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#1 09-02-2012 16:39:57

Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 96

Idea card for the weekly mission "The Karukai"--

<Until someone gets hurt>

I recommend to use the card to complete the weekly mission for three reasons:

(1)  No guild, class or race restriction.
(2) It is a uncommon card, cheap than some rare cards; ex. Port.
(3) It has no restrictions on turns. It actives from start to the end of the game. 

Enjoy it !

Dernière modification par TaiwanLight (09-02-2012 16:40:42)

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#2 09-02-2012 17:28:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-01-2012
Messages : 143

Re : Idea card for the weekly mission "The Karukai"--

Yeah it seems a good idea thanks smile

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#3 09-02-2012 17:39:36

Inscription : 23-12-2010
Messages : 469

Re : Idea card for the weekly mission "The Karukai"--

wanted, frostbite, those are also nice.. smile

i <3 ZIL
new telendar = fail, gimme a new one! tongue

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#4 10-02-2012 04:05:45

Inscription : 19-12-2011
Messages : 74

Re : Idea card for the weekly mission "The Karukai"--

did it in an hour with The Venerable Shu Long using only [card]The Great Hunt[/card] and a [card] Face[/card]. Wait for even turns and only play either. Most likely you will kill the opponent. If not, possibly on the following AoE turn. I would get +5 towards the trophy per game whether I won or not. Took about 8 games.

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#5 10-02-2012 04:34:42

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : Idea card for the weekly mission "The Karukai"--

[card]Venerable Shulong[/card]

3x [card]Wanted[/card]
3x [card]Face...[/card]
3x [card] Face[/card]
3x [card]It's all fun and games...[/card]
3x [card]...until someone gets hurt![/card]
3x [card]Good Omen[/card]
2x [card]Watcher[/card]

Dernière modification par Nurvus (10-02-2012 04:35:02)

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