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#1 Re : FAQs » Help and Question Please and Ty » 19-10-2010 05:39:23

***biiiiipppp*** bip has been out for 4 years

you also forgot to mention the fact that even though eredans cards cost more 'credits' or whatever currency each game uses, they cost less in cash per credit

it's not as huge a difference as you seem to think it is

also, who cares how many cards you get in ***biiiiipppp*** can only use 4 at a time, it's barely even a CCG

edit: and the starters are definitely worth buying, you cannot sell the cards from them in the market, but they contain cards worth far more then the starters cost in crystals

#2 Re : FAQs » Two noob/simple questions » 19-10-2010 05:22:42

you can get several copies of Cubit Chakra from Trophies, namely the one for earning 5 other trophies, and the one for having X # of facebook friends

ok, at the start of your turn you draw to 5 cards, if you are unable to draw to 5 then after this turn, the game ends. it doesnt matter how many cards are in your deck, so drawing to 5 and having 0 remaining is not a problem (until next turn) always get 1 turn with less than 5 cards in your hand

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The hungry void. » 11-10-2010 19:38:57

if nobody buys them for 300k then the real value is still 150k..and people trying to actually sell their card will keep lowering the price

if people buy them at 300k then the real value is 300k and you're just fooling yourself

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Tracker Deck » 10-10-2010 22:25:08

i run a couple of both static charge and katamaru..and because of that use amaya and hime, since they can each cast one of them as well as malyss

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Mage deck advice » 08-10-2010 21:06:34

#1 if you're using pilkim, you might as well put in some draconion spells for the free defense boost
#2 probably too many aoe spells, you cant chain your defensive spells with be honest i usually prefer to cast lightning bolts or unleash hell on a mage/warrior like one of the witches or bomzar
#3 which version of alishk are you using? i'm going to assume it's the fire one based on your deck, but again..if you're using pilkim you might want to consider the draconion version for some synergy between them..throw in some last words/magic attack/than the sword's, maybe even a sword of light if you go that route
#4 consider changing the mirage cloak for a dragon's armor/molt if you're dying too often, the free heal+defense could come in handy

#6 Re : FAQs » Noob question: the second attack value » 07-10-2010 16:55:46

i had the same question when i started

when you attack you use a random number inbetween the two attack values, so if you're 5/8 attack you can hit for 5, 6, 7 or 8..and your opponent subtracts his defense from that

#7 Re : FAQs » Thropy: The Hero » 03-10-2010 22:43:00

as i understand it, the card does not exist yet

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Tracker Deck » 03-10-2010 20:00:35

i like hime because he can use katamaru, it's pretty devastating once he's got 5/6 spirit, but yeah, tsuro is good also

edit: also a lot of people dont bother with malyss and just use the 3 marauders, it'd free up some cards in the deck to add some actions if you want

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Tracker Deck » 03-10-2010 19:37:50

i've got one that i'm leveling, truth is that it's a little boring to play but its fairly effective..and to be honest when it wins its more often then not a perfect, so it's good for getting exp

i'm using hime/malyss/amaya

2x art of the iron fist/keep your guard up
2x tracker's mask
3x tracker's emblem
2x close shave
1x illusory reflection
2x katamaru
2x ice barrier
3x firon
3x shuriken

when amaya is level 3 i'll probably add in 2 static shocks also, maybe pull a mask and a shuriken...or one of the close shaves, havent decided yet

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » planning a new noz deck » 03-10-2010 03:13:10

when i made that link next to paladins hammer i was refering to the hammer and solar's anger, because they make the target a warrior instead of his regular class...meaning that i'd be using them on helena. the idea of her healing for 10ish each turn is nasty

also, i like the bomzar+witches to give her the bonus

lots to think about, helena is just such a beast

#11 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » planning a new noz deck » 03-10-2010 00:24:18

Réponses : 3

getting close to level 14..and with a few trophies almost completed the level should go by fairly quick, i'm starting to put together an idea for helena and wanted some feedback

my third char is either going to be alishk (fire) or level egl/moira

i'm leaning towards using alishk. obviously fire cards are going to be the bulk of my deck with a few cards for helena to use, if i use the witches i can put a more even balance since she can use spells and maurader cards

deck would be something like
2x grand mage's staff
3x burn in hell
3x fireball(rod)
3x smoked arrow (trade for unleash hell/smart ass if i use the witches)
1x lightning bolts (3)
3x dragon's wit
2x paladin's hammer < warrior cards for helena
1x solar's anger
2x assassinate or armed and ready

my basic thinking is that even if my opponent goes first, he's unlikely to target helena, which would give me a few turns to burn a couple of cards and pull something to use with her, and heck..even if i dont use an action card on her turn she's still what, 8/16 on turn 1..minimum?

any suggestions/comments, or even need to point out that i'm missing something obvious that will make this an awful idea?

