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#1 Deck and Strategy » three amigos » 10-06-2012 05:35:23

Réponses : 1


[card]Aksenoun's Fresco[/card]
[card]Heal the guardians[/card]
[card]Punishing the unpure[/card]
[card]Scarab Shield[/card]
[card]Solar plastron[/card]
[card]Scarab shield[/card]
[card]Sol'ra bumblebee[/card]
[card]Spear of Light[/card]

#2 Re : Suggestions » Another Level Room » 04-04-2011 00:49:07

How about if instead of attaching an ELO score to the player, it could be attached to the deck played?

#4 Deck and Strategy » Guemelite Marauder Deck » 30-03-2011 21:45:59

Réponses : 1

Just put together this new deck. Need some advice on card selection.

[card]Hime[/card]  Lv3
[card]Amaya[/card]   Lv 3 guemelite
[card]Akutsai[/card]  Lv 4

[card]Bite[/card] x 3
[card]Devouring swarm[/card] x2
[card]Diversion[/card] x1
[card]It is Time[/card] x2
[card]Katamaru[/card] x3
[card]Lucky Charm[/card] x2
[card]Punch Line[/card] x2
[card]Shuriken[/card] x2
[card]Up Your Ass[/card] x3

#6 Re : Update list » Sap Heart reinforcement + Advent Calendar! » 19-01-2011 23:16:05

Been dying to find out what the prize was. Missed two days bc of computer troubles.
Anyone have the list of prizes?

#7 FAQs » Pink bunny? » 02-11-2010 20:35:19

Réponses : 6

What is with the pink bunny reference?

[card]Follow the pink rabbit[/card]
[card]Win using magic[/card]

Is it the french version of the cat in Monty Python's Holy Grail?
Is it a figment of my imagination?
Will the secret identity of the mysterious rabbit be revealed at a later date?

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » My zil starter deck » 02-11-2010 19:42:10

Villacqua a écrit :

From @Nelson_Mendes list, as @redbrigade said [card]Weapon Dance[/card] is better than [card]Fight![/card], and isn't that hard to get.

The other change I would make would be a [card]Steal[/card] over , it can create more disruption on the opponent game.

Depends on the opponent's deck. Treacherous is nice vs mage decks.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » My zil starter deck » 02-11-2010 19:39:15

Villacqua a écrit :

From @Nelson_Mendes list, as @redbrigade said [card]Weapon Dance[/card] is better than [card]Fight![/card], and isn't that hard to get.

The other change I would make would be a [card]Steal[/card] over [card]Treacherous[/card], it can create more disruption on the opponent game.

Does weapon dance add +1/+1? Never really paid attention.

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Tracker Deck idea » 02-11-2010 02:52:41

steven_allen a écrit :

Static charge is a cool idea, but lightning bolts is Noz only, unfortunately.

We know that race trumps class bc non-mage guems cast spells.
I think race may also trump guild, so I wouldn't throw out the idea until there is clarification. Why else would zil have nature guemelites?

#11 Re : Suggestions » Courtesans » 31-10-2010 00:27:23

awollsd a écrit :

why sugest limiting the deck types in a game....  i hate playing the same 2 decks over and over again here we seem to have a prety decent veriety of top teir decks. please lets not restrict that simply because someone has a problem with one play style.

heck i even thought that the restriction of them all having to have the same guild in common was a bit much.... why cant a zil/noz, a zil/koto, and a koto/nomad or koto/noz be in a team....

lets get deck diversity going not restrict it. PLEASE smile


A pure courtesan deck is the opposite of diversity. They all play exactly the same. Forcing people to create hybrid decks would lead to more diversity, not less.

#12 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » test » 29-10-2010 17:16:50

The purpose of the card is not to win tournaments but to help level up characters in the training room.

#13 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » test » 28-10-2010 22:56:14

Anihilate a écrit :

Considering most order bonuses aren't that great.... It's an okay card, perhaps a health -2 or -3 per turn would be better than it just dying.

That's why it's a Faustian Bargain. tongue

#15 Re : Deck and Strategy » My zil starter deck » 28-10-2010 02:31:38

[card]BloodSword[/card], [card]Selene[/card], [card]Silene[/card]

3 x [card]Armed and Ready [/card]
1 x [card]Assassination[/card]
3 x [card]Blast[/card]
3 x [card]Fight![/card]
2 x [card]healing Balm[/card]
2 x [card]Simple Dagger[/card]
2 x [card]Smart Ass[/card]
2 x [card]That's an order![/card]
1 x [card]Treacherous[/card]

Healing Balm is more useful than discretion because it works regardless of damage type (magical vs physical) and is guaranteed to remove at least 2 damage.

Blast is better than simple attack b/c it always does at least 2 damage.

#16 Suggestions » Courtesans » 23-10-2010 20:59:47

Réponses : 6

Courtesans should be considered support characters and not a stand-alone guild.
As such, a deck should be limited to no more than one courtesan. Historically, courtesans were the companions of powerful men; without the influence of their companions they had no power of their own unless they had vast amounts of wealth or were themselves of noble blood.

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » blasphemy against dragons wit-solars anger combo? » 23-10-2010 05:26:49

blackdrain a écrit :
Nelson_Mendes a écrit :

You are better off using [card]obesity[/card] because it is more versatile and you can't predict when he is going to play the theurgy

no I don´t think so big_smile cause obesity only give u a 50% chance to counter it!
Why? [card]dragon´s wit[/card] is always the first card to play and u have a 50% chance that the enemy is first in playing so your [card]obesity[/card] comes to late. It can only counter the next action card and if it works after dragon´s wit it can´t counter a thing.
[card]blasphemy[/card] if played first sure counters the second card and 100% works this way smile if u play it after a chain u get the same 50% as with obesity.

It's less than 50% effective on the first turn because you may not know if:

1. He owns that card combo
2. If it's even in the deck
3. If he gets it in his first hand
4. If he plays it first turn

Too many variables.

#18 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » blasphemy against dragons wit-solars anger combo? » 23-10-2010 04:15:23

internationalpony a écrit :

hey guys
im lvl 12, play a kotoba/tracker deck and get really fucked up by noz and the [card]dragon's wit[/card] and [card]solar's anger[/card] combo on the noz warriors like [card]valentin[/card] or [card]zahal[/card]
can i use [card]blasphemy[/card] against it?
and if it stop the combo is solar's anger goin in the graveyard or be active in the next round?

thanks for respond


You are better off using [card]obesity[/card] because it is more versatile and you can't predict when he is going to play the theurgy

#19 FAQs » attack bonuses » 27-09-2010 19:37:44

Réponses : 2

Does Level 3-4 Iro get two +1 bonuses when level 4 Gakyusha enters play?

If two simple axes are equipped, is the attack bonus +3 or +4?

#20 Suggestions » cursed items » 26-09-2010 04:18:07

Réponses : 3

Has anyone had any success using the cursed items?

#21 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » priest questions » 22-09-2010 20:05:17

Réponses : 1

Just starting to learn the game.

1)Can priests cast 1-2 theurgy AND still attack?

2) How is a priest different from a warrior-mage?

3)How is a theurgy different from a spell?

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