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#1 08-06-2012 20:29:41

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Sollution - Converting Cards to XP Cards

To deal with useless cards in your collection without adding more Crystals or cards into the game, I think a feature should be created where you can "upgrade" any card into a XP card.

Value is Fixed, but Lv and Rarity add to it:
- All cards would have an additional "upgrade path" that allows you to upgrade a fully experienced card into an EXP Card instead of its normal upgrade.
There would always be loss of EXP.

- Common cards (the default) would, at Lv1, Lv2, Lv3, Lv4, Lv5, Lv6, etc, upgrade into, respectively, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, etc.
- Uncommon Cards would start one step ahead (50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, etc)
- Rare Cards would start two steps ahead (100, 250, 500, 1000, etc)
- Legendary Cards would start three steps ahead (250, 500, 1000, etc)

Example (Rare card):
Zahal Lv1 + 160 EXP = Zahal Lv2
or Zahal Lv1 + 160 EXP = 100 EXP Card

Zahal Lv2 + 320 (480) EXP = Zahal Lv3 (Dragon Guemelite)
or Zahal Lv2 + 320 (480) EXP = Zahal Lv3 (Human)
or Zahal Lv2 + 320 (480) EXP = 250 EXP Card

Zahal Lv3 (either) + (1108) EXP = Zahal Lv4
or Zahal Lv3 (either) + (1108) EXP = 500 EXP Card


  1. Indeed!
  2. Derp...
Votes totaux: 8

Les résultats du sondage sont masqués pour les invités

Dernière modification par Nurvus (09-06-2012 01:05:38)

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#2 09-06-2012 00:50:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 144

Re : Sollution - Converting Cards to XP Cards

What would these damn pokeredan cards get me?

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#3 09-06-2012 01:06:45

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : Sollution - Converting Cards to XP Cards

God a écrit :

What would these damn pokeredan cards get me?

An icecream that does not melt in your mouth.

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#4 29-06-2012 19:37:57

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : Sollution - Converting Cards to XP Cards

Any more comments?

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