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#2 Deck and Strategy » Returning Player Struggling - Help Please! » 05-08-2012 17:31:57

Réponses : 6


I played a fair bit a while back but haven't had the time since about a year ago.

I've now decided to pop back in and was prepared for there to be a lot of new decks and strategies to contend with - I also know I may have to spend/grind a little to catch up.

However I wasn't really expecting to be struggling quite so much (my old decks - kotoba weapons at will, and pirate powder kegs, narwhals etc. weren't exactly top tier, but they held their own. Now they struggle at the 1500 rating).

My main observation is that mages seem to be everywhere and do even more damage than before and I keep running into legends even at low ratings.

Are non-magic decks still viable or will low spirit just result in you being blasted to death?

Are there any other major shifts that have occurred in the past year?

How much difference does the higher deck size make?

Is it worth me picking up a few cards like Kaiken and persevering with WAW or in the current meta and with the nerf (whenever that happened) is it better to trade the deck out for crystals? Likewise with pirate kegs - Azalys, Souchi, pocket shooters (pricey though they are) all look good, but if I go after them will I still just find myself being blasted by mages before I get set up all the time? The other deck I always wanted to try but never got the cards for was a Nomad Priest deck, but I imagine the price may be prohibitive now. The new Legion stuff also looks interesting.

Sorry for so many questions, and I know I'll have to make the decisions myself in the end - just wanted an idea of what I'm getting into before I potentially spend anything or start trying to pull things off the market (I still have a bit of trade fodder from before).


#3 Deck and Strategy » Ka-Boom (Pirates) » 02-08-2011 23:13:33

Réponses : 11

Hey there,

So a few days ago (or maybe a couple of weeks now, I lose track of time) I decided to potter around and make a Pirate Deck with Narwhals and Crickets. I then realised the potential of powder kegs and scuttling and so threw them in, however I'm finding it rather tricky to run due to the draw dependence and general weakness of Clover.

So any ideas on how to strengthen it would be appreciated. I've considered ditching the keg idea, but feel this leaves it rather weak (unless I stumble across a tonne of crystals for Assassinations, Warriors Fury etc.). I've also considered ditching the Narwhals/C&Ps for Pistol Blades and counter cards and going down a more traditional Keg route with Captain etc. but I think most of the weaknesses remain.

Anyway this is what I've been running.

Hook (Powder), Clover, Gemineye

3 Scuttling, 3 Powder Keg - The key to the deck. When it works it really works, when it fails, you're stuck with a clogged hand and a pithy craftswoman.
3 Conquer & Perish, 3 Narwhal - combined with Kegs, Crickets and AoE DD it's quite possible to kill 2 or even 3 enemies in a turn.
3 Infernal Cricket - 6 Direct Damage vs. a Kegged enemy. Can chain into a Narwhal for Target Switching, or can use it during your physical attack for another 3DD off the keg. Chain 2 for 15DD + Phys Att. Chain one on your Narwhalled character and follow it with a 2nd Narwhal/Cricket/Dismemberment depending on situation etc.
2 Dismemberment 4 + AoE DD if kegs are out. Would replace with Rain of Arrows if I had a deck capable of reaching 1800 ELO so I could get one. Explosion could also work (does the DD trigger twice if you play it on Gem?) and Storm. But don't have either of those yet either.
2 Jolly Roger Useful for damage boost and can be chained into but considering replacing with something that keeps me alive longer. Any thoughts?
1 Master Craftsman An attempt to allow Clover to do something after she scuttles, but not sure if it's really worth it tbh.

Basically, best case scenario usually involves opponent going first and me getting a Narwhal onto Gem. Then scuttling Clover on turn 2. Turn 3 Cricket/Narwhal. Turn 4 various combos on Hook/Gem involving spreading the DD love or C&P w/another Narwhal, Cricket etc. This usually does enough that when they kill Clover cheaply on Turn 5 it's irrelevant.

1st turn with scuttling can also be effective, although with Clover usually dying Turn 4 it can go down to who causes most damage. Furthermore if there's no scuttling in my opening hand, getting 1st turn is actually a pain, because I don't get to pick turn 4.

Main problem as stated at the start is that if Clover can't scuttle early, it's an uphill battle. But also she has very little damage output or resilience beyond that. And since all the chars die easily it can often turn into an everyone's dead scenario.

Anyways cheers for any feedback.

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » ELO Quitters, Etiquette etc. » 02-08-2011 14:49:07

Ah, but (when you manage it) beating a discard player is just so much sweeter than beating a regular player.

It was actually a discard player quitting the moment before I got my Perfect off him that prompted me to make this thread in the first place, however. I feel of all people, those who make cookie-cutter decks ought to at least allow you to gain the proper reward when you manage to beat them!

