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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
That's an interesting question actually - I wonder that myself. What's the largest amount anyone here has sold a card for?
I once got about 30k for a [card]Life Devourer[/card], that's my biggest.
"Immunity" only means immunity to damage unfortunately.
Can't go wrong with a third Exaltation (if you can afford it!)
I'm not positive it was actually nerfed. In the last batch of english translations I had to do that one without ever having played it myself, and I wasn't sure if the spirit score was actually doubled or just calculated as doubled. Anyone currently using it that knows for sure?
Hey Legonian!
I prefer DSH myself as well. Although Nehantic coming back to your hand makes it nice on the turns YOU have initiative, using it prevents you from playing other cards that might be useful. I prefer to just equip a DSH to my best fighter. At that point, the only spells worth worrying about are attack buffs, and that's when you flop the Magic Shields or Distractions (depending on init).
Unlike the other forums, try to think of that as a good thing when you're reporting Bugs!
If your post is responded to in the bug forum, it's usually someone telling you how it's not really a bug, that the dev team already knows about it, or asking for more information/screenshots. If there's no response, it's because you were totally right, and there's not really much else to say - it just needs to be fixed!
Good god, 55 rounds! I can't believe you sat through it for that long!
I've said this before in other threads, but one thing I love about Eredan is the short deck size coupled with the ability to cycle through it so fast. It really lets you change tactics on the fly, and you can set your deck up with solo counters but still be relatively sure you'll get to them. This being the case, I don't think you're making a mistake by running theurgy AND hammers in the same deck.
Breezy, forum moderators are not developers. We have no power to fix bugs - we're just here to answer questions and make sure nobody gets outta line.
Thank you for reporting it, hopefully the devs will get to it soon.
I'm in the same boat, Rath - A Close Shave pretty much shuts me down completely at this point.
Seems like that was the intention though, from what I hear, Zil daggers were ruling ELO rooms and this was tech to evolve the metagame. The good side is that daggers are getting cheaper, so maybe I can stock up and play them again when Shave falls out of favor.
I kind of like the fact that some of the trophies are underpowered. It makes them special collectible things rather than nukes for people who are willing to grind to get them. There are several really powerful trophies too, I'm just saying I like the variety.
Maybe Hom'Chai are some kind of weird hybrid or mutant Elfine?
It sure seems weird to have a 'race' with only female individuals, I'm not sure I dig that.
Never! Did you lose by KO, or being decked?
Also I think it's funny that even a Zil Mage deck doesnt use Shadow Spells. Poor, sucky, shadow magic.
He looks like an Orc to me.
Moved to GT bugs.
I agree. I have two different training deck setups, for whether I'm playing planned training against a friend, or random training against an opponent. It's a pain to have to go in and switch out 8 cards every time I use the deck.
Yes, you lose the two old cards and gain one new card.
A "keyword" is a word that has a very specific meaning in Eredan. It may appear on many different cards - and any time you see it, it always means the same thing.
Keywords are a good way to fit complex meanings into a small amount of text (which can fit in a card's text box!).
To get started, let's talk about some keywords that define the state of the game in general.
Deck- This one should be easy! The cards you have not yet drawn make up your "Deck".
Hand - The five cards that you can see and play are your "Hand". Your opponent has a Hand as well.
Discard Pile - When you throw cards away, or when you play cards and they are completly resolved, they go into your "Discard Pile".
Dead - When a character is reduced to 0 Health Points or lower, it is called "Dead".
In Play - This keyword means "all the cards in the game that are not in a Deck, a player's Hand, or a Discard Pile, and are not Dead."
Round - Eredan's gameplay is divided up into "Rounds". You can tell which Round it is by the large orange crystal on the left-hand side of the gameboard. Each Round consists of:
- the Draw phase (each player draws until he has 5 cards in hand),
- the Selection phase (one player selects two characters to fight)
- the Play phase (players play one or two cards)
- the Battle phase (the card play is resolved)
- the Discard phase (players choose which cards to remove from their hand).
When all the phases have been completed, a new Round begins.
In Battle - This keyword means "the two characters that were chosen in the Selection phase". These are the two characters shown facing off on the right hand side of the screen.
Opposing Character - This keyword means "the character In Battle that is controlled by your opponent".
Opponent's Characters - This keyword means "all of the characters on your opponent's team, whether they are In Battle or not".
There are 5 card types, and these are actually keywords themselves! The card types are: Character, Spell, Theurgy, Action and Item.
Character cards have red borders. They fight your opponent's characters. [card]Marlok's Golem[/card] is an example of a Character card.
Spell cards have blue borders. They can be played by Mages. [card]Magic Attack[/card] is an example of a Spell card.
Theurgy cards have yellow borders. They can be played by Priests. [card]Win Using Fervor[/card] is an example of a Theurgy card.
