
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 05-10-2010 15:06:10

Inscription : 29-09-2010
Messages : 23

Noob question about the crystals ?

Hi. Can I ask if the earnings of crystals rise futher in game?
Becouse now I earn only 40 per win? Is there any other way to gather more rystals except selling cards......
Im asking couse my Brute is level 2 and to uprade him to level 3 I need the Runic gaunlet(but it cost 5000 crystals)....that means 125 won games???? and I should play about 2 weeks to ear this amout of crystals ;(
the Brute is to the max level 2 of XP......thats 2 weeks of lost XP ;( what should I do?
any advices pls ;(

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#2 05-10-2010 15:21:14

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Noob question about the crystals ?

Use facebook, it gives up to 400 (250+150 claim) crystals a day with some luck and 50 friends, also trophies is good source of income, and do the events, after first five you will complete 2 trophies and get 4000 crystals combined.

Also if you are playing Kotoba (and most likely you are based on Hares) switch to chars with cheaper upgrades, Like Asajiro or Xiro.

Dernière modification par Politikas (05-10-2010 15:25:08)

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#3 05-10-2010 15:38:14

Inscription : 29-09-2010
Messages : 23

Re : Noob question about the crystals ?

Well thnaks man....I use Hares,Iro,Aez......

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#4 05-10-2010 15:45:17

Inscription : 29-09-2010
Messages : 23

Re : Noob question about the crystals ?

Politikas a écrit :

Use facebook, it gives up to 400 (250+150 claim) crystals a day with some luck and 50 friends, also trophies is good source of income, and do the events, after first five you will complete 2 trophies and get 4000 crystals combined.

Also if you are playing Kotoba (and most likely you are based on Hares) switch to chars with cheaper upgrades, Like Asajiro or Xiro.

BTW you mean when I play to be logged on Facebook ????

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#5 05-10-2010 16:17:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Noob question about the crystals ?

Just link your game acount with your facebook acount, and get friends who play Eredan.

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