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#1 Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Vampires » 04-03-2011 14:38:04

Réponses : 4

Name: Lord Druhl
Level: 3 (Max)
Guild: Vampires
Race: Blood Guemelite
Class: Warrior
Caste: Undead
Gender: Male
Spirit: 0
Attack: 6/9
Defense: 1
Life: 12
Odd Turns: Attack +2
At the end of a battle, Lord Druhl gains 1 Life for every 3 damage he inflicted. Items cannot be attached to Lord Druhl by either player.

Name: Lord Guhl
Level: 3 (Max)
Guild: Vampires
Race: Blood Guemelite
Class: Marauder
Caste: Undead
Gender: Male
Spirit: 0
Attack: 6/8
Defense: 1
Life: 13
Odd Turns: Defense +2
At the end of a battle, Lord Guhl gains 1 life for every 3 damage he inflicted. Items cannot be attached to Lord Guhl by either player.

Name: Lady Kruhl
Level: 3 (Max)
Guild: Vampires
Race: Blood Guemelite
Class: Marauder/Warrior
Caste: Undead
Gender: Female
Spirit: 0
Attack: 6/7
Defense: 2
Life: 13
Odd Turns: Attack +1, Defense +1
At the end of a battle, Lady Kruhl gains 1 life for every 3 damage she inflicted. Items cannot be attached to Lady Kruhl by either player.

Infernal Night
Guild: Vampires
Type: Action
Attach this card to one of your opponent’s characters. The next time that character enters battle against a Vampires character, it gains Spirit -2 and your character gains Attack +4/0 until the end of the fight and this card is then discarded.

Guild: Vampires
Type: Action
All items attached to the opposing character are discarded and its Spirit score becomes 0.

Rest for the Wicked
Guild: Vampires
Type: Action
If at the end of the battle your character’s life drops below 1, its life becomes 1/1 and it can no longer gain additional Life for the remainder of the game.

Manor of the Accursed
Guild: Vampires
Type: Unique Location
This card is attached to all remaining living characters. Characters not belonging to the Vampires guild can no longer gain Life. This card is automatically discarded if you or your opponent play another Location.

Harvest Ritual
Guild: Vampires
Type: Blood Spell
All Vampires gain 2 Life and all other characters suffer 2 direct damage.

#2 Re : Bugs » Regarding Server Issues » 03-03-2011 17:26:44

In Game Name: Smokin' Hot
Time of Issue (In GMT): Immediately after mantenance today
Amount of players online: Unknown
Games in session: Unknown
Which parts of the game did you have the most lag/problems: Main Page; all I receive is a message stating "Connecting to Server" with the game page behind it shadowed out.

#3 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » SmokinHot's Card Concepts » 08-12-2010 00:55:45

bleachman a écrit :

The second action card is technically better than assassination. lol

The drawback on that card is definately not compensation enough for the certain +4.

Assassination grants an attack bonus of +3 or +4 without any drawbacks and allows the player to chain a dagger. The drawback on my card certainly is compensation enough.

#4 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » SmokinHot's Card Concepts » 07-12-2010 02:20:55

Added a third creation as a suggestion to help strengthen DK decks.

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon's wit » 15-11-2010 04:45:49

steven_allen a écrit :

Yeah, the entirety of Eredan is meta gaming against you.

That was not what I was implying. It's mostly superstitious nonsense, but it happens to me in every game. The moment I share my strategy is the moment I experience most of my losses. I'm not saying everyone is out to get me, I am simply suggesting that I could be cursed tongue

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon's wit » 15-11-2010 03:35:42

I run a dragon deck and it took me awhile to find what works well for me. I use neither Dragon armor nor Paladin's hammer. I prefer a strong emphasis on offense, so if defense does not work out for you then I suggest 3 Solar's Anger and 3 sets of Love and War. My current deck isn't posted nor will I post it because I feel every time I do, I end up losing more than usual.

#8 Deck and Strategy » Dragon Deck 3.0 » 13-11-2010 01:01:33

Réponses : 1

Defense was not cutting it in the past 2 versions of my D. Deck. Here is the latest version that places a larger emphasis on attack.

Draconian Sword x3
Dragon's Wit x3
Solar's Anger x3
All is fair in love... x2
...and War. x2
Dragon Armor x2
Finish Him!
Magic Attack
The best defense...

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon Deck » 12-11-2010 17:03:44

I made some serious edits to the deck after a little practice.

Finish Him! and Fatality didn't work well with this deck because my characters don't die very easily, especially with my defense bumping cards. I found that Tadaa was interfering with my good draws and just made it harder to kill my opponents, so I sold it for something more useful. Tadaa in a good defensive deck is a redundancy to be honest. I didn't enjoy having 2x Love and 2x War because it just interfered with my draws too much, so I reduced it to one of each because I still consider that combo very applicable to this deck. Paladin's Hammer was next to useless for me, so I replaced it with a second Solar's Anger, which made my games work more smoothly. I added 3x Crystal Shelf for additional defense to give my opponents massive headaches in their attempts to get around my defenses. To compliment the extra defensive cards, I added The best defense... for an extra special bang. I threw in Dragon's Presence as an effective filler.