Action cards have purple borders. They can be played by anyone. [card]Weapon Dance[/card] is an example of an Action card.
Item cards have brown borders. They can be played by anyone. [card]Healing Balm[/card] is an example of an Item card.
These keywords appear often on Character cards.
Order - appears on every Character card, followed by a number (or several numbers) and an effect. If a character is In Battle during a Round that matches one of his Order numbers, he will gain that Order's listed effect.
Example A: [card]Iro The Duelist[/card] has "Orders 2 and 5: Attack +1, Defense +1". If Iro is In Battle during Round 2, he will gain Attack +1 and Defense +1 (because the Round matches one of his Order numbers)!
Example B: If Iro is In Battle during Round 3, he will not gain an Order benefit, because the Round does not match ANY of his Order numbers.
Score - Characters have 5 "Scores" that quantify their combat ability. Scores are often checked and modified by other cards. VERY often!
Spirit - A score that is commonly used to cast Spells and Theurgies, and to defend against them.
Basic Attack - A character will do at least this much damage when he attacks.
High Attack - A character *might* do up to this much damage when he attacks.
Defense - When this character is attacked, this score is subtracted from the damage done to him.
Health - When this score reaches 0 or lower, this character is Dead.
Mage, Marauder, Priest, Warrior - These keywords may appear in a character's Class box. Other cards may require a character to have one of these keywords in order to be played.
Desert Nomad, Kotoba, Mercenary, Noz'Dingard, Zil Warrior - These keywords may appear in a character's Clan box. Other cards may require a character to have one of these keywords in order to be played.
Guemelite - This is a keyword that may appear in a character's Race box. If it does, it always appears with another keyword, and allows the character to cast Spells featuring that other keyword (regardless of their Class).
Example: [card]Copying[/card] is a Shadow Spell. [card]Silene[/card] is a Shadow Guemelite. Silene may cast Copying even though she is not a Mage.
Circus, Dragon Knight, Eclipse, The Pack, Tracker, Tsoutai, Witchblade - These keywords may appear in a character's text box. Other cards may require a character to have one of these Keywords in order to be played.
Example: A character must have the "Tracker" keyword in his text box if he wishes to play [card]Tracker's Emblem[/card].
These keywords appear on many different card types.
Chain - This keyword means "Another card may be played after this one". If there is no other text following the word "Chain", then ANY other card may be played next. If there is other text following "Chain", then ONLY that type of card may be played next.
Example A: [card]Fight![/card] says "Chain" with no additional text. If you play Fight! as your first card, you may play ANY other card right after it.
Example B: [card]Camp[/card] says "Chain: Any action card". If you play Camp as your first card, you may play another card right after it - but it must be an Action card!
Unique - This keyword means "you may only include one copy of this card in your deck".
Permanent - This keyword means "Attach this card to the character you played it on. This card will remain in play and continue to provide its stated effect until the character it's attached to is Dead."
Printed - This keyword means "the original, unmodified value of a Score on a character card". This is the value you would see if you were looking at the card in your Collection or the Marketplace. Scores are often modified through gameplay, but you can always hover your mouse over a Score to see its Printed value listed in a tooltip.
These keywords appear often on Spell cards.
Spell - A Spell can be played by a Mage, and sometimes by a Guemelite (see above). When played by a Mage, a Spell can Chain to any other card.
When played by a Dual-Class character (for example, [card]Moira the Witchblade[/card] is both a Mage AND a Warrior), a Spell can NOT Chain at all.
AOE, Area of Effect - AoE Spells have the potential to harm more than one of the opponent's characters. AoE Spells cannot Chain to any other card.
Magic Damage - This is damage dealt by a Spell rather than by a character's Attack.
Water, Fire, Earth, Thunder, Nature, Shadow, Dragon, Mental, War - These keywords are Spell 'types'. They interact with other card effects (such as Guemelite and Immunity), but they have no effect on their own.
These keywords appear often on Theurgy cards.
Theurgy - A Theurgy can be played by any Priest, and can Chain to any other card.
Heal - this means your character will gain the stated amount of Health points, but his total will not go above his printed Health value.
Destiny, Divine Anger, Faith - These keywords are Theurgy 'types'. They interact with other card effects, but have no effect on their own.
These keywords appear often on Item cards.
Activates, Activation, Activated - When an Item "Activates", it will perform the text listed after this keyword.
Example: [card]Living Dagger[/card] is a Weapon, so it will activate at the end of the round in which it is played (see "Weapon" below). When it activates, it will heal the attached character 2 Health points.
Equipped - This keyword means "attached". When an Item is Equipped, it remains Equipped until another card effect changes that status, or until the attached character is Dead.
While an Item is Equipped, it continues to provide its bonuses to the attached character.
