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I would like to share with you my current deck, I find it very effective, but suggestions are welcome:
[card]The Shadow, Lady of the Nehant[/card]
[card]Anagram[/card] (guamelite version)
[card]Dark fury[/card] x3
[card]It's all fun and games...[/card] x3
[card]...until someone gets hurt[/card] x3
[card]Cutting all ties[/card] x3
[card]Extinction[/card] x1
[card]Anathematize [/card] x1
[card]Assassination[/card] x1
[card]Nehant's Seal[/card] x3
[card]Skyward boots[/card] x2
The idea and way:
Hate limits the handsize of you and the enemy to 4 (all the times 'till she dies).
When The Shadow's ability kicks in it removes 2 more cards from the enemy's hand so I found skyward very useful on her (I added 2 for the better chances to show up, I tend to discard if 2 of them comes into my hand).
With the previously mentioned abilites, all fun and games, someone gets hurt and cutting ties I can give the opponent a very hard time to land his combo (sometimes even completely shutting him down) while causing direct damage.
The characters in this deck has insanely high damage potential on their own even if I cannot boost their attack (because I focus on shutdown). In the last moment a well placed dark fury combo can kill off almost anyone, even if things go badly, though I sometimes use them up early if I need a chain and have no other options.
Because Hate limits me as well and I do not use a pure mage I included a lot of chain abilites that makes the deckflow faster. Regardless I tend to discard if I happen to get a bad draw.
I added Anathematize and Extintion, because with 1-1 of these cards I can seriously mess up some combos (that otherwise quite deadly if not countered).
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I did several plays with the deck. It beats discard decks efforlessly. Those seems to be very popular at this time. I encountered them 5 times and 5 times beat them, by the end I had 0 deck and on one occasion 0 hand, but it beats it down regardless (even with a bad draw or not starting).
I found skyward boots a bit slow so I replaced them with it is on time cards. They seem to work better due to being chain. the fight usually don't last long enough for skyward.
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Why no Perversion? Do you depend on fighting discard decks and don't mind getting beaten by everything else?
Ardrakar can give +1 Defense to your Nehantists, is a Guemelite, and also a Demon.
Replace ----------------> With
- 3x Nehantist's Seal -> 3x Perversion
- 1x Assassination ----> 1x It is Time
- 2x Skyward Boots --> 2x It is Time
- 3x Dark Fury --------> 3x Black Chimera
You might want to consider [card]Recycle Magic[/card] (to keep using Cutting All Ties)
And you don't always have to chain.
Remember, your opponent is not meant to be drawing anything (or draws little).
Dernière modification par Nurvus (06-09-2011 22:10:59)
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Thanks for the feedback I would love to use Ardarakar. I think yours is a bit different concept(not much of a beatdown, but a bit more defensive) and I'm not sure it would work better in practice. I will try it out regardless, because I have the cards for it (mostly).
The problem with cutting all the ties is that Hate is a demon so she cannot use it (neither can she use perversion). This means I cannot keep it up all the time. I used recycle magic in the past, but since my fights did not last long I pretty much didn't need it. Regardless her -1 handsize is very good boon to give up... It will be hard to decide who to replace.
I don't think I will remove Dark Fury, they work very nicely.
I already use 2 it is time instead of skyward. :-)
So I think I will try to squeeze in some perversion and chimera in an other way. I can give up on some seal for example and assassination since ardrakar cannot use it.
I will let you know how it went. I dont give too much chance to it, because for the complete lockdown I need a lucky draw as well, otherwise I can only partially deny the enemy's hand (but it worked well with beatdown
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Keep Hate, ofcourse, she's the core of this deck.
Replace Anagram with Ardrakar.
Your deck will have more defense, and you can fit Demon cards if you want too since both Hate and Ardrakar can use them.
Black Chimera adds both defense and offense, and with Ardrakar, your whole team will be killing alot faster.
Plenty of decks will one shot your characters first round without Perversion.
- 3x [card]It's all fun and games...[/card]
- 3x [card]Cutting All Ties[/card]
- 3x [card]...until someone gets hurt![/card]
Everything else is support to the main strategy.
[card]Black Chimera[/card] makes you live longer and kill faster. Ardrakar chains it and activates immediately.
