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#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Eredan Training Group aka [ETG] » 01-11-2010 09:26:55

IGN - OgiWan
level 13
Facebook -!/pro … 1537044162

How about when we play in training room just to throw "its an Order cards" and no other cards. With this action we'll fight more rounds and gain more XP ??? Isn't that right or ?

#2 Re : Suggestions » New rules for tournament » 29-10-2010 20:31:38

Anihilate a écrit :

There is the bracket system, but then it lacks a bit of fairplay. Round Robin might be better.

- 1 2 3 4 5
1 \           
2   \         
3      \     
4         \   
5            \

This way everyone plays against all of the other tournament contestants and the one with the highest amount of wins, wins. If it is a tie on any account, the two player's face off again, the winner gets that ranking, the loser gets the one below it.

Agree smile

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Premium booster (12 & 4) » 28-10-2010 14:46:41

Rathedan, Anihilate, stven_allen...........
please people dont take my words like  insult or somethin like that I was only try to discuss it with or just to figure it out what is  better to do

I am plaing this game for a month and  I think of myself like a noob smile

And yes my english is not good but for a self-educated I think is not too bad
smile here in my country we dont have good opportunity to study in good Universities or schools like other countries in Europe wink

Basicly I was try to say theoretically that if you buy 12 cards your chance is better of getting legendery guys said its better with 4 cards booster
Ok.I think of you like more experienced thats why I get your opinion for true.
Cheers all and thanks couse you guys helped me much in other threads smile

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Premium booster (12 & 4) » 28-10-2010 13:55:24

Rathedan a écrit :

1 legendary draw is not enough to do probability theory, your sample size N is way too small. Don't go throwing around maths where maths and stats can't be used.

Now, your chances of drawing rares out of 1000$ of packs would be a large enough sample size to draw a conclusion. And if legendaries are a fixed % of rare draws, then you can draw a conclusion. Otherwise, 1 is insignifigant.

Well do you know from where "Probability theory" come from ????
....from GAMBLE wink

read again my post , then yours and then my last post.......think for a little and ask yourself ... "Have I studied somewhere Higher-Mathematics and what I do know about it" ....... and if you still sure  then you can tell me - "its not enough to do probability theory"

No offence mate smile

#5 Re : Suggestions » New rules for tournament » 28-10-2010 13:45:01

Rathedan a écrit :
bleachman a écrit :

Tourney should have elimination instead of based on how many beat games you have.


Thats what I wrote too!!
64 player divided in 32 couples and plaing 1v1. The winner goes in next phase where 16 couples play is quarter finals 8 couples play in 4 games in 1v1 !!
Tha same like bleachman said !!!

Like football in UEFA Cup/League of Europe smile

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ideas for Kotoba/Merc deck ??? » 28-10-2010 13:40:46

bleachman a écrit :
OgiWan a écrit :


Depends greatly on deck build, but in general when it comes to terms warriors Kots are better than any other guild in my opinion.

....Thats what I thought too

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Premium booster (12 & 4) » 28-10-2010 12:39:35

Anihilate a écrit :

And remember people, there is no such thing as cumulative luck. When you buy a pack your chances of getting a legendary or a certain rare will always be the same. Just because you buy $1k worth of 12 packs and don't get a legendary,then pull one from a 4 pack, doesn't mean the chances are any different. It's just chance.

Yes you are right.......but not at all big_smile
Listen theres a whole section in  maths that is called "Probability theory" . With this you can learn :
- "how much are your chaces to win from lottery? "
- " chance of being hit by a meteor "
.....and many others funny and interesting things...

So in this maths - has been wrotten that you got bigger chance to get Legendary cards from booster with 12 cards in it....
......couse your chance rise with the number of cards in deck
......also your chance to get more "good" cards from "bad" cards increase with numbers too

big_smile I really hope that I didnt bored you with this post big_smile

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ideas for Kotoba/Merc deck ??? » 28-10-2010 12:26:52

I have them all smile

but......its little bit af a stupid question .... :

asking couse as I said I have 2 chars of kotoba and 2 of mercs on near full level cap

#9 Re : Suggestions » New rules for tournament » 28-10-2010 10:02:07 may be done like this:
1.All people have 30 mins to sign in the tournament
2.When sign in they pay 1500-2000 crystals
3.64 players enter the battle(32 finals) and the play 1v1 winners gets to next phase
4.Winners enter the 16 finals and play again 1v1 winners gets to next phase
.... and like that  to Final 1v1

Rewards here get the first 8 players.....not sure about the amount of the reward

Or you use the current tournament with the current ruls.........BUT reward gets the first 15 Formula 1 big_smile

if moderators think this post is stupid or dont like it pls delete it [Mods do not delete posts cause we do not like them. We delete posts that do not belong in the forums or things that go out of turn. tongue You are entitled to your opinion, so no worries about deleted posts unless you act like a jackass tongue, bleachman]

Thanks smile

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Premium booster (12 & 4) » 28-10-2010 09:27:50

So if I understand properly its better to buy 4 cards for 120 feez instead 12 for 400 feez ?????
i tought the only benefit was that with the 4 cards you buy more cards for less feez....but for 12 cards you can get legendary cards and some extreme mega cool master cards - or somethin' ?????