Potion - This keyword means "Activates immediately".
Jewel - This keyword means "Permanent, Activates immediately, and is Equipped immediately".
Armor - This keyword means "Permanent, Activates at the end of the round, and is Equipped at the end of the Round". Armors almost always give a bonus to Defense.
Weapon - This keyword means "Permanent, Activates at the end of the round, and is Equipped at the end of the Round". Weapons almost always give a bonus to Attack, and are either One-handed or Two-handed.
One-handed - This keyword interacts with the Dual Wield keyword, and can allow the character to Equip an additional Weapon.
Two-handed - This keyword means the character may not equip any more Weapons.
Axe, Dagger, Flail, Shield, Spear, Staff, Sword - These are subtypes of Weapons and Armor. Some other cards will specifically reference these keywords in their text.
Dual Wield - This keyword means "may be Equipped on a character at the same time as another One-handed Weapon".
If "Dual Wield" is followed by additional text, then the Dual Wield Weapon can only be combined with Weapons listed in that text.
Example A: [card]Simple Dagger[/card] just says "Dual Wield". This card can be Equipped to a character who already has a Weapon, as long as it is a One-Handed Weapon.
Example B: [card]Simple Axe[/card] says "Dual Wield: Simple Axe". This card can be Equipped to a character who already has a Weapon, but ONLY if it is another Simple Axe.
Example C: [card]Katana[/card] says "Dual Wield: Wakizashi". This card can be Equipped to a character who already has a Weapon, but ONLY if it is a Wakizashi.
Immunity - This keyword means "ignores all damage from a card with these keywords".
Example: [card]Crackling Crown[/card] has "Thunder Spell Immunity". Once it is Equipped to a character, that character will ignore all damage from any card with both the "Thunder" and "Spell" keywords.
Hey guys!
Dantesan and I have been working on normalizing the english versions of all the Eredan cards over the last few weeks. Hopefully, if you've been paying attention to the text, you've noticed them becoming more consistent. As of tonight, all the Item, Action, Spell, and Theurgy cards have at least been compared and edited (Characters are still underway).
The goal is of course, for new English players to be able to grasp the mechanics of the game and play without much trouble. However, as all TCG players know, card mechanics can often be difficult to translate into easily-read text. "Keywords" can help make card mechanics easier to understand.
This post will list all the keywords Eredan uses, and attempt to define them in easily-understandable english. If you see a term that is not listed here, please point it out and I'll add it! Also, if you have any questions or comments, post them here. Again, this is mostly intended as a reference for new players, but I'm sure even veterans can benefit from it (and you can definitely help me make it the best FAQ it can be).
While I don't disagree with Steven's opinon at all ("Low" would have been a more accurate English term for what is called "Basic"), I did just want to point out two things.
1. "Basic" is a term that appears on many, many cards (over a hundred would be my guess), and also in the hardcoded flash script (when you mouseover your attack scores, you'll see them called "Basic/High"). Currently, "printed" only appears on three cards. While changing 'printed' to a better term would be no problem, changing 'basic' is honestly unlikely to happen.
2. The game does offer a way in which a modified ("current") value can be differentiated from an unmodified ("printed") value . A Printed value is always shown in white text, while a modified value will be shown in either green (if it's higher) or red (if it's lower) text. If a current value is modified more than once and returns to its Printed value, it also returns to white text. In addition, you can mouseover any value and the game will display the Printed value in a tooltip. I believe this does a lot to alleviate any confusion about the difference in values.
Again, I'm not trying to argue against Steven's point - if you agree or disagree, please post your opinions! Nothing is more important than feedback when you're trying to improve playability!
A couple of English users have already begun to post their great card ideas, and this Sticky thread is being created so that we can gather them all in one easily accessible place.
You are welcome to create "Discussion" forum threads about your cards as well, but you are welcome to post them here as well, all in one place - in case the devs want to stop by and sample our creativity!
Hi guys!
I'm sorry I don't post individual responses to each new player as they introduce themselves, but I think it's best to keep this thread from clogging up with mod comments. Consider this a hearty "hello" from the community at large when they read your introduction! And don't be afraid to post in other forums, where you're certain to get responses and discussion on just about anything you have to say.
It's great to see the English forum starting to fill up with players, and we are glad to have each of you joining us! Welcome to Eredan!
I'm gonna move this to Discussions for now. I'm looking into a dedicated "Card Ideas" forum so that they can all be collected in one area.
Sorry for the dumb questions - I've had it used on me, but I've never played Noz so I've never gotten to use it. Does it actually change the Spirit score, or just use the double value?
Example: Pilkim with Spirit 4 plays TLA. After the cards resolve, does his Spirit display 4, or 8?
Is Spirit doubled before or after the attack bonus is calculated?