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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Here's the deal, this topic has oppened a lot of controversies between players and staff, i made this topic about my ideas, i would like to see how do you guys think that it is, and if you agreed. Read everything before vote, your vote is important to change the future of eredan.
First of all, i really would like to see some answer of sapphon or dimizar about this topic, and their opinion about everything that we are discussing here, this is not "a rage topic" this is serious, REALLY serious, and we(at least i) would ask for them to read everything carefully, becuz this is the main problem of the game, and never been fixed.
What's the problems of the game?
If you ask for the players who got left Eredan you'll see that 75% left becuz the game is impossible to play unless you pay, 19% will say that they left becuz of the the Nerfing of the cards(Avatar Sol'ra, Ecstasy) and 6% is becuz of other things. The nerf of the cards IS a bad thing, and i thought about a solution, but this is another topic here...
Where's the Error on feerik?
The error is make a false advertising about the game, making players belive that this game is fun even when you don't spend feez is what make players more and more pissed, when they see that paying players get a HUGE, i mean HUGE advantege compared to other players.
Why making this post?
Everything got a sollution, and we're not slaves of feerik, this topic is the manifesto of the players who feels sad about a game, WE(At least i) are doing it, becuz we love Eredan, love for real, look at the people who talked here! They are playing eredan close to 1 Year!I never spend more than 3 months playing a game, if this game got players like this, this mean that it got pottential, but feerik must know how to use it.
Capitalist Game?
This game runs of money, as the other games, but the wrong, is that the free player is not even compared to the pay player, the game stopped on a point that IS need pay to play, or you'll get frusted. The paying player can get a lot of cards and decks that he want... Then i tought about something: How make the cards more accessible to free players? The fist thing on my mind was: Give them a best Starter deck, well this would help, and THIS IS NECESSARY, but then i saw that giving them a starter deck that they could not sell, would make them tired of the same deck, and they would leave becuz they got no option, so i tought about something fantastic and quite old: Adventure Mode. Yea, adventure mode, this is the best way to get free cards right? Well but stormholt i always got the cards that i do not want, i can't sell them, and i just won Shit sometimes! Ha, that's the other problem of the Adventure mode, WHY A PLAYER WOULD LIKE TO GAIN A FREE CARD IF HE DOESNT WILL USE THAT?? The sollution? Make the cards of the adventure mode seable. Okay okay calm down, i know that you tought about the lots of problems that this could give, i prepared another topic:
Adventure mode: Why sell cards?
Why now you ask me? Well, this would make the free player get happy becuz he drop a Saphyra Zil on the adventure mode and he could sell it on the market right? Yes, but in theory. Why in theory? The market of eredan work just like a other maket, supply and demand, the supply goes up, the prices goes down, and this could destabilize the market, right? Well actually it would in the first instance becuz of something: Players who will abuse the system and will create multi accounts, but HEY, if someone create multi accounts, he will always sell the cards to 1 person right? Uhm this gave me a idea...
How-To: Fix Multi-Accounts
This could be the main problem of the Eredan, if they adopt the Adventure mode selling feature, BUT, there's a idea that would stop with that. The player who got multi acconts, will acces his multi accont on the same computer right? The computer got a IP, and i know that feerik can see this IP, well, here's the deal: Players who access 2 account on the same IP, goes to the Allert list, he's account is searched, to see what he done on the last days, if he got a Suspicious activity, he will got the account blocked, and will need to give an Answer to feerik, and prove why he got 2 accounts. If he cannot prove, the both accounts will be banned in 3months -1 year. If i found a game that do this, the name is Ikariam, its a building up stile(just like Evony and this shit) the player could make 2 accounts and give the resoursers to other account, but i that done multi accounts, was caught and they banned my account, i felt angry, but i saw that i was doing the wrong thing...
