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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 06-09-2011 14:22:22

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 04-08-2011
Messages : 150

Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Limited Edition Legendary Pack

A new pack will appear in the Eredan iTCG store : the legendary pack: here are the details:

    Available until September 30, 2011 includes
    Only one pack per player.
    Contains 366 randomly selected cards from Act I to IV series 1 Legendary, 30 Rare, 120 Uncommon, 210 Common, 1 Destiny card (500XP), 3 Destiny Card (200 XP), and one "Foil" card which allows the transformation of one card of your choice to Foil.
    Price - 9999 Fee'z.

-As of tomorrow, Wednesday, September 7, 2011, you will earn more crystals when completing daily quests. Improvements have been made to speed up the loading time.
- Cards that require you to make a choice in-game are now displayed at the top of the screen with text stating the action requested.
- The bug which allowed Prince Metchaf (levels 2 and 3) to be Permanent has been fixed.
- The bug that allowed Extinction to remain active even when the card was Discarded has been fixed.
- The bug which allowed Vital Syphon to heal its Caster even if he did not deal damage has been fixed.
- The Demon race is no longer counted in the number of races lost by the effect of Demon May Rise. A character who has already transformed into a demon can only deal 1 direct damage if you attache another Demon May Rise.
- The bug which allowed Conversion to retreive Draconis from the Discard pile has been fixed.
- The bug which gave an unusual high Spirit bonus when Scales of Master Mage was played has been fixed.
- The bug which did not allow the Arkalon to function properly has been fixed.

Enjoy the Game!
Eredan iTCG, The Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !

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#2 06-09-2011 15:30:32

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 01-09-2011
Messages : 10

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack


This is a very good and tempting package!
Also nice bugfixes, I welcome that the daily reward is increased.

The critic part:
I always found the Eredan shop a bit overpriced, regardless I buy 1-2 boosters every month since I started (like 3 months ago). Honestly 10.000 Feez? I mean really? This is ridiculously expensive even for a grand pack like this...

I did not really count how much does it means in real currency but my guess is around 100 EUR... I do not know how much people earn in some countries, but it is... whoa. Too expensive.

I hope you guys won't remove my post this is just my honest oppinion. Thanks for the work you put into the game regardless.


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#3 06-09-2011 15:39:51

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Arnyhold a écrit :


This is a very good and tempting package!
Also nice bugfixes, I welcome that the daily reward is increased.

The critic part:
I always found the Eredan shop a bit overpriced, regardless I buy 1-2 boosters every month since I started (like 3 months ago). Honestly 10.000 Feez? I mean really? This is ridiculously expensive even for a grand pack like this...

I did not really count how much does it means in real currency but my guess is around 100 EUR... I do not know how much people earn in some countries, but it is... whoa. Too expensive.

I hope you guys won't remove my post this is just my honest oppinion. Thanks for the work you put into the game regardless.


There is no reason to delete your post, any constructive feedback is good feedback.

Thanks for your input.

Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#4 06-09-2011 16:06:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 102

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Here is the idea, as I see it, behind the legendary booster:

"Wouldn't it be a good thing for the market and the game if me put some more legendary cards (ei. very expensive and exclusive cards) in circulation?"

"Yes that sounds very good, there is a good chance that it would improve the gaming community in a healthy way"

Greed: "Ahem, dont forget that you most rape people wallets whenever you do something!"

"Oh okay, lets make it super expensive, like a 100 euro, and then lets give them a bunch of common and uncommons, and maybe a few rares so they dont realise that we are owning them!!!"

Here is the actual price in feez, just for reference, for the number of boosters that would be involved in getting 31 rare cards (1 legendary + 30 rares): 12400 feez. So Feerik is giving us a discount of 2401, which is rougly 15 euros.

Here in Denmark we have a term for these things, they are called "bondefangeri", and if I should descirbe it in english, it means that you bend over and... "censured".

