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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Pages : 1
Cards: 20
[3] [card]Favor of the Dawn[/card]
[3] [card]Six Feet Under[/card]
[2] [card]I Hate Mystics[/card]
[1] [card]Light and Shadow Shield[/card]
[1] [card]Assault on Bramamir[/card]
[1] [card]Objective: Dimizar[/card]
[1] [card]Artrezil's Heritage[/card]
[1] [card]Divide and Rule[/card]
[1] [card]To the Rescue![/card]
[1] [card]Anathematize[/card]
[1] [card]Dissidence[/card]
[1] [card]Offensive[/card]
[1] [card]Journey[/card]
[1] [card]Revival[/card]
[1] [card]Storm[/card]
Could use some work on the lineup. It's rough, but it works. Seriously, a Master-Mystic Slayer: Pokemon Red Version with 3 defense on top of its retarded stats and Fire Immunity? Wow. The synergy between [card]Kaes the Protector[/card] and [card]Deirf Geis[/card] is amazing.
EDIT: Could always replace Master-Mystic Slayer: Pokemon Red Version with [card]Fog Hydra[/card].
Dernière modification par Ryken (30-06-2012 16:17:09)
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I would have tried something with [card]asajiro[/card]...
===============zil dagger FTW!!================
"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"
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I would have tried something with [card]asajiro[/card]...
Or Scragh? Or Artaban? Or even Brammamir Renegade...
And this is funkytown:
Dernière modification par Stormholt (30-06-2012 23:11:39)
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I would have put Scragh in here, if I had him. I do not, though, so yeah...
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I'd go with bramamir. But since you are using master mystic slayer, did you think about [card]Mystic Slayer's Shadow[/card]? Not as powerfull but gives a nice bonus to one of your guy's when he dies.
Dernière modification par steeliebob (01-07-2012 04:05:12)
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I dont see funky over here...
I'm searching for funky baby!
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I would have put Scragh in here, if I had him. I do not, though, so yeah...
Banned from ELO.
What's the point? Hunting low decks in Leveling Room? That proves you are so strong...
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Ryken a écrit :I would have put Scragh in here, if I had him. I do not, though, so yeah...
Banned from ELO.
What's the point? Hunting low decks in Leveling Room? That proves you are so strong...
Wow, where's that coming from? Is he permanently banned from ELO? Forever and ever? I remember when Ishaia was banned from ELO for what seemed like forever too, until there came ways to deal with her. Scragh (I believe) was strong when it came to the deck that combined him with Avatar when he was still stupidly broken. Now, not so much. I had no problems beating a deck with him in it with the one I have posted.
And really? Hunting low level decks? I know YOU of all people know level means nothing except you spent a lot of time playing the game. Besides, that little random button? I push that every time I'm in the Level Room. Easier that way. And I've always liked Scragh, even when he was murdering my Femme Pirates back in the day.
EDIT: Besides Nurvus, I really was kinda looking forward to YOUR opinion on this deck.
Dernière modification par Ryken (01-07-2012 13:41:12)
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Pages : 1