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#1 03-10-2010 00:24:18

Inscription : 13-09-2010
Messages : 32

planning a new noz deck

getting close to level 14..and with a few trophies almost completed the level should go by fairly quick, i'm starting to put together an idea for helena and wanted some feedback

my third char is either going to be alishk (fire) or level egl/moira

i'm leaning towards using alishk. obviously fire cards are going to be the bulk of my deck with a few cards for helena to use, if i use the witches i can put a more even balance since she can use spells and maurader cards

deck would be something like
2x grand mage's staff
3x burn in hell
3x fireball(rod)
3x smoked arrow (trade for unleash hell/smart ass if i use the witches)
1x lightning bolts (3)
3x dragon's wit
2x paladin's hammer < warrior cards for helena
1x solar's anger
2x assassinate or armed and ready

my basic thinking is that even if my opponent goes first, he's unlikely to target helena, which would give me a few turns to burn a couple of cards and pull something to use with her, and heck..even if i dont use an action card on her turn she's still what, 8/16 on turn 1..minimum?

any suggestions/comments, or even need to point out that i'm missing something obvious that will make this an awful idea?

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#2 03-10-2010 03:05:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : planning a new noz deck

Just to throw this out there, I've also been planning a deck using Helena as soon as I hit the required level. Granted, it's a little deep on the crystal wallet, but hey it looks good!

Eglantyne and Moira

3 Unleash Hell
3 I Hate Mystics
3 I Hate Brawlers
2 Assassination
1 Scheme

And space for eight cards of your choosing.

The general idea being the versatility of Bomzar and the Witchblades since their classes are Mage/Warrior and Mage/Warrior/Marauder, respectively. Being Mages, they give Helena her full bonus. Helena's first strike is very deadly more often than not! tongue

Unleash Hell -> Works well with Bomzar and Witches.

I Hate X -> Six copies since all six can be utilized by Bomzar and Witches and I Hate Mystics! can be used by Helena.

Assassination -> Can be used by both Helena and the Witches.

Scheme -> Because reusing a pivotal card can be a real gamebreaker.

And with eight slots leftover, you can go nuts with Dragon's Wit combos, possibly cherry-picking the best exclusive cards from all factions/priests plus the very best (read: broken!) trophy cards. Like:

Time to Die!
Finish Him!
Divine Light!
The Calling!

et. al.

EDIT: Note that Helena is a marauder and not a warrior.

Dernière modification par pekpekkypek (03-10-2010 03:07:13)

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#3 03-10-2010 03:13:10

Inscription : 13-09-2010
Messages : 32

Re : planning a new noz deck

when i made that link next to paladins hammer i was refering to the hammer and solar's anger, because they make the target a warrior instead of his regular class...meaning that i'd be using them on helena. the idea of her healing for 10ish each turn is nasty

also, i like the bomzar+witches to give her the bonus

lots to think about, helena is just such a beast

Dernière modification par zuran2000 (03-10-2010 03:15:36)

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#4 03-10-2010 07:21:10

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : planning a new noz deck

I see, in that case, that seems like a really good setup for Helena.

And I agree, there's so many possibilities with Helena. Access to Dragon's Wit just opens up more possibilities!

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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