders.
[card]Incarnation[/card] + [card]Sentence[/card] during an even turn is a whooping 26 damage at the end of the round.
[card]Time to die[/card] + [card]Burning Soul[/card] delivers a nice +14 attack boost.
But to be honest i had some buggy help. Most of the games he didn't play a single card, and using only his base stats he's not that impressing. But on the other hand even when he actually played cards i won.

#4 Re : Neuigkeiten » Utkin, Brut des Nehant » 26-09-2012 15:10:08

Würd ich dir jetzt spontan mal zustimmen.^^

#5 Re : Neuigkeiten » Utkin, Brut des Nehant » 26-09-2012 15:06:15

Keine Ahnung ob das jetzt nach deinem Post schon geändert wurde, aber bei mir ist [card]Nehantischer Einfluss[/card] ein Zonenzauber. Steht halt in dem Beitrag oben nich drin, aber auf der Karte schon.

#6 Re : FAQs » mission king of the hill » 22-09-2012 17:24:44

Der Schlüssel wird vermutlich wie andere permanente Karten nur auf das wirken was beim Ausspielen da ist. Wenn der Bergbewohner besiegt wird und wieder aufsteht ist er ein neuer Charakter, der Schlüssel hat dann somit keine Wirkung.

Keine Garantie auf Richtigkeit, aber für mich klingt das so plausibel. Ob das so sinnvoll is steht auf nem andern Blatt.^^

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Need some help with Eclipse » 20-09-2012 21:32:51

Well, makes here even better at eating the nova.
But at least she isn't the only terribly translated card.
Sometimes i feel like Feerik uses google to translate their cards, but then i stumble upon such atrocities and am aware that not even google could be that bad.

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » Need some help with Eclipse » 20-09-2012 20:58:45

L4r90 a écrit :

-> how exactly does Inatka's ability work? or rather would the combination of those two work?

I'm not entirely sure about it, but here's how i understand her ability.
After all chars fought once, and are ready again (untapped) she's prepared. If she starts the turn tapped (has fought a second time) she has -4 to damage suffered.
So fight with her on turn 4 (or 5 if opponent got to chose), and she should have her passive damage reduction ready in turns 5 or 6 respectively, ready for you to blast the bad guys away with Supernova.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Best Starter deck » 20-09-2012 20:50:50

If i remember correctly Zil's rarecard was [card]Assassination[/card]. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Kotoba would be my second bet too, some basic warrior cards never hurt.

#10 Re : Bugs » nadarya » 19-09-2012 08:58:50

Oh ok, then i think it was just me being stupid. Explained this way even i can understand it.^^

Sounds reasonable though, would be nice to fix it.

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Best Deck » 19-09-2012 07:25:18

Defoxx a écrit :

ask what is the best deck possible without buying Feez ..Never Cry

That's exactly what i meant. You don't want to think for yourself. You just want everything served to you on a silver pattern. That's the reason no one has given you any advice. Trackers were mentioned as a low budget deck that packs some punch, but you still are to lazy to look tracker decklists up. You just keep on crying why everyone here is so elitist.

This time without the "...". A lazy bastard like you won't get much help here.

#12 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Best Deck » 19-09-2012 06:25:16

If you start to put at least some sort of thought in it yourself i think you would get help. But if you continue to be a lazy bas ... , i mean crybaby, you'll get nothing.

#13 Re : Bugs » nadarya » 19-09-2012 06:21:48

Then you should try to make it understandable. I don't have a f'ing clue what you are trying to say in your second post.

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Best Deck » 18-09-2012 15:11:39

Well, but that's just how any real trading card game out there works. Heck you can't even play them without buying a starter deck.
I wouldn't really call Eredan a standard free to play game, cause it is clearly not. It offers a free trial. But after that you have to spend some money to keep yourself rolling, just like in any other trading card game out there. The only difference is, with those real TCGs you won't even get your free trial. You won't get any free cards just for playing some casual games.

Some of the restrictions nonpaying players have to face are kinda cruel in my oppinion, like the unability to use the market. Without buying boosters you don't have much to sell anyway.
The extremely limited amount of energy in adventure mode sucks balls too. But to be honest, thats one of the last things i would spend money on when playing a TCG.
But to get competitive you have to pay. If that's not how you want it to be you should be looking for some other type of game, cause TCGs aren't made for you.

#15 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Best Deck » 18-09-2012 09:39:42

You're basically asking which car <100 horsepowers to use in a formula 1 race. Simple answer as well: None. Or at least it doesn't matter since you're inevitably going to lose.

Without spending Feez to aquire new cards and the ability to sell on the market you won't be able to get enough crystals to build anything competitive. If you take any tournament-worthy decklist and try to farm the crystals only via f2p methods the deck will we outdated for several months, if not years, once you got there.

As i already mentioned, you can build some decent low budget decks. But they'll be competitive only in a low budget environment. (aka level rooms) You may get some wins in a tournament, but mostly against rather low level guys who wanted to just give it a try.

#16 Re : FAQs » New Player Tips? Pretty Please... » 18-09-2012 06:35:54

The easiest way to farm crystals is doing the mission of the "The treasure of Zahal" campaign repeatedly. You need 5 energy per mission, and a perfect victory nets you 70 crystals each. Starting with a full energy bar this means 840 crystals in roughly 15-20 minutes. If you manage to do this 2 times a day it adds up to 1680 crystals per day.
Mission 1 is the easiest to achieve a perfect on, since the enemies hit like little girls. Mission 6 hits a lot harder, but if your guys are able to survive his beating you can do it even faster cause you have to kill not 3 but just 1 opposing character. Just do the one you're most comfortable with over and over again.