Raise the Drop of Adventure Mode
Well, the're something that we cannot lie: The adventure mode drop a LOT of shitty cards right? Well here's a exit for this problem: Raise the drop of rare cards. Hey wait wait, it's not raised for ALL the players, is raised for levels, You say What? I say: A player with lower level will got a advantege on adventure mode, exemple, a lv 8 got 10% of dropping rare cards, when he goes lv 9 this chance goes to 9%, lv 10 8% and i goes on, so, old players(that already is experienced) will got a small chance, but they can buy the cards on the market to help the new players,, the new players will got money and will be able to get the cards that they don't want, that other new players are selling, and this make a circle, see? This is a cicle, this will help, and IS a good idea. And there's no need to be feared.
The boosters and the adventure free cards
But Stormholt! If we do this, there's not WHY to buy boosters! WRONG! And really wrong, the player who buy boosters will got a advantage, he will save time of adventure mode and he will got the cards directly, Boosters must be a "way out" but it not can be just like it is now, where boosters is the ONLY way out.
Spending less feez
If we do this, the players will spend less feez right? Yes, it's true, but look at how it will go: The game got 1000 players, lets say that the avarege amount spend of feez of every people is 700-1k feez per Month. If we raise the number of the players(With advertisement, and better ways to play) the number of feez will drop to 500-600 feez per month, BUT we will got 2000-3000 players active, this will generate a positive profit.It will require better servers, but this will make the game more and more popular, raising the profit of feerik and helping everyone.
Leting the Market Free
One of the other main problems on Feerik, is that the market is only for who buy feez, THIS is a thing that say: Hey, buy feez, or you'll not play this... This bring a bad image to the game, as i said before, this is . If you guys agreed with the ideas above, this NEED to be deployed, or the game will go back to what it is.
Nerfing Cards
Revising old cards..
There's something that we can't lie, the game is not like it was last year.Do you remember When Ishaia equipped 2 Ice barrier? yea, that was a hell ^^, but you know what, THAT'S was funny. But try to do this today. Ishaia is a shit today(compared to before), why this happed to her? becuz THE CARDS got stronger, i mean, they are insane now... A game and on turn 2 and everything is fine WTF? What will we see tomorow? A deck that wins when it enter on combat(Yea Ourenos is an Example) the game MUST get easier...
Resivising wich cards?
Okay, wich cards should be revised? Well, at least not all the cards, but the one's who made the gameplay Stronger(ourenos, kan-del, compedium secret) Do you remember the Old Avatar sol'ra? Or the Living nature? that decks was hell, Today, it would be normal, you see why the game is getting stronger? A example of this today: Ourenos, The card of the year. Ourenos goes like a army! You can put shana and cristocat and it win ELO... My proposal: some cards and make the game a more competitive and balanced for All the players, another proposal is to MAKE MORE TESTS! If you guys test the cards, i mean test good, there's no need to nerf. Try to keep the equilibrium on the cards...
Why this mistakes on cards?
First of all, how longer you let a card beign OP, badder it will go, example: [card]Burning[/card], it used to give attack and defense +2 remember? Feerik changed it, becuz they know that these thing would be well. How they know that, They Tested! Feerik, i know that you guys test the cards, but what i'm saying, is that you guys need to test it better, come on, these cards are going to the borders of absurdity. Make a lot of tests, make the card more balanced possible, an example: The last update, Noz x Runics. I didn't saw any SUPER OP FRESH TIME Card, only a fair and good update for Dk and War guem, we need more of that, or will drop on the chasm.
Final conidertions
Okay, i spend 1:30 hours doing this, i really hope that this manifesto generate a result, as i said, i would like to see a answer of feerik, to see what's their opnion, and what could change and what could not. We are people just like you, and we love this game, really, but i would like to see this going better, becuz the way that it's going, it's VEEEERY bad. And feerik, don't be afraid of do things, we can see that you guys are afraid becuz some players will not like the changes, changes are changes, if it got a good cause, it don't matter if someone dont like it.
