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#1 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Hopefully Feerik's staff look at this before making Runic Legendary!!! » 18-11-2012 14:55:43

Swear to god, the Runic Legion Legendary Centarium Aurius is based on this idea. Pretty happy with it. Feerik should consider giving me a copy! LOL

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Tanaer of the Arcania. OMFG feerik, are you fkg serious? » 30-10-2012 15:11:45

Nurvus a écrit :

Powercreep everywhere.

You know what good Anryena (the original one) is?
You know what good Vaerzar is?

Errrmmm....Nehantic Receptacle is legendary and is the face of Nehantic corruptions. Nough said. You dont seem to understand hierachy. What good is Anryena and Vaerzar? We all know what they are.

#3 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Tanaer of the Arcania. OMFG feerik, are you fkg serious? » 27-10-2012 06:57:55

Réponses : 5

What the hell is this? 'If you play "The Art of Magic" or "Water wave", a Noz Spell from your hand is played.' & At the start of the turn, if your Spirit is lower than 3, Spirit = 3.
Are you fkg kidding me? What use is Nehantic Receptacle now? 'The Art of Magic' is already an AOE spell, plus if you can choose these cards in order to have a Noz spell played from your hand that means you can control them. And he is a  Compendium as well? Come on now.

#4 Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Hopefully Feerik's staff look at this before making Runic Legendary!!! » 29-09-2012 08:04:51

Réponses : 1

Hopefully Feerik's staff have a look at this before making the Runic Legion Legedary. Alright, all the newer released legendary has been more op over another. I really hope Feerik's staff take a good consideration at making the Runic one. This is my idea.

Archon - Human - War Guemelite
At the start of the game, your Runics starts the game with a Yr Rune (can be make into Cor or Nox Rune like 'Runic Power etc') and have -1 direct damage suffered until the end of the game.

Turn 2, 5, 7 : ATK+2 and you may discard a Runic card from your hand and you can choose another Runic card from your discard pile and put it into your deck.

ATK : 8/10
DEF : 3
SPR : 2
HP   : 17

I dont think this will be really op compared to many other Legendaries. Hope you get to read this Feerik's staff smile

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Reflection of Runic Legion? » 29-09-2012 07:54:18

MerlinCross a écrit :

Actually surprised it's not Hares.

Getting a Cor Rune at the start of the game helps a lot to be honest. But his Archon -1 magic damage is not that good nowadays. I would be happy to see a Runic Legion Legendary half-human and half-war guemelite and give your Runic a rune at the start.

#6 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Clan improvements (Crystals) » 29-09-2012 07:48:39

How about if you turn on Cupidity I II and III at the same time? I cant be bothered doing the maths. But you know what i mean.

#7 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Reflection of Runic Legion? » 29-09-2012 07:38:03

Réponses : 3

So anyone notice the 9th(last) reflection of the latest event is a reflection of a Runic Legion Legendary warrior? It clearly says legendary warriors that we already know. So does this a surprise release of the runic legendary?

#8 Re : Bugs » Cant change language back to English » 15-09-2012 06:49:09

Teremune a écrit :
Capuccino a écrit :

For some reasons, the language of my Eredan automatically change to French after a certain update. It has happened before but it somehow fixed. I have tried to open another window which brings me to a 'error, this nickname already log on on other computer...' page where i can change the language from the top right corner. It usually works, but it doesnt seem to work this time, help?

Along the top of the screen, net to your name try clicking on the flag, then choose USA or British flag, that might work, or try logging into using this URL:

if that doesn't work, hopfully one of the folks here know another way.  and GL

LOL your solution actually worked! Thanks a lot. Gotta say its a shame for me for playing this game for 2 years without knowing this.

#9 Bugs » Cant change language back to English » 14-09-2012 16:56:28

Réponses : 3

For some reasons, the language of my Eredan automatically change to French after a certain update. It has happened before but it somehow fixed. I have tried to open another window which brings me to a 'error, this nickname already log on on other computer...' page where i can change the language from the top right corner. It usually works, but it doesnt seem to work this time, help?

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Help Making A Cheap Pack Deck <40K » 26-08-2012 07:52:54

~Doragon~ a écrit :

I need help making a cheap Pack Deck can anyone help me out.

40k is more likely to buy you a decent card, thats about it. So think about it, and check what cards you have now and improve it with the 40k.

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Demon damage » 25-08-2012 11:58:54

Mumzel a écrit :

Hi after my failled hand lock adventure Im trying to built something new.
Im a fanatic MTG player and like playing fast direct damage deck so now I
gone try this here. This is what I got till now, comments can help me.

Soul Chewer

3 Black Chimera
3 Dark Furry
2 Demon's rage
3 Demonic cloud
3 Demonic explosion
2 Eliminehantation
2 Hand of death
2 Price of flesh

I hope you see what I want with this deck and I would be happy whit your feedback.
Thanks already.

Well, its a good deck. But thats really common now, cant achieve much with it to be honest. You wanna try some cursed items deck? I am talking about Ecstasy and  Cursed Black Crown. This is a risky deck but its fun when you can get it right smile

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » August 21st 2012 : Opening of Subscriptions » 25-08-2012 02:55:13

I am wondering when I subscribed, but did not log in the game for 7 days so do i still get 7 cards when i log in next or do i simply just miss out on them?

