
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 10-10-2010 13:50:13

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 85

The hungry void.

Man this card is hard to come by.

Come on people start putting them up for sale........

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#2 10-10-2010 16:13:57

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 126

Re : The hungry void.

Even when they're up for sale they go for over 150k.

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#3 10-10-2010 17:37:25

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 85

Re : The hungry void.

i dont mind paying the money - just want one to show up in the marketplace - it has been five days now without any!!

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#4 11-10-2010 00:58:26

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 85

Re : The hungry void.

oh so now some joker thinks he will get half a million for one. 150k i might think about it.

Pop in and say Hi to the English Speaking population of Eredan.
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#5 11-10-2010 02:09:30

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 13-09-2010
Messages : 145

Re : The hungry void.

I usually see it up for sale for 200k to 250k crystals.
It is all about market rules anyway.

As long as you are the only person selling something good you may ask for whatever value you wish ( even if that means nobody purchasing it).

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#6 11-10-2010 17:43:00

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 85

Re : The hungry void.

but by doing so you are giving the card false value. A card worth like 150k is put up for sale for 500k. The next guy selling the card thinks he can get extortionate amount of crystals for it as well - so posts it up for 475k. Over the period of five or six cards - the belief is that the card is now worth in the region of 300k or so, doubling the "real" card value and making my job of buying one that much more of a pain.

I was just venting.

Pop in and say Hi to the English Speaking population of Eredan.
Live chat for all comers.

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#7 11-10-2010 19:38:57

Inscription : 13-09-2010
Messages : 32

Re : The hungry void.

if nobody buys them for 300k then the real value is still 150k..and people trying to actually sell their card will keep lowering the price

if people buy them at 300k then the real value is 300k and you're just fooling yourself

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#8 11-10-2010 20:06:50

Inscription : 01-09-2010
Messages : 71

Re : The hungry void.

Maybe he put it up for 500k because you need to buy one so urgently that you opened a new forum topic for it?

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