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Pages : 1
So I suggested the Monk class, and a new action subtype (Martial) should be added.
Here's the original thread:
The basics behind every Monk is:
- Although Martial actions are normal actions playable by anyone that meets the requirements, Monks can play all Martial actions without restrictions
- Fu, Shi and Mi would become Martial Actions, and while this changes nothing for Tsoutai since they would still play them without being Monks, Monks can play them without being Kotoba or Tsoutai.
- At the start of the fight, Attack = X (wich can be defined through various different effects, like a flat number, or a condition like the one below)
After the attack is set at the start of the fight, it can be modified normally.
Here I suggest a Monk character who is focused on throws (judo-style), wich turns the opponent's size and weight against him, so her Attack is based on the opponent's Health:
Name: Haigumo
Guild: Mercenary or Kotoba
Class: Monk
Race: Human or War Guemelite (as suggested by Goscar), or both
Gender: Female
Note: For those who didn't get it, it means if the opposing character has 15 health, since 15/2 (rounded down) = 7, she has Attack = (7+1)/(7+3) = 8/10.
Permanent attack boosts or penalties, and most weapons, are mostly ineffective on Monks since their Attack is reset to a fixed amount at the start of the fight.
Haigumo's Attack grows as follows:
Shulong = 4/6
8-9 HP (Flammara) = 4+1/4+3 = 5/7
10-11 HP (Telendar) = 5+1/5+3 = 6/8
12-13 HP (Aez) = 6+1/6+3 = 7/9
14-15 HP (Kebek) = 7+1/7+3 = 8/10
16-17 HP (Ourenos) = 8+1/8+3 = 9/11
18-19 HP (Amhid) = 9+1/9+3 = 10/12
22-23 HP (Sol'ra's Avatar) = 11+1/11+3 = 12/14
30 HP (Venerable Shulong, Inferno) = 15+1/15+3 = 16/18
60 HP (Kaes the Malevolent) =15+1/15+3 = 16/18
Dernière modification par Nurvus (27-11-2012 01:46:41)
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I think she should be War Guem.
Dragon Knights ftw
Hors ligne
Could be. Didn't think of that much.
Was mostly focused on introducing the Class.
Katamaru makes sense for a Kotoba Monk.
Edited Original Post (not gonna edit the card -_-)
Dernière modification par Nurvus (24-08-2012 02:06:31)
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Pages : 1