#5 Re : Suggestions » Ishaia +1 only on Ice wall and unban? » 02-08-2011 14:40:24

Rathedan a écrit :


Try sitar hero decks.

Ish is not just OP because of ice wall. She's just plain OP. 4 guilds break all the court cards, +1 magic spell, and healing after turn 5 every turn....

unbanning her would make every rich person's deck in ELO have her again, not worth it IMO.

Correction tongue

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » Mekarmor abuse! » 01-08-2011 18:46:26

Of course the trouble is with the speed of most games you kind of need it out in the first couple of turns or else it might all be over by the time you actually get to chain anything. Plus your character has to survive until its next turn. After that it becomes a dead card draw.

So the question is, in the case of any of the above combos, is it actually worth a deck slot over other existing cards?

(In a craftsman based deck there's the potential to equip it to another character and then use it immediately, but how many super-combos fit into craftsmen decks?)

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Mekarmor abuse! » 01-08-2011 18:22:50

Weapons at Will & Kensensei for a bazillion damage?

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » ELO Quitters, Etiquette etc. » 01-08-2011 16:00:45

Paladino.:RR:. a écrit :

Well there are some peoples who leave the moment they realize the game is lost in order to save time, but I don't belive that they do that all the time because of the leaving %.

And of course there are those who just leave so you dont get perfect....

The timesavers I don't mind, that's fair enough - it's the don't-get-perfect ones that just seem a little petty...

#9 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » ELO Quitters, Etiquette etc. » 31-07-2011 22:01:05

Réponses : 15

I was just wondering if there's some hidden benefit people get from timing out or leaving a game in ELO (such as a smaller ratings loss)?

Or do they let the timer run down when you're about to get a certain perfect purely because they're bitter?

(I know some people genuinely time out and I've had the bug where the buttons to take your turn disappear a couple of times recently - although both times when I was about to win too bleh. But if someone earns a perfect I'll play out the game and let them have it - seems unsporting to do otherwise)

But yeah, anyway I was just curious as to why people do this?

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Almost imposible Foils... » 31-07-2011 21:56:28

I got a foil dead gods. Shame I'll probably never use it sad

#11 Bugs » New Trophy (Exorcist) » 29-07-2011 20:25:51

Réponses : 0

Not getting pts on the new trophy with my Kotoba deck in ELO even though it's pure phys damage.

Not sure if it's failing because there's a bug with ELO (like yesterday with the Elements) or if it's because I used weapon throw (though that clearly states it is physical damage). Can't think of anything else that might have caused it.

#12 Re : Suggestions » Legends should be one per deck only or ban them in elo altogether » 27-07-2011 23:08:16

I like the Elite idea.

Most of the "problem" cards are problematic in large numbers/combos so having a limit of X elite cards could be very effective at both allowing those poor banned cards to see *some* action and at the same time restoring an overall balance (there would be other currently unbanned cards which I imagine would also make such a list and the list would have to be well constructed and periodically reviewed).

I also like the Format idea.

Perhaps different tournament/league formats would have different "Elite" lists (and the more budget/newbie friendly ones would potentially still incorporate some sort of ban list too or else a more rigorous elite list).

I actually agree with Nurvus when he says he's not shutting down deck ideas. If anything I think it will open them up. Take his example of treacherous, prestige, theft etc. different people would then start choosing different combinations to take up the 3 slots they'd be allowed. Some might start taking their decks in completely different directions, and there probably wouldn't be one stand out brainless power option.

#13 Bugs » Powder Keg + Infernal Cricket » 26-07-2011 19:21:25

Réponses : 1

When I play Infernal Cricket I get the 3 bonus damage for the direct damage trigger, but I'm not getting the 3 bonus damage when I make the actual attack (even though the cricket is still attached at this point and only discards at the end of the fight...)

p.s. There's also a visual bug whenever the keg triggers where it does 6 damage and then is amended to 3, but that's just a visual so not a game-changing problem.

#14 Re : FAQs » What procs Powder Keg? (10 Questions on Pirate Mechanics) » 18-07-2011 21:24:00

Cheers, that's really helpful!

I totally forgot weapon throw was Kotoba lol -  probably isn't quite worth contriving a bomzar/powder-weapon/dragon's wit/weapon throw or similar just to satisfy curiosity smile

Time to spend some crystals and make a deck I think smile

#15 Re : FAQs » What procs Powder Keg? (10 Questions on Pirate Mechanics) » 18-07-2011 00:24:01

And one more (sorry)

If Clover uses Scuttling do the Kegs still count as "played by Clover" and thus won't discard when they explode?

