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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
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This is the most useless possible addition to the World-Trees. when Invisibility came out, nobody played with it, because the trade-off +4def for -4att is just crap.....why Feerik decides to force us to play with a useless card (Invisibility) and that x3
an "Invisibility" is created and attached to each one of your World-Trees.
You don't need to have Invisibility x3 in your Deck.
Dais don't supposed to be unknown?
That you don't need Invisibility in your deck is clear to me, but having a warrior create 3 of them at the start of the fight and kill all physical damages done by world tree is pointless. Nobody puts Invisibility in a deck because it's just not worth it. Force attaching it did not make it better.....it makes warriors practically useless for the 1st 3 turns. If Cervus was a mage, it would be a different story as he would be boosting defenses of chars that can attack with magic damage. There is no spell any nature guemelite warrior can play that balances out the -4 attack lost due to Invisibility, thus Cervus makes himself useless with his "Invisibility" in his 1st fight, and all other World-tree warriors as well. With Cervus in the deck World-tree has no chance against manipulation, aggro marauders, mages, high-def warriors or any average reasonable deck, because at least one of the World trees (Cervus) is useless when it comes to dealing damage in the 1st 3 turns.
This is the most useless possible addition to the World-Trees. when Invisibility came out, nobody played with it, because the trade-off +4def for -4att is just crap.....why Feerik decides to force us to play with a useless card (Invisibility) and that x3, making physical damages in the 1st 3 turns by the world-tree next to 0 I can't understand. Cervus is a warrior!!! NOT a mage. The great advantage of Warrior guemelites is that they can deal physical damages and cast spells, thus doing damage from 2 angles, Cervus kills all physical damages by world-tree for the 1st 3 turns....hello??? This is a real disappointment. The logic behind "your nature guemelites have attack+1", but I'll also give them attack-4 for the 1st 3 turns...escapes me....
All Legendary characters are overpowered.
They should all be brought down in sheer power to feel unique and legendary, but balanced with other characters.
As far as sheer power goes, they should have like +1 health or other minor differences.
Not retardedly OP stats.Iro isn't underpowered - he's actually the only Legendary that is as strong as all Legendaries should be.
I would agree with this, don't get me wrong, Iro is good as a Legendary and not underpowered as such, only in comparison to all the other Legendary Guild Characters. I have the impression that the Legendary Guild chars are all meant to pack a serious punch and be slightly OP, and they do/are.....all except Iro.
Ourenos - Kill my boys, I Kill you
Killicrew - I'll be back
Nebsen - Don't hurt my friends
Zil - What? Defence?? LMAO
Pilkim - I am Magic!!
Iro - Lemme see if I can use any swords that come my way and live?????
Compared to the other Legendary guild chars, Iro looks just like a knock-off Alyce (Chain shadow spells, play all shadow spells without restrictions) and considreing that Ourenos can also play ALL Sap cards on 2,5&6, Iro just has the short straw on all Guild legends.
Now another Legendary Guild Character, Nebsen, has been released it becomes more than evident that Iro the Emperor's Champion is hopelessly underpowered in comparison to all the others. It has been a while, but I remember when Ishaia was released her final evolution had +2 to spell effects. This was clearly overpowered (and would still be today despite the other Legendaries) and in the course of time readjusted to +1 to spell effects, thereby creating a precedence of "correcting" a mistake with a legendary character. With the new Legends out, it is really sad to see that Iro (who's been around since act 1) in his Legendary form is no match for any of the other Legends, as he is underpowered for a Legend. Be it Zil, MM Pilkim, Ourenos or Admiral Killicrew who can all one-shot Iro with their guild specific cards, there is no Guild Legend that Iro can one-shot, and his only survival chances are with "Corrupted" which is a non-kotoba weapon and thus limited to his use in a Kotoba deck. I think it's time Fee'rik have a thought and talk about this issue. Many have complained that the Legendaries are overpowered, but no such complaints have come about Iro the Legend. It would only be fair to even things out, so I would suggest, rather than downgrade the other Legendaries (like making Ourenos's hit when char dies his printed min attack or 10....or Nebsen reducing damage to out-of combat chars by 1 or 2 instead of 3) it should be considered upgrading Iro the Legend to become more of a match to his counterparts. I'm sure there have been many suggestions in this direction because I'm not the only one who thinks he's weak for a legendary card, and bringing him up to shape would really not require much.....increasing min&max attack by 1 would do it, "all one handed weapons played by Iro activate immediately" would do it..there are many possibilities......
New card, Kotoba, Crow, "Serenity" - gives all the Kotoba castes, duration 3 fights.
There seems to be a bug here, as the castes are only granted for 2 fights. In the 3rd fight all crows have their original castes even though "Serenity" is still attached to them.
