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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Pages : 1
All right. Thanks for answering my question on the first poll, guys. But now, here's another one. I know there might be reasons that there wouldn't be, but here's a poll about if there should be more Golems affiliated with more clans. Again, you can share ideas if you want.
Les résultats du sondage sont masqués pour les invités
Dernière modification par tray4020 (24-02-2012 22:51:51)
Hors ligne
Golems are something from the past.
Foamy is supposed to be the best golem and he is guildless (meaning he can be in any guild) so it is pointless to construct new breeds.
For craftsmen building queen is a more appropriate challenge but I'd love to see triple same guild craftsmen decks.
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Desert Nomads should get a Sand Golem or something.
Maybe Kotoba could get a Jade Golem too.
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I really don't think any of the other guilds could use another golem. They don't fit the functions needed to create a strong deck unless they are pirates or Foamy. Because pirates are already going to be using a lot of items, golems help their strategy, but Marlok's golem and Bomzar aren't especially useful to their guilds.
Sap Heart decks:
Hom'chai- items have a soul... giving items to the golem would only weaken the deck as a whole
Dais mage / world tree- focus on spells
Elfine- Trying to lower opponent's defense, not buff themselves
Butterfly Necklace- Attempts to strengthen beasts
Kotoba decks:
Demon Hunter: spell-casting
Tracker hit hardest in first few turns, giving a character items is slow
Crow- usually have high spirit to protect from opposing magic while attacking with magic
High Defense w./ items: well, maybe...
Tsoutai: Really? A golem in the Tsoutai?!?!
Desert Nomads:
Immortals: High Health, no defense, two items
Eclipse: Healing self and lowering opponents defense
Temple Guardians: Get some theurgies out early- the only thing worse than a Golem/priest is a Golem Tsoutai!
Dernière modification par squamation (25-02-2012 04:50:26)
"Ralph-- they ought to shut up, oughtn't they? You shut up, you littluns!"
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I agree with the consensus, Golems just aren't that great. It's hard to make them fit anywhere except with a craftsman deck . . . Now if they wanted to create new golems that worked well with each other, i'd say great. But intergrating them into clans is just pointless.
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