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ideas for Kotoba/Merc deck ??? » 28-10-2010 08:33:07

.......Maybe I'll skip Kotoba deck and go forward to Ful merc - allready have Hares the Runic lv2 50% xp, Aez king 2lv 50% xp , and now getting money for Foam Giant...

- BTW yesterday I bought 2 booster decks - and recieve many usefull equipment for Noz.......Thinking about to use Noz as secondary deck smile couse sometimes I get bored with so much warrior fighting smile
but as I see Noz are expensive big_smile

#12 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ideas for Kotoba/Merc deck ??? » 27-10-2010 07:33:45

Basicly my idea was to rise Asajiro on lv3 - you get +1 att and +1 def to all warriors, Aez give all merc +1 att with Sword of 5 elders

I have to sell many cards before I buy Foam giant big_smile

What about Kotoba.....but not Tracker deck ???

thanks again guys smile

#13 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » crystals.. plz help? » 26-10-2010 19:18:43

after obtaining 5-15 friends to play eredan how can I get crystals per day from facebook. ???

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Ideas for Kotoba/Merc deck ??? » 26-10-2010 19:10:27

Ok but whats gonna be suitable for 3rd Merc ?

- for kotoba ??
Iro , Lord Gaikusha, Asajiro .....or ????

with what equipment ???

My biggest problem is how to equip them ?

#15 Deck and Strategy » Ideas for Kotoba/Merc deck ??? » 26-10-2010 15:58:06

Réponses : 16

Hello. I have a Kotoba/Merc deck:
- Hares the Runic lv1
- Asajiro lv1
- Aez king of Avalonia

My question is : What action/item cards should be suitable for them???

Also I think to change Aez with Lord Gaykusha (didnt sure about the name but was a samurai with price of 25 000 for lv1) ??
....or maybe I should make my deck full Kotoba ????

....but stilll.......what action/item cards should i equit
Now I use those from the Kotoba starting deck

[Note from bleachman: Moved thread to appropriate section in the forums. smile]

#16 FAQs » Why I cant enter the training room ?? » 14-10-2010 13:05:22

Réponses : 1

Why I cant enter the training room ?? Is it becouse all my chars are 3rd level ? or ???

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Officially done... » 06-10-2010 10:18:43

KReece a écrit :

When will this be changed?

Also, in the regular rooms it seems like 'strength of deck' is a much better way to determine who you should fight rather than your level. I'm now level 14 (almost 15) and have learned so much that I'm wanting to start upgrading cards from level 1 - which is nearly IMPOSSIBLE fighting the other lvl 14-18 players and always LOSING...

Yea.....that's why I have deleted my account for 2 times....when I had hit level 12-13 I've always found some mistake in it......

#18 Re : FAQs » Noob question about the crystals ? » 05-10-2010 15:45:17

Politikas a écrit :

Use facebook, it gives up to 400 (250+150 claim) crystals a day with some luck and 50 friends, also trophies is good source of income, and do the events, after first five you will complete 2 trophies and get 4000 crystals combined.

Also if you are playing Kotoba (and most likely you are based on Hares) switch to chars with cheaper upgrades, Like Asajiro or Xiro.

BTW you mean when I play to be logged on Facebook ????

#19 FAQs » What deck you build ? » 05-10-2010 15:44:17

Réponses : 1

I just wanna hear some of your thoughts when you building a deck....couse Im a little confufed about playstile.
Is it better with 2 defence cards and 1 offensive OR 2 offensive and 1 def??
.......maybe 3 priests/mages ????
also what booster cards you use for them ?

#20 Re : FAQs » Noob question about the crystals ? » 05-10-2010 15:38:14

Well thnaks man....I use Hares,Iro,Aez......

#21 FAQs » Noob question about the crystals ? » 05-10-2010 15:06:10

Réponses : 4

Hi. Can I ask if the earnings of crystals rise futher in game?
Becouse now I earn only 40 per win? Is there any other way to gather more rystals except selling cards......
Im asking couse my Brute is level 2 and to uprade him to level 3 I need the Runic gaunlet(but it cost 5000 crystals)....that means 125 won games???? and I should play about 2 weeks to ear this amout of crystals ;(
the Brute is to the max level 2 of XP......thats 2 weeks of lost XP ;( what should I do?
any advices pls ;(

#22 Re : FAQs » 4 Noob questions » 29-09-2010 14:19:51

Thanks for the fast answers smile

about question 3 heres better exmaple:

When Sen Ryaku reaches level 2 you got 2 options:
First is 1 Spirit/6-8attack/3deff/12Health OR second  0 Spirit/6-9attack/3deff/13Health ???
Is the option with 1 spirit has something more or less from the option with 0 spirit
..........yes with better attack and health is better.....but why should some1 sacrifice health for spirit??? is it beter if you play with priest/mage style ???? better spell resistance ?????

thanks again smile

#23 FAQs » 4 Noob questions » 29-09-2010 13:46:01

Réponses : 6

Hi all Im plaing Eredan for a week and I have 2 questions:

1. can I upgrade Aez the Warrior t to => Aez the King of Avalon? or I just have to buy him ?
2. same with Hares the Bruth to => Hares the Runic
3. Whats the difference between a card (exmaple Aez warrior or other) with 1 point of Spirit and the same card with 0 points of spirit......but same attack/def/health
4. is there any way to sell cards without obtain any fee'z ?


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