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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 02-11-2010 20:35:19

Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 29

Pink bunny?

What is with the pink bunny reference?

[card]Follow the pink rabbit[/card]
[card]Win using magic[/card]

Is it the french version of the cat in Monty Python's Holy Grail?
Is it a figment of my imagination?
Will the secret identity of the mysterious rabbit be revealed at a later date?

Dernière modification par Nelson_Mendes (02-11-2010 20:40:51)

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#2 02-11-2010 22:34:06

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Pink bunny?

French forums had a huge thread tracking the bunny.

Was pretty interesting seeing the references. I'll try and track it down for you.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#3 15-11-2010 18:13:40

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-09-2010
Messages : 234

Re : Pink bunny?

Its simple...
If u [card]follow the pink rabbit[/card], u have to take the yellow pill to stay in wonderland! wink

edit: OH! And u forgot a card [card]the door to infinity[/card]

Dernière modification par blackdrain (15-11-2010 18:34:10)

[MSN] A-bomb gonna rock your world wink

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#4 16-11-2010 03:06:16

Lieu : Dublin - Ireland
Inscription : 12-11-2010
Messages : 456

Re : Pink bunny?

blackdrain a écrit :

Its simple...
If u [card]follow the pink rabbit[/card], u have to take the yellow pill to stay in wonderland! wink

edit: OH! And u forgot a card [card]the door to infinity[/card]

and it actually makes loadfs of sense... if you get into the story of zahal, he goes into a portal to the dragon land and comes back turned into a dragon knight... but his lvl 1 card has the rabbit yet, as you see door to infinity as well when he is dragged into the dragon plane...

but it's also true that the pink rabbit came to alice on  our world and she ended up in the wonderland following him...


Teacher: Wake up Calvin! This is Geography class! In what state do you live in?
Calvin: Denial!
Teacher: I can't argue with that...

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#5 16-11-2010 11:12:53

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Pink bunny?

The basic inspiration of Dimizar seems Alice in wonderland for the rabbit ([card]It is time[/card])
Now, there is a lot of card with inspiration from various sources and the illustrator have there own references this card: [card]Runic Protection[/card] is inspired by the lion's knight in Saint Seya.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#6 16-11-2010 17:15:54

Lieu : Dublin - Ireland
Inscription : 12-11-2010
Messages : 456

Re : Pink bunny?

not only that... if you see [card]shell[/card] on the left botton you can see sthe dragon's shield

Teacher: Wake up Calvin! This is Geography class! In what state do you live in?
Calvin: Denial!
Teacher: I can't argue with that...

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#7 16-11-2010 17:18:29

Lieu : Dublin - Ireland
Inscription : 12-11-2010
Messages : 456

Re : Pink bunny?

on [card]dodge[/card] you can see matrix, the classical scene

Teacher: Wake up Calvin! This is Geography class! In what state do you live in?
Calvin: Denial!
Teacher: I can't argue with that...

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