In conclusion, the idea is a VERY good one and I support it a 100%, but greed has just gotten the better of it. Sad, just sad.


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#5 06-09-2011 16:43:37

Gent M
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-07-2011
Messages : 318

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

I think a 15% off for all those cards and a guaranteed legendary is not such a bad deal.

But I would rather spend 100 Euros over the course of a few months and get collector cards and event benefits then get 1 Legendary (which might as well be Lady Yilith or Stone Heart), no collectors and no event benefits.

Here are a few ideas that would have made this pack interesting for me - access to exclusive content, 300k crystals instead of a Legendary, some free trophies instead of xp and foil cards.

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#6 06-09-2011 16:55:05

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-06-2011
Messages : 347

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack 10000 Feez says that 90% of the legendary Cards will be Foamie or Stonje Heart...prepare to be shafted.

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#7 06-09-2011 17:03:59

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 434

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

I doubt they had to limit it with time .. I mean how many people are going to waste SO MUCH money o.O

"Of course they don't want that (adding more crystals to the game) to happen, because then the outrageous card prices would drop"

So MUCH stupidity in one sentence xD

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#8 06-09-2011 17:04:15

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Change the exp cards into old event cards like to the rescue, the map and the wand.

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#9 06-09-2011 17:15:34

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

9999 Feez = roughly 136$ USD........

Free Feez, here I come!

EDIT:  Are the rares all different or could you be stuck with.....  Like, 30 Weapons Kata?  Also is it possible to get more legendaries, like one instead of your rare, or just the one legendary that comes with it?

Dernière modification par MrLordi92 (06-09-2011 18:15:19)

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#10 06-09-2011 18:24:30

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Colorado, USA
Inscription : 29-07-2011
Messages : 306

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Well, for as much as I am bitter right now because I won't be able to afford that high of an expenditure in the upcoming month, I do think that this is a fair enough deal, with a very small discount as well as a guaranteed legendary.  That being said, however, it is slightly disappointing that the players with a higher disposable income will benefit so greatly while the less fortunate players totally miss out.  I would have hoped for no time limit on this pack, like the other pre-made decks they have, so that I would have been able to save up over a longer period than 24 days.  I could have budgeted a certain amount per month to put towards the purchase, but the limited time frame has basically shut me out of participating in this deal...

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#11 06-09-2011 19:32:08

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-06-2011
Messages : 347

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Kilanjared a écrit :

Well, for as much as I am bitter right now because I won't be able to afford that high of an expenditure in the upcoming month, I do think that this is a fair enough deal, with a very small discount as well as a guaranteed legendary.  That being said, however, it is slightly disappointing that the players with a higher disposable income will benefit so greatly while the less fortunate players totally miss out.  I would have hoped for no time limit on this pack, like the other pre-made decks they have, so that I would have been able to save up over a longer period than 24 days.  I could have budgeted a certain amount per month to put towards the purchase, but the limited time frame has basically shut me out of participating in this deal...

+1 Seems like Feerik need a quick cash injection? New chairs maybe? Or staff party? lmao

An unlimited time scale would be fair for everyone...considering you can only buy 1 pack, why bother with a time limit?

Dernière modification par EwokDan (06-09-2011 19:32:18)

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#12 06-09-2011 20:23:09

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Yeah this pack means nothing to most people, I suggest you guys decrease the cards and price or not many will buy.

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#13 06-09-2011 20:30:28

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-06-2011
Messages : 347

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Pfft...there'll be French kids mugging old ladies to get these packs....

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#14 06-09-2011 21:54:58

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Feerik probably made this Legendary Pack on request for a few players, because that's probably how many players will buy it - a few.

9999 Feez it's 100 euros. Seriously?

If you made a pack with 1/10 of the cards for 999 Feez you might get alot of purchases.
But 9999???

I'm not saying the cards in it aren't worth the price.
I'm saying the price isn't something any reasonable amount of players is likely willing to spend on this game within a month.

