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#1 27-10-2010 23:08:40

Inscription : 25-10-2010
Messages : 51

Premium booster (12 & 4)

According to my findings, I spent almost $1000 USD on this game, premium booster 12 has very very low chance to get a legendary. booster 4 has a higher chance.

Leave your comments smile

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#2 28-10-2010 00:00:33

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Besides "1000$ WTF"....I got nothing tongue

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#3 28-10-2010 00:02:36

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

No I got a better comment, because more people care about this:

Whats the other card % drops in 4s vs 12s

Higher rare change in 12s?

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#4 28-10-2010 00:27:13

Inscription : 28-09-2010
Messages : 98

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

1000$?! lemme see, if i save up all my allowances... cut here cut there, i'll be able to save that amount in 1 and a half years.:/

hell is when you drew 3 arcaniums at round 1

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#5 28-10-2010 01:14:29

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Over 9000.

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#6 28-10-2010 01:26:07

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 13-09-2010
Messages : 145

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

1000$?! o_O

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#7 28-10-2010 01:37:28

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

So, what are your finding after spending $1000?  I'm guessing you got zero lengendarys in 12 and one in a four card pack.


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#8 28-10-2010 02:50:30

Inscription : 25-10-2010
Messages : 51

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

bleachman has already spent 9000 on this game lol

Anyone can beat her?

steven_allen, you are soooooo smart! You are totally correct!

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#9 28-10-2010 03:01:23

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Azloki a écrit :

Anyone can beat her?

Out of curiosity, how did you figure 'her' with a name like bleachMAN? xD

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#10 28-10-2010 03:31:44

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Your Profile pic is pretty boobalicious  cool

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#11 28-10-2010 03:54:38

Inscription : 25-10-2010
Messages : 51

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

I m sorry sad
You know, I really didn't know.

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#12 28-10-2010 09:27:50

Inscription : 29-09-2010
Messages : 23

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

So if I understand properly its better to buy 4 cards for 120 feez instead 12 for 400 feez ?????
i tought the only benefit was that with the 4 cards you buy more cards for less feez....but for 12 cards you can get legendary cards and some extreme mega cool master cards - or somethin' ?????

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#13 28-10-2010 10:01:31

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

OgiWan a écrit :

So if I understand properly its better to buy 4 cards for 120 feez instead 12 for 400 feez ?????
i tought the only benefit was that with the 4 cards you buy more cards for less feez....but for 12 cards you can get legendary cards and some extreme mega cool master cards - or somethin' ?????

You can get the same cards in the 4 packs as you can in the 12 packs. However you have pretty good chances at getting a lot of crap in the 4 packs and not even a rare or an uncommon. 12 packs guarantee a rare and 4 uncommons. Also you can get destiny cards (XP cards) from 12 packs. smile

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#14 28-10-2010 12:18:33

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

And remember people, there is no such thing as cumulative luck. When you buy a pack your chances of getting a legendary or a certain rare will always be the same. Just because you buy $1k worth of 12 packs and don't get a legendary,then pull one from a 4 pack, doesn't mean the chances are any different. It's just chance.

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#15 28-10-2010 12:39:35

Inscription : 29-09-2010
Messages : 23

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Anihilate a écrit :

And remember people, there is no such thing as cumulative luck. When you buy a pack your chances of getting a legendary or a certain rare will always be the same. Just because you buy $1k worth of 12 packs and don't get a legendary,then pull one from a 4 pack, doesn't mean the chances are any different. It's just chance.

Yes you are right.......but not at all big_smile
Listen theres a whole section in  maths that is called "Probability theory" . With this you can learn :
- "how much are your chaces to win from lottery? "
- " chance of being hit by a meteor "
.....and many others funny and interesting things...

So in this maths - has been wrotten that you got bigger chance to get Legendary cards from booster with 12 cards in it....
......couse your chance rise with the number of cards in deck
......also your chance to get more "good" cards from "bad" cards increase with numbers too

big_smile I really hope that I didnt bored you with this post big_smile

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#16 28-10-2010 13:32:06

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

1 legendary draw is not enough to do probability theory, your sample size N is way too small. Don't go throwing around maths where maths and stats can't be used.

Now, your chances of drawing rares out of 1000$ of packs would be a large enough sample size to draw a conclusion. And if legendaries are a fixed % of rare draws, then you can draw a conclusion. Otherwise, 1 is insignifigant.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#17 28-10-2010 13:55:24

Inscription : 29-09-2010
Messages : 23

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Rathedan a écrit :

1 legendary draw is not enough to do probability theory, your sample size N is way too small. Don't go throwing around maths where maths and stats can't be used.

Now, your chances of drawing rares out of 1000$ of packs would be a large enough sample size to draw a conclusion. And if legendaries are a fixed % of rare draws, then you can draw a conclusion. Otherwise, 1 is insignifigant.

Well do you know from where "Probability theory" come from ????
....from GAMBLE wink

read again my post , then yours and then my last post.......think for a little and ask yourself ... "Have I studied somewhere Higher-Mathematics and what I do know about it" ....... and if you still sure  then you can tell me - "its not enough to do probability theory"

No offence mate smile

Dernière modification par OgiWan (28-10-2010 13:56:31)

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#18 28-10-2010 14:00:47

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Yes you are right.......but not at all big_smile
Listen theres a whole section in  maths that is called "Probability theory" . With this you can learn :
- "how much are your chaces to win from lottery? "
- " chance of being hit by a meteor "
.....and many others funny and interesting things...

