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#1 23-07-2012 03:43:56

deadmans days
Inscription : 10-06-2012
Messages : 49

sniper help

im building a sniper deck and havent finished it yet, just wanted to know what you guys had in mind for yours as i finish mine off

so far i have
azalys the 5 times widow
jon the filibuster

ill be adding souchi after the rest of the deck is built

1x assassination
2x conquer or perish 
2x coordinated attack
1x infernal cricket
3x narwhal
1x spirit master
2x target locked
1x the end of an era
(saving up for)
3x stink bomb
1x weapon kata

other then that i need suggestions as to what works best since i spent all my crystals and wont be buying credits for awhile.

thinking about
a warriors fury
without cover

any input would help

is this good deck in elo?

  1. yes
  2. no
  3. sexual harrasment panda
Votes totaux: 15

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#2 23-07-2012 03:50:16

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : sniper help

Steven Seagal?

Well, try out Souchi instead of Jon...
Did you can try Fortune And Glory, to take off some Perm...
And Pocket weapon/Heavy Fire, is the best, but expensive.
For a cheap sniper deck it's good, but waaaay out of ELO...

Dernière modification par Stormholt (23-07-2012 03:52:18)

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#3 23-07-2012 04:04:48

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : sniper help

To be honest, I like Jon better than Souchi, beause you can set up some retarded damage for Azalys on turn 2 or 4.

You could try and use Jolly Roger or some other card to boost your other characters.
If you go second, you can have whatever character goes third play Narwhal, then on 4th turn pick same character and go Conquer or Perish -> Narwhal.

Against action-using decks it's pure destruction.
Against mages, you can instead go Stink Bomb -> Narwhal or stuff like that.

But like Stormholt said Pocket Shooter and Burning Fire are great cards.
Sham Powder is a nice way to grab those Narwhals if they are stuck in the end of the deck.

So to sum it up, useful cards are:
- [card]Stink Bomb[/card]
- [card]Narwhal[/card]
- [card]Conquer or Perish[/card]
- [card]Precise Chaotic Shot[/card]
- [card]Burning Fire[/card]
- [card]Pocket Shooter[/card]
- [card]Infernal Cricket[/card]
- [card]Weapon Kata[/card] (only for Pocket Shooter deck)
- [card]Jolly Roger[/card]


Dernière modification par Nurvus (23-07-2012 04:09:01)

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#4 23-07-2012 05:40:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 05-02-2012
Messages : 169

Re : sniper help

Nurvus a écrit :

To be honest, I like Jon better than Souchi, beause you can set up some retarded damage for Azalys on turn 2 or 4.

I think that Souchi is more offensive and Jon is more balanced (ie lower attack, but gets spirit against mages). From my experience, balanced characters don't generally get the job done as well. I would take Gem out before Souchi, personally.

Nurvus a écrit :

So to sum it up, useful cards are:
- Stink Bomb
- Narwhal
- Conquer or Perish
- Precise Chaotic Shot
- Burning Fire
- Pocket Shooter
- Infernal Cricket
- Weapon Kata (only for Pocket Shooter deck)
- Jolly Roger

In the deck I built for my friend, it included:
3x [card]Stink Bomb[/card]
2x [card]Distracted[/card]
3x [card]Narwhal[/card]
3x [card]Conquer or Perish[/card]
3x [card]Burning Fire[/card]
3x [card]Pocket Shooter[/card]
3x [card]Infernal Cricket[/card]

With the usual Gem, Azy, and Sou. Not a very expensive deck I found, but very effective.

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#5 23-07-2012 06:03:32

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : sniper help

Best troll combo:

Your chaacter with a narwal:

Burning fire + Pocket Shooter

I love it xD

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#6 23-07-2012 10:06:58

deadmans days
Inscription : 10-06-2012
Messages : 49

Re : sniper help

so ill have to get some trophy money im guessing if i want to finish this deck or do some fb free credits to get a pack and sell off my powder deck in order to afford finishing this.

i like the pack deck i build it just drained all my crystals and i never even bought the stone heart for it because it never got back to 40k when i had the funds.

ok i guess ill be waiting a month or 2 to finish this deck off beings burning fire and infernal cricket are still 30k+ each and i dont think ill be able to afford 3x pocket shooters at 65k ea

its a save and wait for the market kinda deck i guess

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#7 23-07-2012 15:32:58

Inscription : 02-07-2011
Messages : 760

Re : sniper help

Souchi + Azalys + Briscar(yes briscar it´s my secret n_n)

with that deck i managed to get the 16th place last amnezy but only because i was a fool and kept fighting till the end... otherwise i´d stay 9th. Oh well still got 10k and the artwork so i can´t really complain e_e.

btw this is the beast


Tip: Since the Amnezy meta-game changes quite alot between hours, just get rid of things like deflection, sentence and secret of the crow if u wish. Compendium are a pain in the ass so make sure to add a anathem and for packs 1 more fortune and glory. (but remember taht the meta-game changes and u only do changes if u see they´re necessary).

Dernière modification par Damncaster (23-07-2012 15:37:23)

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