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#1 17-09-2010 01:43:58

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 6

Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

A few Card ideas to make Collectors and hardcore players make that perfect deck!
First off i have only been playing for like 10 days and will only try to be fair on all levels, I am not intentionally favoring any one guild or trying to make a over God card! Comments and suggestions are appreciated but please no flaming as i Mean no Malice in any of these suggestions. Also note that Flavor texts for these cards can be suggested by some hardcore players that know the Eredan world better then I do. I added my own flavor text for the action cards.
Second note as these cards are ment to drastically change the flow of battle they will be all legend to prevent every player from spaming them, it is up to the developers to decide to put them in a pack or reward option.
*= Change in text for level, ** Describes new ability,
Here we go, A couple suggestions for each Guild:cool:


Xin The Iron bringer's Armor
Rarity - Legend
Stats- Unique, Only can be equipped by Xin the Iron bringer, Armor
+ 3 defense, + 1 maxium health, + 1/0 attack, when Activates  Heals 2 health

Iro's Dueling Blade
Rarity - Legend
Stats - Unique, Only can be equipped by Iro the Duelist, One Handed Sword
+ 2 Attack ( +3 If opposing enemy is equipped with a weapon) + 1 defense, If the attack is successful and causes damage then  causes 1-2 damage to random enemy. Duel wield, Activates Immediatly after round 5

Readiness - Level 1
Rarity - Legend
Stats- Action, Warrior, Kotoba, Unique.
Look through your deck for any equipment card (except unique) and place it in your hand then reshuffle. Chain
A True Warrior Always comes Equipped for battle, well... never to be caught with out it actually!!
*Level 2 Look through your deck for any equipment card (except Unique) and equip it, then reshuffle. Chain
*Level 3 Look through your deck for any Equipment card and equip and Activate the Item ( including 2 handed) Lose 2 health. Chain
( level 2 requires 50%+ of ALL Kotoba Characters, level three require the Imperial officer Trophy)

Noz'Dingard Envoys

Eglantyne and Moira's Equipment
Rarity - Legend
Stats - Unique, only can be equipped by Eglantyne and Moira, Weapon and Armor
+1 Spirit, +2 attack, + 2 defense, Thunder spell Immunity, when activates heals 3 health.

Prophet's Staff
Rarity- Legend
Stats- Unique, only can be equipped by Prophet
+ 1 spirit, + 1/0 attack, + 1 defense, + 1 non-AOE magic damge, Chain Draconian spell. If prophet is killed by either a marauder or Warrior Activates a weakend Smoked arrow (1-3 damage)

Knowledge Level 1
Rarity- Legend
Stats Action, unique, mage, Noz'Dinagard
Look through your deck for any Spell Card and place it in your hand then Reshuffle. Lose 1 health, Chain Spell
Having wisdom and knowledge to use against your enemy is nice, ...just as long as your brain dosen't explode first!
*Level 2 Look through your deck or Discard pile For any spell card and place it in your hand then reshuffle. Lose 1 Health, Chain
*Level 3 Look through your deck or any discard pile for any spell card and activate  it. Lose 2 Health. Chain ( level 2 requires 50%+ of all Noz'Dingard characters maxed out, Level 3 requires the Cystalmancer Trophy

Zil Warriors

Rarity- Legend
Stats- Unique, Marauder, Zil, Dagger
+ 3 attack, Your opposing enemy loses 1 armor, Poison**, Activates Immediatly, duel wield.
** If the Attack is succesful and  causes damage then the enemy is Poisoned and next time they activate lose 2 Health.

Dirty Tactics Level 1
Rarity- Legend
Stats- Action, Unique, Zil
Apply Poison to your Weapon. Chain
Play by your rules you say? Why should i lose to yours, when i know i can win by mine?
*Level 2 Apply poison to your weapon, and look through your deck for ANY action card and place it in your hand then reshuffle. Lose 1 Health Chain
* Level 3 Apply Poison to ALL your weapons in play and look through your deck or your discard pile for ANY action card and place it in your hand then reshuffle. Chain. Lose 1 Health
*Level 4 Apply poison to ALL your weapons in play and Look through your Deck, or ANY Discard pile for ANY action card and put it into play. Chain Lose 2 Health
(level 3 Requires 50%+ of all Zil characters maxed, level 4 requires the The Puppeteer Trophy.)

Okay i am done for now i look forward to hearing thoughts. This is in by no way final or restricted to the chosen characters, it was just a example to get ideas flowing

Thanks Xelicar

ooops i ment to post in card suggestions not here I apoligize. could a moderator please move it for me thanks hmm

Dernière modification par Xelicar (17-09-2010 01:53:44)

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#2 17-09-2010 03:32:52

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

I like the idea, some of the examples are broken, but the idea is awesome lol.  I'd love to see some character specific cards later down the road.  So are already pretty specific, i.e. paladins hammer, runic armor.

Also, this should be moved to the Suggestions thread.

Dernière modification par steven_allen (17-09-2010 03:34:18)


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#3 17-09-2010 06:57:11

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-08-2010
Messages : 172

Re : Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

I'm gonna move this to Discussions for now. I'm looking into a dedicated "Card Ideas" forum so that they can all be collected in one area.

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#4 17-09-2010 07:53:47

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

I agree with Steven.

Though Iro's DUELING sword thing made me laugh, especially since it can deal damage to other opposing characters too! xD Not much of a duel there huh? tongue

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#5 17-09-2010 08:32:48

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

I thought a "parry" card would be cool.  Something like, "your opponents attack goes to 0.  Your attack is halved."  or something like that.


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#6 17-09-2010 19:00:05

Inscription : 14-09-2010
Messages : 30

Re : Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

dont they have a card like that

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#7 17-09-2010 19:02:30

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

Oh, or how about "Double your defense score, your attack score goes to zero"


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#8 17-09-2010 20:42:39

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Some Card Ideas to make Collectors and PvP (ELO) players Alike enjoy

Rathedan would cry again. Shell+ that= QQ

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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