Yeah, [card]Aelide, Queen of Avalonia[/card] is the one mentioned. Aelide with some supporting craftsmen is great for farming some of the tougher campaigns in which you can get some decent rare cards as a reward. But i wouldn't bother with it until you got yourself a decent deck for regular play. Aelide is great because of the mechanics of the adventure mode, but regular players don't have this mechanics, e.g. an Aelide tankdeck wouldn't work that well on them.

My advise would be to farm crystals in Zahal's campaign and build yourself a somewhat decent deck. Both Trackers and Warriors can get the job done, but maybe you want to try something new once you got some crystals. Just choose one specific deck and stick to working on it.
Once you've done this you can build yourself a deck built specifically to farm adventure mode bosses for rare cards.

But don't expect this to be done quickly, as a free player it'll be a hard and long grind. You'll propably never really finish your first deck and just go with what you've got after some time. By paying money and buying boosters you can earn a lot of crystals fast by selling what you don't need, but it's up to you if you want to invest more than just time.

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Best Deck » 18-09-2012 06:14:56

Simple answer: There is none.

You may not want to hear it. But without spending much you won't get much in return. A great tournament deck needs great cards, an to no ones surprise great cards are expensive.

You can build several low budget decks though, just search the forums. They can be fun on their own and even net you some nice victories, but you should get rid of the thought of winning tournamens.

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Pirate warrior » 15-09-2012 12:20:59

Well, technically he's a mercenary. So you can still somewhat get all pirate cards.

#19 Re : Deck and Strategy » Pirate warrior » 15-09-2012 12:05:55

He wasa the reward for a previous event. I don't know if you can get event cards like him with a trainload of luck in adventure mode, but besides that there's no way.

#20 Re : FAQs » Need help on Daily Quest » 15-09-2012 10:24:40

Well, you can always buy some chars for 100 crystals each and put them together with some useless cards. You don't have to actually win the games. Getting your arse kicked 2 times is all you need to do.
That's 300 crystals spent on the chars, after two or three times of doing this quest you'll have your money back and more.

#21 Re : Diskussionen zum Spiel » verdacht des verrats » 15-09-2012 10:09:50

Quinn Morgan a écrit :

QED: Was genau sagt das denn über den Einfluss dieser einen einzigen Karte auf die Zusammensetzung des Metagames aus!

Das sagt aus dass die eine Karte so stark nicht sein kann wenn man selbst dann noch verliert obwohl man sie 3 mal im Spiel benutzt.
Herr Gott nochmal, du kannst mit etwas Pech in dem Zug nix spielen. Das wars. Im richtigen Moment genutzt isses ein starker Konter, falsch getimed komplett Nutzlos. Das komplette Spiel zerstören is dann doch ein bisschen was anderes.

Quinn Morgan a écrit :

Es ist ja bekannt, dass jedes TCG über kurz oder lang nur noch imba Karten produzieren muss, um den Umsatz zu erhalten, aber dass ein Mod diese Tatsache einfach verleugnet find ich schon ein starkes Stück. oO

Ich sehe hier niemanden der behauptet dass die neuen Karten nicht immer stärker werden, nicht einmal den bösen Mod. Der hat nur einen Weg aufgezeigt wie man die ach so böse [card]Verdacht des Verrats[/card], die übrigens überhaupt nicht neu ist, aushebeln kann. Los, steinigt ihn! Hauptsache mal nem bösen Mod irgendwelche Worte in den Mund legen. Verdient hat ers bestimmt, gelle?

Verdacht des Verrats ist doch noch relativ leicht zu lesen. Wenn der Gegner aufgrund deines Decks genau jetzt mit einer fiesen Killerkombo rechnet, dann wartest du damit eben noch einen Zug und lässt das Ding ins leere laufen. Wenn man natürlich den Gegner ignoriert ruiniert einem so eine Karte leicht das Spiel, dann hat mans aber auch in einem Strategiespiel nicht anders verdient.

Die Nehantisten mit [card] Die Bindung trennen[/card] lass ich schon eher als ziemlich unfair durchgehen. Wenn die Hand leer ist dann ist sie halt mal leer, da lässt sich dann echt nix mehr tun. Wobei ich mir da noch die Frage stelle, was machen denn die Magier wenn sie sich so aufs Bindung trennen konzentrieren so an Schaden mit ihren Gammelstats?

#22 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 13th 2012: Thebirak's secrets » 13-09-2012 14:10:28

blackwaltz a écrit :

Legendary Belly Dancer Lodir will be dazzling players next week then.

My eyes! They BURN!

#23 Re : Deck and Strategy » Tips for shadow mages » 12-09-2012 10:26:26

Damn, would've been really nice. -.-
But thanks anyways guys.

#24 Re : Deck and Strategy » Tips for shadow mages » 12-09-2012 10:00:54

Does anyone know if [card]Dementia[/card] replaces the characters' races with shadow guem or just adds it to their existing ones?

#25 Re : Bugs » Glückbringer » 11-09-2012 15:14:17


1. Bin ich altmodisch und
2. Weiß man ja nich welches Betriebssystem er verwendet.^^

Und battlen sieht glaub ich anders aus.^^

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