Down here there's a Pool, say if you agreed and if you not, this will help to show feerik our indignation.
Les résultats du sondage sont masqués pour les invités
Dernière modification par Stormholt (03-09-2012 16:37:21)
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[X] Too Much to read
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The nerf are so bad... now Ourénos,amiral, compendium are much more abused than exctasy.And why they nerfed Cornelian choice(im not english sorry) it wasn't good they are dead now...
----->Clicker ici<-----
Exylème...A New start !
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[X] Too Much to read
Well sorry, i was quite inspired...
The nerf are so bad... now Ourénos,amiral, compendium are much more abused than exctasy.And why they nerfed Cornelian choice(im not english sorry) it wasn't good they are dead now...
Yea, but what i'm trying to say about the nerf, is that the game is not just like it was before, it's getting stronger and Stronger... As i said, the first step to not nerf the cards: Make tests, see if it is OP, second, if it is OP and feerik see it soon, nerf on the First week, few players will get impaired, how much more time Feerik wait for nerf this cards, more and more people will get mad when they nerf it, It's a snowball, you need to crush it on the start, or it grow without control... Maybe the idea of Nerfing ALL the cards are a bad one, i changed to only the cards wich is very strong... but the idea of adventure mode is good...
Dernière modification par Stormholt (03-09-2012 16:42:57)
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I'd rather have an auction house where you gain points for completing missions in adventure mode and then use those points in the auction house to get certain cards. I think this would help keep more players playing since they would have goals that they could set for themselves (aiming for a certain card to start a new deck for example). I doubt they would implement this because it would most likely result in fewer boosters bought. I understand that and accept it.
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Spycee a écrit :The nerf are so bad... now Ourénos,amiral, compendium are much more abused than exctasy.And why they nerfed Cornelian choice(im not english sorry) it wasn't good they are dead now...
Yea, but what i'm trying to say about the nerf, is that the game is not just like it was before, it's getting stronger and Stronger... As i said, the first step to not nerf the cards: Make tests, see if it is OP, second, if it is OP and feerik see it soon, nerf on the First week, few players will get impaired, how much more time Feerik wait for nerf this cards, more and more people will get mad when they nerf it, It's a snowball, you need to crush it on the start, or it grow without control... Maybe the idea of Nerfing ALL the cards are a bad one, i changed to only the cards wich is very strong... but the idea of adventure mode is good...
I agree. The power creep in this game is absurd. I remember a day when Zil Marauders was the deck to beat. The ability to play Assassinate into a Life Devourer or a Fist Blade or something was amazing a year or two ago. Now, a +6 or +7 boost to attack is child's play and almost trivial.
With Magic, when they print a card that's too powerful, they can't just print a new, revised version that's less broken. They either ban it, or make the player community deal with it as not to upset them that their $100 cards can't be played in tournaments, and do it anyways. (*cough* Jace, the Mind Sculptor *cough*)
With Eredan, they can change the text of the card because it's in a file and a function just prints the text out to the player. Also they should test the cards a little better. It's probably a case of 'Oh, we didn't test it with that,' which I'm sure was the case with Compendium Secret and Attracts Lightning. Not that they should make a habit of fixing cards, since a good game would get it right the first time, but it's easier and more acceptable for them to make changes because of the medium this game uses.
"Some say there's no subtly to destruction. You know what? They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
"One footstep among many is silent. One footstep alone is deafening."
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I wonder how the french players feel about this. Maybe post it over there.
I agree whole heartily about these changes myself. Especially the parts dealing with adventure mode.
Adventure mode - made to have players try new decks. But Bosses are unbeatable.
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We have already posts stuff like this.
We are not different from you.
We also find that this game is pretty costly.
We also find that power creep is not good.
We also find that the unsellable cards are a problem
We also find that saying always that limitation in transactions is due to multi-account is not a good explanation.
We also find that nerf is the bad and some old cards should be revised instead of releasing new cards.