So in this maths - has been wrotten that you got bigger chance to get Legendary cards from booster with 12 cards in it....
......couse your chance rise with the number of cards in deck
......also your chance to get more "good" cards from "bad" cards increase with numbers too

big_smile I really hope that I didnt bored you with this post big_smile

The probability theory is still just a pre-statement on the probability/chance you may have when buying a pack.

The 12 card pack has 1 rare/legendary,4 uncommon and 7 commons. Out of the cards in the entire booster, count only the rare and legendary cards. You have a 1 in X(the total amount) To get the rare/legendary card you want. Take the subset of uncommons and make the same probability while reducing the total by 1(no doubles) after each pull. Then you get 7 common.

In the 4 card pack you get 4 random cards out of the entire set. Unless the dev's release the ratio rare cards come out, you will never get the ratio you desire. Even if you buy 1000 4 card packs, you'll never get a 1 rare for every X commons. Unlike IRL trading card games, these are generated at random from the server, IRL trading card games have it printed on every dispatched box

2 secret rare per box
5 Ultra rare per box
10 Super Rare per box
1 rare every pack

So out of that box, knowing what has been pulled from the booster's before you purchase yours can inform you of your chances to get what rarity card you want.

And on top of that there is no *printing* or countable generation of any card, so there is no total of how many copies exist of a card, we just know that they are generated digitally and by an unknown algorithm used by the devs.

Dernière modification par Anihilate (28-10-2010 14:02:55)

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#19 28-10-2010 14:04:28

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

OgiWan a écrit :
Rathedan a écrit :

1 legendary draw is not enough to do probability theory, your sample size N is way too small. Don't go throwing around maths where maths and stats can't be used.

Now, your chances of drawing rares out of 1000$ of packs would be a large enough sample size to draw a conclusion. And if legendaries are a fixed % of rare draws, then you can draw a conclusion. Otherwise, 1 is insignifigant.

Well do you know from where "Probability theory" come from ????
....from GAMBLE wink

read again my post , then yours and then my last post.......think for a little and ask yourself ... "Have I studied somewhere Higher-Mathematics and what I do know about it" ....... and if you still sure  then you can tell me - "its not enough to do probability theory"

No offence mate smile

Use proper English or I call shenanigans on your attempt to flail a higher education at us.

The only GAMBLE that is beatable by math is black jack, because it is a probability out of an unchanging amount of cards among an unchanging amount of people.

You tell me how to mathematically win roulette, then I'll believe you.

Dernière modification par Anihilate (28-10-2010 14:06:13)

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#20 28-10-2010 14:06:27

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

"Have I studied somewhere Higher-Mathematics and what I do know about it"

Yes, an MA Economics with minor/near double major in Math, so I do know about it. No offense taken. tongue

Statistical analysis doesn't come from drawing 1 card, it's not enough of a sample. You can't do probability from 1 draw. Saying because you draw one, and only one, card isn't enough statistical data to say whether or not the probability involved in buying 4s versus 12s is better or worse. The best you can say is that you drew 1 card in 4 packs, and none in 12s, and that's it. The sample size isn't big enough to draw any other conclusion.

You CAN draw a probability for the lottery because you KNOW the numbers. You KNOW you chance of winning. You can calculate, if you play the same 7 numbers for 5 years straight, what your probability of winning on a random draw would be.

You CAN'T determine the probaility of drawing legendaries because you don't have the sample.

BTW I can keep going but I think I made my point.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#21 28-10-2010 14:27:18

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

OgiWan a écrit :

read again my post , then yours and then my last post.......think for a little and ask yourself ... "Have I studied somewhere Higher-Mathematics and what I do know about it" ....... and if you still sure  then you can tell me - "its not enough to do probability theory"

No offence mate smile

Sounds like offence to me. 

The problem with trying to tout probability theory in this instance is that to apply PT, you have to have countable sample spaces, or odds.  So technically, yes this could work, since the odds of pulling a legendary are most likely 1:X, where X= the number of rares in the game.  But then you have ask; What is the algorithm for getting a rare in place of a legendary?  At least for the 12 pack you are sure to get a rare, which cuts down on odds greatly by giving you 3 different sets to deal with instead of one large one with the 4 card pack.  1:the amount of rares instead of 1: the amount of cards. 

But then, that's all theory.  tongue


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#22 28-10-2010 14:46:41

Inscription : 29-09-2010
Messages : 23

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Rathedan, Anihilate, stven_allen...........
please people dont take my words like  insult or somethin like that I was only try to discuss it with or just to figure it out what is  better to do

I am plaing this game for a month and  I think of myself like a noob smile

And yes my english is not good but for a self-educated I think is not too bad
smile here in my country we dont have good opportunity to study in good Universities or schools like other countries in Europe wink

Basicly I was try to say theoretically that if you buy 12 cards your chance is better of getting legendery guys said its better with 4 cards booster
Ok.I think of you like more experienced thats why I get your opinion for true.
Cheers all and thanks couse you guys helped me much in other threads smile

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#23 28-10-2010 14:55:37

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : Premium booster (12 & 4)

Locking this thread cause of douchebaggery. No need to get personal guys. We aren't getting anywhere anyway. tongue

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