#16 FAQs » What procs Powder Keg? (10 Questions on Pirate Mechanics) » 16-07-2011 23:58:05

Réponses : 3


I was looking at ways to make us of Clover + Powder Keg and have run into a few scenarios where I'm not sure if the keg triggers or not (don't have the cards to test yet).

I'm guessing it triggers on basic combat damage and the fire damage seems generally straightforward, but what about the following scenarios?

1) Narwhal + OOC - I'd assume yes, but given Narwhal's inaccurate description one has to wonder...

2) Weapon Throw (say a dagger) whilst equipped with a powder weapon. I'd assume yes since the damage still comes from the character equipped with powder weapon.

3) Weapon Throw when you throw the powder weapon. Perhaps chaining an Infernal Cricket, say. At the point of impact you are no longer equipped with the powder weapon so I'd guess no?

4) Infernal Cricket - direct damage still counts as coming from your character so it still procs, right?

5) Spell damage. According to the description lightning bolts should proc it if I'm holding a powder weapon at the time since it doesn't say the damage has to come from the weapon, just the character holding it, yes?

6) Adranis' extra attack (if she's holding a powder weapon). Again don't see why not...

7) Would Adranis double proc if she fire-balled whilst holding a powder weapon? (once for fire, once for powder). And then of course potentially another two from her actual attack and possible bonus attack, making for a possible 4 procs (5 with cricket too).

8) Global direct damage e.g. storm - does this count as from the character or separate?

9) Weapon Kata. From what I've observed when Jian Qiao does spread damage, the game engine seems to apply it to the active character first and then split it (unless that's a visual just for the benefit of the players), which leads me to believe weapon kata might not proc on OOC characters as the engine won't recognise that the damage comes from the powder-weapon wielding character. However since that actually is where the damage is coming from I'd think it ought to proc...

10) On a non-Powder Keg but similar note, if you use Adventurer to move narwhal or cricket to a new out of combat character, will they proc a 2nd time?

Thanks in advance for any answers. Hopefully this can help me decide which cards to get as I build my deck smile

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Strategy Guides!! » 12-07-2011 18:30:30


New here, so haven't anything to contribute.

However, would just like to say I really appreciate the effort being put into this. One of the things I've noticed is that there's limited information on the different deck types, and even a trawl of this forum often gives out of date information or only specific decks with no real explanation of strategy.

As a new player, even though I want to create my own decks and tweak things accordingly, having an idea of what works and doesn't and some input from veterans is most helpful. Especially considering no-one wants to spend time and money/crystals on a deck that fails horribly, when they could have discovered that beforehand with the aid of a guide. Equally being able to play around with some functional decks to get a feel of what works before engaging my creativity would seem to make sense; but again there's no obvious concentration of information at present. Hopefully now there will be!

So just some encouragement really smile

#18 Bugs » Couldn't play a card on my turn in Training Room. » 10-07-2011 12:12:11

Réponses : 0

Turn 4 Training Room, opponent selected Ahlem who did his random heal thing, but then it wouldn't let me play a card. (so the timer ran down and I auto-lost).

#19 Re : FAQs » Deck Out Question » 09-07-2011 16:53:18

Hmm, it is possible I had an emerald sword active. I don't think I did, but it's in that deck so might have been the case - would that have caused it? (text does say you *may* draw an extra card not you *must/will* though...)

#20 FAQs » Deck Out Question » 09-07-2011 15:25:38

Réponses : 4

I'm not sure if this is a FAQ question or a bug, but here goes.

Deck Out only occurs at the END of the turn where you couldn't draw a 5th card at the BEGINNING of the turn, right?

Because just now I had 5 cards at the start of my turn and then played two of them. I didn't quite kill the last character, but knew I could on my next turn. Except it told my I decked out because I couldn't draw the two cards...

Am I misunderstanding the rules here or should that not have happened?

#21 Re : Bugs » No Reward Card :( » 07-07-2011 23:47:53

Ah scratch that. I logged out and back in and it has reappeared smile
(rubbish card though, but hey)

#22 Bugs » No Reward Card :( » 07-07-2011 23:42:05

Réponses : 1


I completed my 5th daily quest today and clicked on the free card, but the screen froze up. My only option to get out of the frozen screen was to click the x at which point the screen disappeared and I never got my card sad

Is there any way I can get my free card please? I was looking forward to it after 5 days lol...

#24 Re : FAQs » [FAQ] Keywords » 05-07-2011 18:40:09

I'm starting to see the word 'initiative' appear - is this to do with the order in which characters act within the turn?

#25 Re : Bugs » Chain missing...again » 02-07-2011 00:13:15

Yeah just had this chain problem too.

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