Are there some changes form the beginning about theses points ?
All is not visible for the common of the players.
But the first monthly events where all paying, no chance to do them for free and the rewards where useless after the end of the event.
First monthly event were also full of randomness, if you want the card to do the event, you have to buy boosters and the event content was random, you can spend a lot without receiving all the mandatory cards to make the full event or have the chance to do it in few boosters.
At the beginning, there was no way to have free cards, you can complain about the quality of the rewards in adventure mode, but you can win at least 3 cards per day plus the one from the daily quest.
At the beginning, levelling characters was very long and painful, no training room, no XP cards, XP gained depends on order activation.... Now it is more user friendly to upgrade characters.
There were some changes, it needs others.
I dream of a game where you can achieve the monthly event in a month
I dream of a game where you can play tournaments with limitations corresponding to your level
I dream a game where you can have Amnezy rewards from the first player to the last one
I dream a game where you have no bots and no multi-account
I dream a game where you can exchange cards with your friends
I dream a game where you can create private tournaments and play with your friend for cards or crystals brought by you.
I dream a game where each time you spend money you feel very happy to do it
I dream a game where you spend money only on your own will.
I dream a game where guilded boosters give you only usable cards for you guild
I dream a game where you can remove the foil effect from the cards.
Yes, I'm a dreamer
Collectionneur de cartes
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The idea of increasing drop quality the lower your level is has good intentions but is very flawed.
A new player would be encouraged to NOT play in order to keep his level low, and have maximum drops.
Here's what I think should happen in Adventure Mode:
- Drop quality/quantity increased
- You can only get ONE of each rare (normal) playable card
- You can only get TWO of each uncommon (normal) playable card
- No limit for experience destiny
- No limit for favors
This way the marketplace is always useful, but you are GUARANTEED to get all cards, but limited to 1 of each Rare and 2 of each Uncommon
This means imagine you play Eclipse
- You farm Desert Nomad boss, but he gives non-Eclipse stuff
- If he gives stuff for Immortal, Temple Guardian, etc, the chances you will get stuff for Eclipse keeps increasing, because the rares that already dropped you will NEVER get again
Dernière modification par Nurvus (04-09-2012 10:25:28)
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Hi guys,
I won't answer anything yet, but I want you to be sure that I'm reading and discussing the matter with the devs.
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Nurvus i forget something, i thinked about what you said, but i forget to post(well i said a little too much, my fingers are hurting...)
A good option would be:
Make trophies to the Adventure mode, so if the New player keep farming on the adventure mode, he WILL lv up, wanting or not.
Thanks by the support of everyone.
And i'm really glad to see that Sapphon saw this and reported, this is cheering, now i know that at least feerik know how we're feeling, now let's wait for some changes...
I'm really thank you, you made my week(actually tomorow will made my week(pirate update) but i'm so happy to see that this will at least generate a little changing, and belive me, a good change )
P.S.: A guy posted on the topic a video that show good markenting advices for gaming, and really express everything that i want to say look:
Dernière modification par Stormholt (04-09-2012 12:55:54)
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TL&DR: the game just went from super hardcore to costly and time consuming .
About the new cards are much stronger than the old ones : This happens like on every single card game . Take yugioh for example , it's one of the earliest successful trading card game ( i don't play magic the gathering ) , it was fun and game ... until they added synchro and xyz summon , BAM , powerhouses everywhere and the game turned over a new leaf .
There is almost no way to stop this , you can just slow the process ( like cancer , lol ) . Instead of keep making stronger and stronger cards than before , gives every caste/guild/type of deck more playable option so the players can make their deck more unique instead of being a copy-cat and they can find the ways to mix the old and the new cards together to fix the weaknesses of a deck to make it stronger .