#12 Re : FAQs » Question about Dark Stone Heart » 02-10-2010 09:46:44

also noticed earlier that you can't deflect the spell Magic Attack

should probably specify damage spell, not just non-aoe offensive

#13 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Witchblade Deck » 29-09-2010 07:54:02

even merged, they cap at 3, which is when they merge...and yes you can make them dragon knights with that one item, honestly though i dont really see the appeal in using the level 3 witches..the thing that made them good was the stacking defense which they lose

if you're making a dragon knight deck..might as well just use characters that fit the theme without needing an item

the witches still function at level 2, i use them with my draconion version of alishk (pen/sword combo makes him 13/16 attack on turn 1) i just rarely play it because the deck doesn't need exp anymore even though it still has a good winrate

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Witchblade Deck » 29-09-2010 05:09:56

my first deck was very similar, it worked out pretty well

with alishk you have to choose between making him a fire based spell caster (+1 or +2 damage with non-aoe fire spells, at level 2 and 3 respectively) or a draconic caster (adds +1 or +2 to the effects of draconic spells, like the pen is mightier..than the sword)

for what its worth, i'd probably take out one or two of the guardian's bendiction

alishk will be chaining with spells, and the witches will either be using i hate brawlers or using an unleash hell which can't be chained to.

sword of light is a cool spell to chain to "than the sword" on alishk, you should probably add in a third sword, even without a third pen is mightier

consider adding either a staff or a dragon molt/armor

if you have the crystals you can also drop a smoked arrow or two for some static charges just to start building up exp if you plan on upgrading some lightning bolts or a staff later

one thing to consider is that this deck will cap out in power fairly easily (barring you finding 60,000 crystals to buy a Last Action), the witches will basically stop at level 2 and you'll have to move on to a new strategy or continue on without much room for growth until you are high enough level to pick up a helena or everent

#15 Re : FAQs » deck limit AOE cards » 28-09-2010 17:59:12

there's a bug where unleash hell and smoking arrow count as upgrades of the same card even though they arent, so you can only have 3 total of unleash hell + smoking arrow

#16 Re : FAQs » Ineligable Deck? » 28-09-2010 00:00:08

are you trying to use a dragon's wit and 3 than the swords?

there's a bug where they count as upgrades of the same card

also, if you're trying to make a new deck and already have the witchblades in your first, it wont let'd need a second copy of them or remove them from deck #1 first

#17 Re : FAQs » attack bonuses » 27-09-2010 20:10:06

yes, he does

no idea about the axes, why bother though

just use a dagger and a short sword, if you draw both, same attack, if you draw the dagger first, same attack, if you draw the sword first you get a free +2 attack

unless you've got a warrior that chains axes..i guess

#18 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » need advice on wich blade / mage deck » 27-09-2010 20:05:18

the price difference isn't so large that i'd recommend the spirit cloak, go for the staff, its +2 spirit +1 defense

also you can drop the discretion for I Hate Brawlers

trade the healing balm for Sword of Light or a Dragon's Molt/Armor

Personally i run a similar deck, it's not perfect but it's got a pretty good win rate

Moira/Eglantyne/Alishk (Draconion version)

Magic Attack x 2
Lightning Bolts(lv2) x 1
Fireball x 2
Ice Barrier x 1
Mage's Grand Staff x 1
Sword of Light x 1
Dragon's Armor(lv2) x 1
Pen is Mightier x 2
Than the sword x 3
Assassination x 1
I hate Brawlers x 3
Guardian's Benediction x 1
Unleash Hell x 1

#19 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The Last Action » 25-09-2010 18:51:26

really? i've never been able to chain to an aoe spell

#20 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The Last Action » 25-09-2010 07:06:21

oh well, just have to chain it with pen is mightier instead of with than the sword...guess i'll still buy it

should be +14 attack with alishk still

#21 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The Last Action » 24-09-2010 21:38:58

Réponses : 8

so, the wording on the last action has changed

lately i've been saving up to purchase it, but now it says that it adds +X attack, where X is 2 times your spirit

previously the wording said that it doubled the spirit, does it no longer increase your spirit? or did it never change your spirit at all

#22 FAQs » last word -> last action » 13-09-2010 01:22:22

Réponses : 7

Hi everyone, quick question

Can someone please tell me the requirements to upgrade the last word to the last action?

Trying to decide if it's worth it to buy a last word, or just save for the upgrade

also, if it's not too much of a problem, I want to know how The Last Action works with Alishk

Assuming it's turn one, no buffs or items equipped, if I use The Last Action and chain Than the Sword does it work like this?

The last action would give him +2 attack, his card feature gives another +2 attack, then his spirit doubles from 2->4 and his card feature adds another +2 spirit for a total of 6

and afterwords Than the sword gives him +7 attack, his card feature adds another +2, making +9 attack from than the sword and +4 attack from the last action for a total of +13 attack?

thanks for the help

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