
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 27-07-2011 04:40:28

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Card of the week? What's the whole point?

I am curious and would like to know why exactly Feerik launched this 'Weekly Card' campaign. Threads:

Why is Feerik interested in old, partially unused and stale cards? Feedback on these past cards is useless. Why aren't there feedback questions pertaining to the new cards in every update instead? Feedback that could help produce a more stable meta.

I am just baffled by this. Instead of gathering more information on troubles that are actually ruining the game, they are asking for feedback on near trivial cards.

I do not know about you guys, but I just feel this is to keep us preoccupied for some reason. I have been gone a month and pretty much nothing has changed, besides new card additions, a downloadable soundtrack and a new forum moderator (Possibly some small tweaks in game performance, but that I wouldn't know as I haven't actually played it in a long time).

We offered a huge thread full of feedback regarding the problems of the game. So far I see no real effort to get rid of these troubles. I do know some things take their time to change, especially if it pertains to changing the game's coding and making things work out. Just why aren't we informed about progresses and instead given little morsels like this to keep ourselves busy with?

What are your thoughts on this issue? Maybe the Community Manager can pop in and explain what is actually going on, or more at least tell us how things are progressing.

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#2 27-07-2011 11:32:07

Archibald Eredan
Inscription : 28-03-2011
Messages : 769

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

This section is my idea. It's for helping beginners and talking about.

feerik regarding you'r feedback and if you be patient, you will see many results.

Thank You.

De l'ombre nait toujours la lumière, enfin en théorie...

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#3 27-07-2011 12:20:05

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

Archibald Eredan a écrit :

This section is my idea. It's for helping beginners and talking about.

Well as I said and you deleted on the french forum my idea of "talking" implies the idea of posting multiple times if need be so I currently don't see the use of this new section at least on the french forum.

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#4 27-07-2011 15:32:05

Archibald Eredan
Inscription : 28-03-2011
Messages : 769

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

That, this your idea. I don't see things like you.

De l'ombre nait toujours la lumière, enfin en théorie...

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#5 28-07-2011 02:22:45

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 455

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

The main point I gather is to urge people to post there. That's what you do on forums and it is something our users seem to stray away from. I try to put an in depth look into whatever the card is in hope of sparking a debate. Debates are something we are very good at and I encourage them.

I don't think people lose interest in Eredan I think people run out of things to do. I have one last hooorah to solve that but without involvement its pointless.

Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken

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#6 28-07-2011 05:37:44

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

Glasher a écrit :

The main point I gather is to urge people to post there. That's what you do on forums and it is something our users seem to stray away from. I try to put an in depth look into whatever the card is in hope of sparking a debate. Debates are something we are very good at and I encourage them.

I don't think people lose interest in Eredan I think people run out of things to do. I have one last hooorah to solve that but without involvement its pointless.

I agree that debates are an important and also interesting part of forums in general. It is what people like to do in forums. Post and share their opinions and discuss things they share common interests in. The problem in this case is that the topic isn't that interesting.

This is not meant to be offensive or mean. Just nobody gives a rat's ass about some of those cards up for 'debate'. Instead offer debate threads dealing with new content of the cards or entirely other important aspects of the game players would be interested in.

If you want, I could post a summary of the problems this forum has and why it is so inactive and problematic to keep alive. I would post in the thread you started to analyze the situation and question players on their feedback, but I dislike the question system. tongue I prefer free debates and discussions on the topic over limited q&as.

Archibald Eredan a écrit :

This section is my idea. It's for helping beginners and talking about.

feerik regarding you'r feedback and if you be patient, you will see many results.

Thank You.

I do have to say I am disappointed in this response. I know you have problems with English and cannot explain yourself as well as others here. I am also very sure you have a solid opinion on things I bring up and try to discuss and would like to express yourself differently than your limitations allow you to. 

My problem is this answer is just not enough for me. Telling me off, by telling me to be more patient is a really bad response to this situation. I have been patient long enough. I have been dealing with this game since late August of 2010 and have been volunteering to help make this game better for well over 8 months. I have spent thousands of dollars in this game alone, because I believe it is awesome. But after 10 months and seeing the game basically at the same spot it was when you started, you lose patience.

You lose the ability to wait for it to happen and to be honest I now feel the urge to make pressure to help get things going. That is why I post these threads. They may seem aggressive and mean in ways, but in the end I want to see the game progress and not regress or get stuck at a stand still.

With a simple response like that, you basically tell me that Feerik isn't interested in progressing the game, but instead just keeping me held back to stay where it is. All I asked for is a little transparency as your product consumer and customer in what is changing in Eredan iTCG and Feerik. If you guys are doing things to improve the game, then tell us what. Don't tell me 'to be patient and you will see the results'. All that does is aggravate me more than I already am.

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#7 28-07-2011 07:23:43

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-10-2010
Messages : 2

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

Perhaps Card of the Week should discuss cards like [card]The Council's Banner[/card] or [card]The Hungry Void[/card] or legendary cards in general.

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#8 28-07-2011 13:05:01

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

I belive the card of the week is a nice idea, maybe the chosen cards are not what people expect, but its still nice to have something to discuss in the forum.

Still I have to agree with bleachmann in 2 things, first there are surely more important things to discuss, like balance of new cards. Second, feerik gives too few feebacks, all they say they are working to fix things, but we dont see what is been done, there are some bugs more then one month old.. Near none of the ideas that are discussed on the foroum get a feedback, like yes we gona do that, no we are not gona do that for this reason or that.

And of course there are the events and promotions that just pop up with not at least one warning of it. I dont know in other places, but here in Brazil the payment by credit card takes at least 48 hours for the feez to be delivered. (Before April used to to take less than 5 minuts..) So unless the promotion is held for more than 48 hours its useless for people here. Unless they all buy by SMS and the $$/Feez rate is so bad that if you buy by the creditcard options is still better than SMS during promotion...

Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (28-07-2011 13:06:19)

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#9 29-07-2011 00:10:49

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-10-2010
Messages : 166

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

Revenant a écrit :

Perhaps Card of the Week should discuss cards like [card]The Council's Banner[/card] or [card]The Hungry Void[/card] or legendary cards in general.

i second that.

...Aboose, il Sacerdote... My decks <---- chat ita eredan

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#10 29-07-2011 06:21:07

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Card of the week? What's the whole point?

Judging alone by the few posts here you can see a trend in what players expect. More in depth discussions about important topics, be it 'OP' and rare cards, problems with events or other parts of the games.

Maybe in the future you can actually do something the community wants instead of something more or less trivial that nobody really cares about. I would still like to hear the Community Manager's stand on this.

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