I think the well-made deck atm is multirace , despite the beast and elfine , every character offers different play style ( keizan : corrputed - amber dagger combo ,average at everything , keep-the-totem : toolbox deck , gives feign deck max heal most of the time , ..etc... )
Dernière modification par iQuit (04-09-2012 13:36:56)
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@Zurga: excluding the booster and foil part you just discribed ***biiiiipppp*** bip.
Yeah, they cut the name, but I'm not advertising bc I think that Eredan's mechanics is far supperior and I really love this game, but I can't understand how Feerik keep losing the opportunity to take some good inpiration from them. There's no shame on that if it makes the game better and grow faster as we want to see.
I was a bipbip player and left my huge acc there bc Eredan IS better. I tryed to bring some friends from there (Brazilians ans Portuguese) and the first thing they noted was the 2 kind of currency, 1 of them only obtainable by cash and the high booster prices. They left...
Feerik must take a look at the video that Storm linked, pay attention and realize that they do exactly the opposite.
Dernière modification par Zorak (04-09-2012 13:47:30)
"A vei, esses cara não sabem nem onde caga."
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I'm not advertising bc I think that Eredan's mechanics is far supperior and I really love this game, but I can't understand how Feerik keep losing the opportunity to take some good inpiration from them. There's no shame on that if it makes the game better and grow faster as we want to see.
agree with this one . Compares to other tcg i've played .The game is not hard to understand (YGO) , not so fast (***bip***) , not so slow(Carte) ,it's just perfect , there are many ways for you to use to defeat opponents . There are many possibility .. only when you pay ... alot .
I have played the game for a year , i've quit and returned twice . The game is very , very addictive and the only thing that keeps the game away from being legendary is the player-unfriendliness .
Off-topic : I don't see any Eredan ITCG ads around .
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Off-topic : I don't see any Eredan ITCG ads around .
Actually the first time i saw eredan, was by a Ad on blog... I saw the images of the cards and i could feel the magic of the game(what we can't say another games?) okay, i felt the *biiiip* of the game.
Eredan is easy and its fun, the cards are very well drawned, and got a strong and nice community... I think that what make me like eredan ITCG and stay addicted to it, is that every week the game changes, for exemple, my Sniper deck was pure s***, then there was a Eclipse update, i gone so high on ELO(1800), with the old narwal style! See, this was nice, the feeling of the win(that is said on the video that i posted)
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I wish we had some kind of public test server for some limited number of people.
It could work like this:
- It would be opened only for a week before new cards release.
- Players could access all cards in the game, including the next release cards, to test.
- Players could identify possible new Ourenos/Compendium Secret/Kan-Del Scroll cards before their official release.
- Devs would have the test server week and the beggining of next week (week of the release) to change cards IF needed.
- The deck sets created by the players would be cleaned.
- Test server closed for a week.
Evil is just a point of view >)
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We are working on a test server to let a few trusted player look at the new releases and help us tune them better. But to get it really done, we have a lot of work to do
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There's one thing I would like to stress out:
Modifying existing cards is good, not bad.
The problem so far is that Feerik makes HUGE changes to cards, instead of small ones.
Ecstasy was a little too strong.
Feerik could've changed it so that either:
a) damage dealt to your character in combat returns 2 damage, damage dealt to your characters out of combat returns 1 damage.
b) damage dealt to the character with Ecstasy returns 2 damage, damage dealt to the other characters returns 1 damage.
Instead Feerik decided to make Ecstasy a "random damage" card, dealing 1-2 damage. This is awful.
However, do NOT stop changing cards!
Feerik needs to be humble and:
- make smaller changes
- make changes more often
- make changes to more cards
- make changes to older cards
- soften changes that go to far
Here's another suggestion to better understand your playerbase:
To have a good notion of what a player thinks, search for a bunch of suggestions/discussions created by that player and read a few of them.
Sometimes 1 idea doesn't make 100% sense, but when you read 3 or 4, they make sense together.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (04-09-2012 15:13:59)
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About the advertising for Eredan, the reason I came to this game is because of UB. I was on a database for it when I saw an ad for another card game on the side of the window. I thought any game that had the guts to advertise on a site made for UB would be interesting to play.