It's 25 times the price of a 12 card booster.
How many players buy even so much as 10 boosters per month?

Dernière modification par Nurvus (06-09-2011 21:58:06)

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#15 06-09-2011 23:22:08

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Thats right , who in their right mind will spend over 140 US Dollars for a limited time pack? Who buys more than a couple packs a MONTH? This is not a good idea regardless of the ''deal'' they say that you are getting. It really is them bending you over and 'this post has been censored due to the graphic nature of this film' We now return to the regular scheduled program of Feerik molesting your wallets.

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#16 06-09-2011 23:38:06

Inscription : 11-08-2011
Messages : 59

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

-As of tomorrow, Wednesday, September 7, 2011, you will earn more crystals when completing daily quests. Improvements have been made to speed up the loading time.

Today it's the 7 September.
I have completed my daily quest.
I haven't earned more crystals than usual.

What's wrong? :-/

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#17 07-09-2011 00:21:39

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

I'm pretty sure the math is wrong, or the pack is seriously overpriced, unless there's more than 1 legend available in that pack, with 9999 you can buy 83 simple boosters, which im sure will give yo more than 1 legend

Dernière modification par GGuti (07-09-2011 00:24:01)

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#18 07-09-2011 00:55:51

Inscription : 11-08-2011
Messages : 59

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

GGuti a écrit :

I'm pretty sure the math is wrong, or the pack is seriously overpriced, unless there's more than 1 legend available in that pack, with 9999 you can buy 83 simple boosters, which im sure will give yo more than 1 legend

you can buy 25 booster.

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#19 07-09-2011 01:08:26

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Valnyr a écrit :
GGuti a écrit :

I'm pretty sure the math is wrong, or the pack is seriously overpriced, unless there's more than 1 legend available in that pack, with 9999 you can buy 83 simple boosters, which im sure will give yo more than 1 legend

you can buy 25 booster.

I said simple boosters. 10000 / 120 = 83,33333333333

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#20 07-09-2011 01:51:29

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

[card]AntiMagic Glyph[/card] FOR EVERYONE!!!

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#21 07-09-2011 02:15:45

Inscription : 11-08-2011
Messages : 59

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

With 83 simple booster you take less than 30 rare and 120 uncommon <__<

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#22 07-09-2011 02:39:51

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

With 83 simple booster, your chances aren't set, meaning it is more of a gamble, but can be a bigger payload as well.

A former Mod here got a foil Ishaia out of a 4 pack, and he rarely bought anything XD

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#23 07-09-2011 02:56:39

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

Anihilate a écrit :

With 83 simple booster, your chances aren't set, meaning it is more of a gamble, but can be a bigger payload as well.

A former Mod here got a foil Ishaia out of a 4 pack, and he rarely bought anything XD

I bought LOTS of boosters, I'd say 50% 450 fee'z and 50% 120, my 2 legends came from Basic Boosters..

Who knows..

I know the chances are not set, but I think overall it's pretty much the same (in favor of NOT buying the pack).
For example: buying 83 simple, 25 guild based, or the pack.

That's why I'm complaning about this Pack tongue

Dernière modification par GGuti (07-09-2011 03:03:01)

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#24 07-09-2011 03:11:54

Mr. Saint-Germain
Inscription : 17-05-2011
Messages : 23

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

I'd also wait for a promotion if I was spending that much money on boosters.

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#25 07-09-2011 05:45:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Limited Edition Legendary Pack

From our country, the 9999 feez equal P3,000. That's way too steep. I feel tempted by the pack. Really feeding on my appetite for that "I wonder what's in the pack? Hope I'm lucky..." moment.

But at the same time saddened because what we can spend for the pack can be spent for some basic necessities in life.

It's a nice offer but needs time to save up for it. Time needed to save may be longer than the expiration of the offer.

Dernière modification par Lyquid (07-09-2011 13:25:54)

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