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#1 27-10-2010 11:40:08

Inscription : 28-09-2010
Messages : 98

permanent removal

finally, something everyone wants so bad. a sunburn.

hell is when you drew 3 arcaniums at round 1

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#2 27-10-2010 21:30:41

Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 52

Re : permanent removal

It's the card everyone whined about wanting. Guess what? I don't see it as something I would use. I encounter courtesan decks only on occasion and I have almost always defeated such decks before this release. If people think it's such a great card and begin stuffing it in their decks then people will think twice about using a courtesan deck, making my encounters with them rarer than they are right now. This card also looks like it would waste space in my deck. I remember trying Obesity and To Lay Bare and they just ate up deck space and interfered with my draws. This may sound like sour grapes to you, but if I really wanted this card, I could just sell a card or two out of my collection for it. If I ever decide to buy it, it will be when the price drops to something more reasonable. 14k for a target-specific action card is downright ridiculous.

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#3 27-10-2010 21:32:49

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : permanent removal

Alot of mage decks use permanent spells too -_-

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#4 27-10-2010 21:35:45

Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 52

Re : permanent removal

Are spells considered actions? No they are not.

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#5 27-10-2010 22:03:47

Inscription : 13-10-2010
Messages : 43

Re : permanent removal

There are a other permanents out there besides court ones, desert nomads use some like [card]solar's anger[/card] and [card]under the sun[/card] which could be very handy to remove in game and at lvl 2 upgrade of this card (although im not sure) it might remove permanents placed on your own characters like [card]root[/card] and [card]magic poison[/card].

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#6 27-10-2010 22:05:03

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : permanent removal

Spasm a écrit :

There are a other permanents out there besides court ones, desert nomads use some like [card]solar's anger[/card] and [card]under the sun[/card] which could be very handy to remove in game and at lvl 2 upgrade of this card (although im not sure) it might remove permanents placed on your own characters like [card]root[/card] and [card]magic poison[/card].

It is a permanent action removal which does not include spell or theurgy permanents.

Dernière modification par magius (27-10-2010 22:06:21)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#7 27-10-2010 22:08:52

Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 52

Re : permanent removal

Solar's Anger is a Theurgy, not an Action.

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#8 27-10-2010 22:19:07

Inscription : 01-09-2010
Messages : 71

Re : permanent removal

SmokinHot a écrit :

It's the card everyone whined about wanting. Guess what? I don't see it as something I would use. I encounter courtesan decks only on occasion and I have almost always defeated such decks before this release. If people think it's such a great card and begin stuffing it in their decks then people will think twice about using a courtesan deck, making my encounters with them rarer than they are right now. This card also looks like it would waste space in my deck. I remember trying Obesity and To Lay Bare and they just ate up deck space and interfered with my draws. This may sound like sour grapes to you, but if I really wanted this card, I could just sell a card or two out of my collection for it. If I ever decide to buy it, it will be when the price drops to something more reasonable. 14k for a target-specific action card is downright ridiculous.

The card was released today. Even useless uncommons go for 10k+ on release day.
Anyway, what you describe is called metagaming. Have a lot of decks of kind X and ppl. will play cards that are good vs. X until their opponents turn to deck Y etc.
It's a nice silver bullet, nothing special, most decks can afford to play a few metagame specific cards. I was hoping for real permanent removal and not just permanent action removal so we get a solution to Pala Hammer & Solar's Anger as well. Maybe with a drawback like having the char lose life so it doesn't outclass Smash that Iron.

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#9 28-10-2010 00:35:45

Inscription : 28-09-2010
Messages : 98

Re : permanent removal

i'm not really interested with this card. i'm not a fan of situational cards except i experienced it break me a couple of time(hiyaaaa!! rain of death! rain of death!!!!! kafooom!!! wtf is that a dsh?) it's just that a lot of people are cringing for this type of counter card. this release is not so impressive, even the permanent removal was not enough to make players spend a lot for the new cards.

Dernière modification par paperbagdemon (28-10-2010 00:38:07)

hell is when you drew 3 arcaniums at round 1

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