Eredan's wisdom according to the wording "If Ciramor is in play he becomes Noz" does not work. He remains a Mercenary and can not play Noz spells. I've played the card with Noz mages, and Ciramor himself, it only gives the characteristic bonuses.
It's now 18:41, bug still persists. Just took out Pirate Lightning with Nehant Marauders, 65:00......Draw! No Trophy points. Only Quest of the thunderking played, maybe that's got something to do with the bug......
Edit: exchanged Quest of Thunderking for The Precious, same problem. Seems points are only awarded when none of the 3 Event cards are played.....
The event cards gives points only if you manage to get the first point.
One of your characters must have done more damage than each others opponent character to begin to score points.
If you look at the scores at the end of the game, (me 59, opp 00) and (me 69, opp 1) you will see that I was not even scratched thanks to iron walls and masamune armors. I definitely did more damage than all my opponents chars together in every single turn, because all the damage they did together was in one case 0, and in the other 1.....
Just lost a fight against Avalonians, decked out, killed 2 of my opponents chars, fight summary however says 00:00 Draw!
Lol, it's a hilarious FB page with stories from people who just have and post the dumbest relationship issues.
trying to get this week's trophy with a Warrior deck has proven impossible for me so far, due to a bug. All 3 event cards required are in the deck and were played, however:
These fights are an hour apart. My chars were all alive, perfect wins, but recorded as draws, and no points for trophy awarded.
no bug here. Somehow =X effects don't count on "modify" thing. I think same is for cards that divide (Like [card]Stamping[/card]). Soooo...every works like intended.
Actually "to modify" means to alter or change. Simple english. Also when u take a look at "crown of the border" which reads "The opponent's cards can not modify the Attack, Defense and Spirit characteristics of your character" (same expression, same word, only attack included for the crown) you will notice that stink bomb, magic attack, no armour, satmping, wallop, e.t.c have no effect on a character wearing "crown of the border" and that's the way it is supposed to be.
So obviously, either there is a bug, or the card has to be re-worded.
The text of half-light reads "Your characters defense and spirit can not be modified by your opponents cards. duration 2 fights". i understand this to mean that in the fight in which I activate half-light, and the next fight of the char carrying half-light, my opponents cards cannot change r affect my spirit or defense values. However, in the second fight, with half-light still attached, Stink-bomb takes my defense to 0 )which it could not in the turn the card was activated). If this is a bug please fix it, if,the text of the card needs rewording and I would like to know why half-light then has a duration of 3 turns.
According to the card description "at the end of the fight, the carrier suffers 1 direct damage point for each infected serum attached to him" but this is not the case. This card ONLY does damage when attached by Balastar, when it is played, but does no damage at the end of the fight at all, which makes it completely useless when played by another character so far. De-bug please
Can anyone please explain how this card works? According to the description "At the end of the fight, if the opposing character has less than 4 health points, you heal 4 and another opposing character suffers 4 direct damages", but I've been in quite a few fights where I played Cestus on turn 3, on turn 4 hit my opponent down to 2 or 3 health points and died with -1 or -2 without healing 4 HP. Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding the card???
Because the way I understand the description, I'm supposed to heal back to +3 or +2 considerring the fact that my opponent has less than 4HP left......
Again, I'll repeat, the problem is Attracts Lightning being able to pull AoE cards, at least from non-Pirate through Compendium.
Make Attracts Lightning only able to play AoE if you are Pirate and problem solved.
Changing Attracts Lightning will not solve the problem. Picture a Compendium deck:
3x Compendium Secret
3x Shadow Master
3x Crystal Storm
3x Illumination
3x Art of Magic
Draconian Sceptre
Break the Second Chain
Lightning Bolts 3
Other side of the coin
These are 20 cheap cards, excluding the expensive Mastery. One-shotting Pythia or Blanche before turn 3 is impossible. Because Syllphide and The sceptre are pre-drawn there's 5 cards in hand, 13 in deck.
Turn 1 - Crystal storm (6 possibilities)
Turn 2 - Compendium Secret - Compendium secret/break 2nd chain - any 2 AoE spells from discard pile which contains 4 cards.
Turn 3 - all opponents die
Even without foreign AoE, the 3 Compendium ladies all have Spirit=3 from star of the game, making LB3 a 9 Magic damage AoE spell when chained with Other side of the coin.....(Anreyna, turn 3, 11 magic damage AoE) and dissidence will not stop it!!
A shadowmaster or 2 in turn 2, everybody dies.
High spirit values can't protect you against crystal storm or shadow master.
Crystal storm on Pythia does 3 direct damages. Pulling shadowmaster ans another crystal storm, or 2 shadow masters from discard pile with Compendium secret means 10-11(with syllphide) direct damages on all opposing chars in turn 2, that's too much.
