
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » December 5th: Shengdi » 06-12-2012 06:25:43

[card]Benediction of the Karukaï[/card] + [card]Tsume[/card] = heal full hp you deal

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 24th 2012: The Clan module! » 01-10-2012 08:23:24

when a clan done a trophies, who  gain exp and cystal??? clan master or all??

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Dark town » 13-09-2012 18:37:43

hey, i just beat the final boss of first floor secret room, got a staff, but i still don't see the second floor???

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Dark town » 13-09-2012 13:51:25

as u mean i need to beat first floor secret room to reach second floor?

what deck can beat them? ty

#6 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Dark town » 13-09-2012 13:12:10

Réponses : 7

How to go two and three floor of darktown? I only see ground and First floor and one secret room in first floor.

and anyone know hidden Q in darktown? still can get them?

#8 Deck and Strategy » Kaes the Malevolent » 08-07-2012 03:20:30

Réponses : 2

anybody test  [card]Kaes the Malevolent[/card] with [card]Key of the Eternal[/card]

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » the coming news: I don't get it » 29-05-2012 03:00:36

a deck can be up to 50 card, but a card still can use for 1 deck, sad so hard to fill all card we need.

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 28th 2012 : News » 28-05-2012 15:56:22

i think 50 is too big. 20 is nice. But if 50, i think a card can use for more than one deck is better
sr my English is....!

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » The Runic Lords » 20-04-2012 08:19:15

[card]tantadian spear[/card]  is good

#12 Re : Update list » Master-Mage Pilkim / Kotori Kage » 04-04-2012 15:55:38

a new monster.............. unfair, why always Noz

#13 Deck and Strategy » the venerable shulong » 30-01-2012 05:20:52

Réponses : 1


[card]dismemberment[/card] x2
[card]the grant hunt[/card] x2
[card]colision[/card] x2
[card]good omen[/card] x3
[card]it is time[/card] x2
[card]wanted[/card] x2
[card]no quarter[/card]
[card]capturing the enemy[/card]
[card]tit for tat[/card]
[card]with evil intentions[/card]

this my deck, i think thí is not yet complete. Anybody have ideal

#15 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » buy pack » 13-01-2012 07:51:28

Réponses : 2

Now I see some new boosters in shop, like kotoba booster, pirates booster only 400 feez. But when i click "card available in this product". I see all the card, and all other boosters is the same?

So what?

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dreamlike Encounter » 31-12-2011 07:44:01

but i had played with someone play this card in mill deck, he play this card and I remember both 2 player draw extra 3 card. Next he play Mental Siphon... discard 8 card in one turn.

Sorry about my english, it terrible big_smile

#18 Re : Update list » End of the Year Tournaments » 30-12-2011 07:26:00

I played 5 games and how i can take and see what cards in booster

#19 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dreamlike Encounter » 30-12-2011 06:21:21

so... i want build a mill deck with Dreamlike, you can give me any idea

#20 Deck and Strategy » Dreamlike Encounter » 30-12-2011 05:45:24

Réponses : 6

[card]Dreamlike Encounter[/card] what mean no Class in Common?

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