#13 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Necromancian warrior-mage » 24-08-2012 13:22:59

WOW! Thats an ideal card for a Nehant Undead deck, but it has to be a legendary for that tho. Good idea smile

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » August 22th 2012 : Nadarya / Absalon - Privus » 23-08-2012 14:49:13

Wolvos a écrit :

that legendary its just too balanced to be a legendary ;P

LOL thinking about Antimagic Glyph makes me laugh.

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Aberration is forever alone..... » 23-08-2012 14:35:56

Stormholt a écrit :

Do like this:


And go with warrior cards... He's very unfitable...

He like pack, plx, plx, dont make fun with me... I already hate pack, with him, HA!

And you can try too a line up as Shadow Spells:

Zil living Shadow
The Shadow

And go with shadow spells...

Yeah I was thinking Aberration, Abomination and The Shadow. With a little bit of dagger combo and shadow spells. So make it a bit unexpectable. Shadow has 3 spirits who knows what she can do. (If you know what i mean)

Combo with Brutus might be a bit of a let down since he rely too much on Pack cards. So I don't see the point on making that. I would love to see Aberration becoming one of 'The Pack' tho, that would be interesting.

#16 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » August 21st 2012 : Opening of Subscriptions » 23-08-2012 14:11:50

NightmareJoke a écrit :
magius a écrit :
Zurga a écrit :

No, the card rarity is exactly like a 12-card booster :
- 1 rare or legendary
- 4 uncommon
- 7 common
For a 12 days cycle.

I understand that. What about the order to receive let say a Rare card? Does it start with a Rare card or is it randomized?

totally random.

I had Alyce first (uncommon) while others had the rare first.

Well, I only got commons on both days so far. But seeing other people getting rares or uncommon first so i am guessing it is random.

#17 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Aberration is forever alone..... » 23-08-2012 14:08:48

Réponses : 4

I am wondering what deck should Aberration should be in? I just spend most of my xp cards on him but he doesnt seem to fit in anywhere. I reckon the best fit would be the pack, so he should be change into 'The Pack' caste? He will probably too strong to be in The Pack anyways, what do you think?

#18 Re : Suggestions » Balance out the Guild II (Guild-based Legendary) » 19-08-2012 13:33:47

The purpose of limiting the choices is to make sure I know the opposite meaning of the leftovers. So when I ask 'Which ones of these characters are over-powered?' I limit the choices to 5 so we all know the only one that didnt get picked is the under-powered ones as a legendary out of them 6. Make sense? Its pretty simple. I asked question 2 and 3 is because I am sure there are some of them will be in between, then again, the purpose of limiting the choices for those 2 questions is to identify them. Eg, the less picked ones from 'should be upgraded' will be an inbetweeners if they are in the 'should be downgraded' too.
The other post was more on Nehantic Recepticle, but this one I figured why not explore more into the legendaries and at the same time asking other players opinions.

#20 Suggestions » Balance out the Guild II (Guild-based Legendary) » 19-08-2012 07:52:26

Réponses : 37

As I was stated in other topic, I was thinking the status of 'legendary' is a shame in some of the legendary characters, especially Nehantic Recepticle, in my opinion. I would like to see what other players think. Non-guild based legendary ideas are welcome too. Thanks.

#21 Re : Suggestions » Balance out the Guilds » 18-08-2012 05:05:46

Do you even have a Nehantic Recepticle? If you do, you should know this. If no, tell you what. You cannot choose the card you want to play from your hand in battle. What if you have Entropy from the hand and nothing in the discard pile? And too bad Nehantic Recepticle is not an undead and Entropy has no effect at all, so much for his 'legendary' effect. Hasta la vista baby. His order bonus is powerful but 4 magic dmg? Really? Who can you kill with it? Comparing him with Ourenos' 'legendary' effect is nothing. Chaining Weapons or armor, ok thats understandable for a warrior special ability. Gaining 2 races in battle? Alright thats still not as 'legendary'. Dealing physical dmg to an opposing character and having order bonus like that, also with a min atk of 8? Not to mention using 'The warriors heritage' combo with him. Well, thats enough said really. Someone provide me a valid comeback please. I think to balance out Nehantic Corruptions deck with nowadays cards is not that much to ask for.

#22 Re : Suggestions » Balance out the Guilds » 17-08-2012 17:52:21

Yes, I do have Entropy. But that card was meant for Nehant Undead, cant really use the card to its full potential in Corruptions deck since you cannot choose what card you want to play from your discard pile. And that could totally screw up your game eg, demonic portal without any demon may rise used.

If you think about it, most of other legendary characters sync well with cards from their own guild, Admiral AL Killicrew can blow up everybody and she can come back to life. The thing is cards like Resistance or The Dragon's Champion only work at then end of the fight, so if those characters who had that insurance on them outside of battle will be totally useless.

Can you clarify 'the choices from question 2 is ridiculous'? I have the 3rd choice for people who thinks otherwise. 2nd choice for pretty much a maybe. Thats all.

#23 Suggestions » Balance out the Guilds » 17-08-2012 16:44:03

Réponses : 7

Does anybody else think that all the new legendary cards are getting stronger and stronger every time they release new ones? I feel like my Nehantic Recepticle is the weakest out of all Guild-based legendary characters. Especially Ourenos with Quick Draws and Master-Mage Pilkim with The Last Action combo etc. I have all the Nehantist Corruptions cards I am legion, Vital Syphon etc, its pretty much at the max power of Nehantists Corruptions deck can get. In the end its useless against the new cards. Or is it just me?

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