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#1 26-12-2011 18:00:04

Inscription : 20-09-2011
Messages : 69

Adventure Rewards

Just wondering if there will be a chance to sell those cards (excluding collectors, xp & favor cards) that we acquired from adventure mode?

Just like buying boosters, some of us uses Fee'z to buy that energy to play continuously in adventure mode. Why not make those common to rare card rewards salable, wherein most of the time we just get common cards?

After the changes to the marketplace they said that prices of the cards would go down & we just have to wait but it's not happening, all I see in the marketplace are overpriced cards. So making this reward cards salable would somehow increase the amount of cards in the marketplace therefore would decrease overpricing of cards.

Dernière modification par ll_Kuala_ll (26-12-2011 18:14:11)


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#2 02-01-2012 05:00:45

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : Adventure Rewards

I didnt hear of any plan regarding this issue. I'll still propose, see what they tell me ;p

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#3 02-01-2012 06:01:59

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : Adventure Rewards

You see overpriced cards mostly because people hold onto their cards when the prices drop too much, and then the prices rise again.

Example: Shadow Master.
Not many are buying the boosters that drop it.
Those that do, don't sell it.
When someone sells it, it's very expensive for an uncommon card that isn't used in more than 5 decks (being generous here). By contrast, cards like Fireball etc are used everywhere.
To aggravate this, one of the key Demon Hunter cards (Yu Ling), requires 2x Shadow Master to upgrade to max level, and Shadow Master doesn't even get much use in Demon Hunters decks.

How to permanently fix (without ruining) the Marketplace:

All base cards (not the upgrades) should always be available for sale in the marketplace at a price that would fluctuate within a minimum and maximum enforced limit.
So the base cards in the marketplace would not be limited to the supply of the players.

Players would still influence that price, and could always sell the upgraded versions for their own price.

But by always having the base cards for sale, players would not be so eager to hold onto certain cards to try and increase their price enormously and then sell them.

There needs to be a strong baseline.
I do believe you should be able to sell the cards acquired in Adventure mode, since you can only sell them if you have used feez recently.

Or, alternatively, Feerik could be smart and do something like: Spending feez on Energy grants you a 24 hour bonus that causes all "normal" cards obtained in Adventure Mode during that time to be salable.

Dernière modification par Nurvus (02-01-2012 06:12:56)

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#4 02-01-2012 10:28:17

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : Adventure Rewards

I'll propose what these ideas. I think they're really good (especially the one about the adventure cards). Let's see what they tell me ;p

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#5 02-01-2012 11:42:12

Inscription : 20-09-2011
Messages : 69

Re : Adventure Rewards

Another thing about these rewards, our Collection might now be full of unwanted cards. I always received common cards such as [card]Sinking[/card], [card]No Armor![/card] & [card]Aku[/card] but I already have an Akutsai so what should I do with this cards? Wish that I could sell them. Lol.. (=^.^=)


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