Either way, with Attracts Lightning, or Shadow master, the fact that this combo is next to unstoppable is due to Compendium Secret, which is a cheap magic hungry void, and you can have 3 in a deck.....
Came back here today, tired, pissed, irritated. Compendium Secret is OP!!! I feel the least that should be changed is affiliating it with the Noz guild. Changing Attracts lightning won't be effective as there are also combos with multiple shadow masters or multiple Lightning bolts. What does one do against Turn 2: Comp Sec-Break 2nd chain-Shadow Master-LB3..........Turn 3: Comp Sec-Mastery-LB3 ??? No deck can survive that. Unique means only 1 per deck. AoE spells are not chainable because they are very powerful (Hungry void came and changed that) but now they've become CHAINABLE and DUPLICATABLE in one turn, and Compendium has access to ALL AoE spells to throw around as they please....and it can't be blocked even with Dissidence from a previous turn!!! This card is a mistake, even high spirit Trackers or Tsoutai are helpless against Multiple Shadow Master and Crystal storm combos causing 10-11 DIRECT DAMAGES from turn 2 to 3 on all opposing characters, and not being able to one-shot Compendium in turn 1 or 2 (Unless Admiral Killicrew) makes this card very dangerous. It needs to be changed.
The idea of unstoppable cards is not something I would support. I'm fully on with it though to make Compendium secret a unique (as was done with living nature which is much weaker).
Most of all to solve this problem Feerik needs to get rid of the 3rd card bug. Until today it's only obesity and dissidence that work on a third card played. Even though Magic shield (which halves your attack) should ignore all spells played by the opponent and could kill above mentioned CS-attr lightning combo, it doesn't work if it's not the 1st card played on the turn. The same goes for protection of the pantheon and Dark stone heart/Nehantic stone, if illumination, attract's lightning, hungry void, Compendium secret, Council's banner are used to pull a spell as 3rd card or higher on the turn, these spell blockers do not work, and that's the real bugger. Magic shield has been around since Act 1, and one would expect that for sacrificing half attack value all spells would be blocked, and not that illumination still pulls and activates attracts lightning or crystal storm. Sacrificing half your attack only to see a council's banner which then allows ***bip*** opponent to play CS or attracts lightning is just wrong.
I don't think "general fray" is overpowered, if and only if the effect it has which is a problem for me is a bug. I have noticed that when general fray blocks a card, the card becomes completely useless. I mean this with reference to discard pile cards, i.e if general fray is used to stop a necrosis, or a tsoutai action, or a weapon, when the card which was blocked is pulled back out of the discard pile (by ouait ka/ceaches ixef, weapons at will, allegiance, hungry void, e.t.c) it does not perform or deliver its normal effect anymore. I'm assuming this is a bug which may not have been noticed until now, and if that is the case, I hope it can be rectified, because if that's how general fray is supposed to work, then it is definitely overpowered.
Another problem I've been encountering with "to track down" is that "my turn" (Zil , Pack) can not remove and discard it, even though it is a non-weapon, non-armor card which "my turn" should be able to remove from a character.
Seems until today this bug still exists. Nehantic stone used against Noz mages, it blocked the "Dragon's breath" but when hungry void pulled out lightning bolts on the same turn, damage went through. Please fix this.
Lady Yilith can nt play any more cards once she has Paladin's hammer attached in the tournament. This has happened every turn after Paladin's hammer was played
I don't think this is an improvement in any way, rather it will lead to one form of deck becoming dominant, survival. Soon everyone will be playing only desert nomads or runic legion decks with healing cards (and 3x new start). I'm sorry to say, but I get the impression something is going terribly wrong in the feerik team at this moment. This is a really bad idea following another really bad idea in a series of bad ideas. Tournament of the million treason was a bad idea as it reduced the whole game concept down to luck, so building a good deck became useless for winning since u were likely to play against rather than with it (50-50 chance turned out to be in ***bip*** disadvantage of playing ***bip*** own deck), now trophies for newcomers only, to "help" them, so all the old players can go suck it for being around and loyal so long, now they get excluded from part of the game (certain cards) ??? I suggest the Feerik staff re-think these ideas as they're really changing the game and it's experience drastically by these actions.
(coming from someone who started playing with only 3 guilds in the game)
Psalm's deck:
2x Fog
2x freeze
3x Cacophony
3x Sitar Hero
The Crystal's Song
2x Healing balm
2x Fury potion
2x Hypnotic melody
2x Once upon a time
Addition: these are the cards in the deck, but they can change in their respective numbers, e.g it may be only 1 fog and 3 fury potions
Alyce can play Zil shadow spells, even when she has become a nehantist (by break the 2nd chain) or dissidence is used on her.