But that was about a year ago.
Adventure mode - made to have players try new decks. But Bosses are unbeatable.
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It's because we, people, always look the bad side of everything, that's how life works. Example, you have no car at all, you go working by bus. Then your father gives you a brand new car! Then you realize it has a flat tire. It's human to say to your father: "Damn, you give me a car with a flat tire! Lmao", instead of: "Very thank you!!! I'm gonna change this tire and it's done!".
The game has evolved a lot since the beggining, and of course it's not perfect, no game is perfect BTW, not even games from famous companies like Blizzard. Eredan has around 2 years, it's still young and can evolve learning by mistakes.
Whenever we change something, there are people that will like and people who doesn't. Put a limit to Ourenos (it's needed) and see a lot of people congratulating and feel happy for game balance, but who plays Ourenos actually will not like because they don't want their super hero character to be diminished.
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It's because we, people, always look the bad side of everything, that's how life works. Example, you have no car at all, you go working by bus. Then your father gives you a brand new car! Then you realize it has a flat tire. It's human to say to your father: "Damn, you give me a car with a flat tire! Lmao", instead of: "Very thank you!!! I'm gonna change this tire and it's done!".
The game has evolved a lot since the beggining, and of course it's not perfect, no game is perfect BTW, not even games from famous companies like Blizzard. Eredan has around 2 years, it's still young and can evolve learning by mistakes.
Tell me, what's the good side of playing a game that you need pay to win? Come on, games does not work like this, Eredan could grow a lot more, and sorry, but what are you trying to say, is that the game is ok whit beign paid, ITS NOT.
As i said, and i say again and i'll say that till feerik make this freaking mistakes like Ourenos Ecstasy and Avatar Sol'ra: TEST THE CARDS, and if they are OP, NERF IT QUICK.
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I was not talking anything about paying to play, and I also didn't say it's OK.
Just made Zurga's words mine.
And to add:
Ourenos, Compendium Secret and Kan-Del Scroll needs changes. Maybe Extasy could get the chain part of it back and avatar attack back to 11/11
Dernière modification par rutse (04-09-2012 19:29:20)
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Well now that you talked, cards that i would change:
Kan-Del Scroll- Looses 1-4 powder points, not always 6.
Ourenos - Make adittional attack of your PRINTED MIN ATTACK when one of your OTHER character dies.
Compedium Secret - Take off the +1 Spirit Bonus, and 3 cards are removed from the discart pile. (Actually i don't know how to change them and still make them playable, someone who uses compedium plz? )
Spark Things Off - Maximum of +1 bonus, remember the Wild Buds? Well Spark thigs off is the new Wild Buds, people think that Attrackt lighning is the bad guy on the history, but remember that Pirate tunder deck was nothing before Spark Things off
Master Mage Marzhin - His bonuses keep until the end of the Match - Really, why this guy is rare? He always die out of combat... If he keep the bonus, the history would be other... And he could put 3 spells on the discart pile on the start of the match...
Raise the attack of nomads priests - Nomads are really shitty today, i wonder what will be their legendary(if they got one...)
The Hows - This card is ridiculous, it could be good, or could be used on a future Maurader pack, idk what to change, cuz i hate Pack.
General Fray - Less bonus plx, i really hate zil.
Bluff - Well a friend told me that this card is bugged, that's why it always is banned on ELO, i wonder why feerik don't changed it on the last nerf...
And i don't think that Ecstasy is that bad, it's still 100k to buy, a bad card don't cost it...
For the ones who don't like nerf, really go to hell, go play a game where only YOU can win, i got some of the cards that are above, and i really think that they are OP, if feerik nerf, i will not care and try to use it, if it gets really shitty, i'll sell...
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Ecstasy was a little too strong.