#10 Deck and Strategy » Dragon Deck » 11-11-2010 17:13:23

Réponses : 4

I decided to go a different route. Zil Marauder wasn't cutting it for me because I have neither the time nor patience for one. Here is my current deck for you to critique.

Kounok the Prophet

Crystal Shelf x3
Draconian Sword x3
Dragon Armor x3
Magic Attack x3
Dragon's Wit x2
Solar's Anger x2
All is fair in love...
...and War.
Dragon's Presence
The best defense...

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » permanent removal » 27-10-2010 21:30:41

It's the card everyone whined about wanting. Guess what? I don't see it as something I would use. I encounter courtesan decks only on occasion and I have almost always defeated such decks before this release. If people think it's such a great card and begin stuffing it in their decks then people will think twice about using a courtesan deck, making my encounters with them rarer than they are right now. This card also looks like it would waste space in my deck. I remember trying Obesity and To Lay Bare and they just ate up deck space and interfered with my draws. This may sound like sour grapes to you, but if I really wanted this card, I could just sell a card or two out of my collection for it. If I ever decide to buy it, it will be when the price drops to something more reasonable. 14k for a target-specific action card is downright ridiculous.

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » My Problem With the Game » 27-10-2010 21:22:43

I kind of figured that out myself the first time I tried playing it tongue

#16 Suggestions » Block List Option » 24-10-2010 17:57:57

Réponses : 1

After experiencing a match that lasted only six rounds and took up nearly thirty minutes of my time due to my opponent stalling, I have come up with an idea. I suggest allowing players to block other players from fighting them in random matches. This will help in deterring players from surrendering because those who do will end up being blocked. It will also encourage better sportsmanship among players. To prevent this from being abused, however, I also suggest the following restrictions put in place.

1. Each player can only have up to ten players on their block list at a time.

2. A blocked player is automatically removed from a player's block list twenty-four hours after being blocked.

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Trophy hunting causes poor sportsmanship? » 23-10-2010 02:26:38

A lot of people got this trophy on day one with a 3-priest deck and simply kept their characters alive long enough to deck out. If that isn't poor sportsmanship, then what is around here? Seriously, the trophies need to encourage sportsmanship, not give players a reason to exploit loopholes in the system.

#18 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » My Problem With the Game » 23-10-2010 01:57:51

Actually, I planned on using OIG! to somewhat reduce the chance factor in my game and make the use of War and Love a lot easier. How would it have any effect on items except to reduce modified maximum attack and increase modified minimum attack? How would that do me good?

#19 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » My Problem With the Game » 23-10-2010 01:25:38

Alright, I sold some of my cards to replace them and I think I now have a good action/item set up for making Abomination and The Shadow.

A Warrior's Fury x3
Ambush x3
Armed and Ready x3
Weapon Dance x3
All is fair in love...
...And war
Time to Die
Dark Stone Heart
Finish Him!
It is Time (for a deck full of single-class marauders) or Oh, I'm Good! (for a Zil deck with at least one warrior class)

#22 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » My Problem With the Game » 22-10-2010 01:29:20

I don't have a current deck, I am or was trying to make an effective Zil/Marauder deck. I have some good action cards for it and one fully leveled Telendar.

Possible deck materials

Time to Die
Dark Stone Heart
Finish Him!
Ambush x3
Armed and ready x3
It is Time x3
Obesity x3
Weapon Dance x3

#23 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » My Problem With the Game » 22-10-2010 00:52:40

Réponses : 21

I have major problems with the game. One of those problems is training cards to level up. It is redundant, it is boring, and it costs you games you could have won with a better deck. I spent money on this game and my deck ended up hardly being better than most players I came across. I spent hours leveling up characters, thrusting me forward through my own levels so that I am now up there with players who have hundreds of thousands of crystals at their disposal to make whatever deck they feel like making.

My other problem? I was considering buying more Fee'z, but what's the point when I am not even guaranteed anything that is worth my dollars? I may as well be wasting it on instant win lottery tickets! With other games, when you pay money, you know what you are getting and you get it! That's not the case with this game. You give it a twenty dollar bill and it dispenses crap.

#24 Re : Suggestions » Alarm » 21-10-2010 17:58:52

I agree with this as long as players have the option to turn it off. Some people like listening to music while playing and others might just get annoyed by it if it repeats too often. In fact, it should come with various settings such as...

Prompt Alarm Never Sounds
Prompt Alarm Sounds only at Game Start
Prompt Alarm Always Sounds (This is for when a game starts and when it is your time to act.)

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