Feerik could've changed it so that either:
a) damage dealt to your character in combat returns 2 damage, damage dealt to your characters out of combat returns 1 damage.
b) damage dealt to the character with Ecstasy returns 2 damage, damage dealt to the other characters returns 1 damage.Instead Feerik decided to make Ecstasy a "random damage" card, dealing 1-2 damage. This is awful.
Not only damage, but also removed the chain thing, so it became weaker, more random AND slower. Maybe too much.
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Hi, would like to thank stormholt for this topic and his 1hour and a half input. Read the post thoroughly and agreed that eredan should be more of a fun free-to-play game and that feez are spent only in dire situations (i might be exaggerating on that). But I'm a free player and played eredan for over a year now and during those times, spending feez can be done at minimal level. I mean even without adventure mode, card prices on the market were still low and obtainable through patient playing.
But now due to new addition of new OP cards and such, the market prices hiked and spiked beyond 'normal' achievable patient farming. It's kinda like to get the card you wanted, you would spend a month's worth of farming, just to get a single card. Like that of a pirate's infernal cricket. Sure you may say it's worth the wait. But when sparring with some friends, it would be like:
Friend: Oh, same deck again, huh?
Me: Yup
Friend: Anything changed?
Me: Nothing much.
Friend: I see.
And it will be boring battles over the month for a free player. Yea, events come by every week, but that's another topic.
And also the nerfing is a problem. Like when Saps multirace Keizan(warrior), Melissandre, Rargnor used to be the powerhouse when living nature wasnt unique and brothers in arms had chain. Then they got nerfed. Immediate effect, sap hearts were powerless. Even the world tree had no rise at that time. Immediately an outcast clan that time.
I even invited my friend that time to invest in Saps before the nerf as they were quite strong. And you know new players like to feel some achievements to like a game. But then the nerf came and Saps went into a pitfall. So my friend invested in a powerless Saps deck and he left cuz he cudn't enjoy his time spent invested deck. Thanks alot for that, now it's hard to intro this game to others since it's not easy to rise for free players.
But then since those cards at that time were "too powerful" for their time, they got nerfed to "fit" in. But now the cards are too OP while the cards like brothers in arms and living nature remained nerfed and weak. It kinda like says "the cards now are powerful but we won't bring back those nerfed cards back to match today's power era. they shall remain nerfed. forever."
Well now that you talked, cards that i would change:
Kan-Del Scroll- Looses 1-4 powder points, not always 6.
Ourenos - Make adittional attack of your PRINTED MIN ATTACK when one of your OTHER character dies.
Compedium Secret - Take off the +1 Spirit Bonus, and 3 cards are removed from the discart pile. (Actually i don't know how to change them and still make them playable, someone who uses compedium plz?
I agree that these 3 are strong. Kan-Del scroll gives strong bonuses almost comparable to Zil assassins power, but probably too strong when guems used it. Ourenos should be nerfed thank you. The moment you meet one in battle. It's a sure-lose-time-to-leave-game. I mean even killing ourenos 1st before others still makes him deal his special extra attack, usually taking down another character on turn 1. So it'll become 2v1 on turn 2. And compendium secret shud probably have "compendium secret and the card played from the discard pile removed from the game". I mean I wouldn't like to see lightning bolts being played over and over again. Or infinite amounts of shadow play spells. And then comes A New Start and oh great, here we go again.
General Fray - Less bonus plx, i really hate zil.
General fray is an awesome card. Blocking other cards if the opposing character is not warrior. And giving buffs and chain for all your packs. Not to mention has duration bonus. It's an uncommon. Compared to Witchblade's Secret. Blocking cards only if it is NOT mara or mage cards. Meaning only leaving warrior, priest, unaffiliated and items. And no other bonus except chain action. No duration bonus either. It is a rare. Sounds pretty balanced? I wonder.
I'll let the rest decide!
I'm on deviantart too. Freelancer.
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