With Black Chimera and Nehant's Seal, you can use [card]Hand of Death[/card] to shrink your opponent to nothingness (both Ardrakar and Hate can use it)
Even against the Kotoba, if you end up with 3 Black Chimeras, playing a Nehant's Seal + Hand of Death = -8 Attack & -8 Defense, without counting Hate's Turn Order.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (06-09-2011 22:52:42)
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I'm running this currently based on our conversation:
[card]The Shadow, Lady of the Nehant[/card]
- 3x [card]It's all fun and games...[/card]
- 3x [card]Cutting All Ties[/card]
- 3x [card]...until someone gets hurt![/card]
- 3x [card]Dark fury[/card]
- 3x [card]Perversion[/card]
- 2x [card]Nehant's Seal[/card]
- 3x [card]Black Chimera[/card]
I tried to include [card]Hand of Death[/card] instead of Dark fury, but the first felt too situational. DF with the +2(sometimes 5) and guaranteed chain, just worked better than a situational card that only 2 char can use. I think HoD has more use in a full demon deck with eye and other reduce stuffs.
My Ardrakar is only lvl 3, the 4th needs one more chimera, so maybe next month. It only gives +1 spirit and +1 def though so I feel okay about it.
Thanks for the help. If you or anyone have further oppinion or advice I'm listening.
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It works like a charm thanks for the tips.
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I played this and it's very cool
I just did almost like yours, but I removed 2 black quimeras for 1 It's Time and 1 Clumsy. It's cool because you don't need Anathematize, I just won against a Hom'chai deck and in the 6th turn he was still with 15 cards in his deck, 1 on hand and 4 on discard pile xD
I hope there will be some new cards for Nehantist Marauders soon.
So it's like that.
[card]The Shadow, Lady of the Nehant[/card]
- 3x [card]It's all fun and games...[/card]
- 3x [card]Cutting All Ties[/card]
- 3x [card]...until someone gets hurt![/card]
- 3x [card]Dark fury[/card]
- 3x [card]Perversion[/card]
- 2x [card]Nehant's Seal[/card]
- 1x [card]Black Chimera[/card]
- 1x [card]Clumsy[/card]
- 1x [card]It's Time[/card]
Evil is just a point of view >)
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well, i dont think perversion is a good deal, since its not chain and hate cannot use most cards cause she isnt guemelite
would be a good deal to exchange ardrakar for anagram? and put some of those nehantic marauder daggers i dont remember the name now
btw, i hate the fact that hate cannot use some cards xD
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You should check out how the [card]Nehant Splinter[/card] and [card]...until someone gets hurt[/card] work together with [card]The Great Devourer[/card]
To give an idea, if he has 0 cards in hand and takes damage from your Splinter + your character + someone gets hurt, he'll take +5 damage on each of those sources of damage = +15 damage total.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (02-10-2011 22:04:57)
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Indeed, I tested this and it's great with the devourer
The problem is that it takes forever to do it, Half of my team is dead before stacking everything. Splinter cannot chain =/
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The great devourer is also a kind of...self-killer xD
Evil is just a point of view >)
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if you ever have time contact me to play against my denial deck.
The experience of playing against a denial deck would help me see more weak points in the deck.
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Today when I get home, after work, I send you a msg so we can play on this weekend and test the decks, Is this your nick also in the game?
Dernière modification par Nessaj (27-10-2011 17:29:09)
Evil is just a point of view >)
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yes my ingame nick is also TPPK
I searched for Nessaj in the player database but it doesn't exists; what is your ign?
PS: my timezone is CET (GMT+1)
Dernière modification par TPPK (27-10-2011 18:20:29)
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I like this deck
Dernière modification par rutse (27-10-2011 23:10:55)
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yes my ingame nick is also TPPK
I searched for Nessaj in the player database but it doesn't exists; what is your ign?
PS: my timezone is CET (GMT+1)
Maybe he is with different characters, like Nesaj, or Nesajj
Dernière modification par rutse (28-10-2011 01:36:45)
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yes my ingame nick is also TPPK
I searched for Nessaj in the player database but it doesn't exists; what is your ign?
PS: my timezone is CET (GMT+1)
I sent you a msg in-game.
Dernière modification par Nessaj (31-10-2011 15:33:19)
Evil is just a point of view >)
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I've got a similar deck seems to do well against mages and gets destroyed by kotoba decks full of weapons,the pack and other decks that can beat me down quickly, sap hearts tends to come down to if i can get a perversion on their elfines quickly enough it can be funny seein em use hypnotic melody + quick draw and hitting for 2,0,0
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I've got a similar deck seems to do well against mages and gets destroyed by kotoba decks full of weapons,the pack and other decks that can beat me down quickly, sap hearts tends to come down to if i can get a perversion on their elfines quickly enough it can be funny seein em use hypnotic melody + quick draw and hitting for 2,0,0
Nehant Maruders are not complete yet, there will be a release for them, I hope it's soon.
But for now, I put chain cards to help on defense, the bad part of Perversion is because I cannot chain, so I won't use anything to stop my opponent, like buying low number of cards or not buying, or stacking "..until someone get hurts", plus Hate cannot use =/
I added some Obesity to stop cards like Quickdraw, Assassination, etc. Also added trophies like To the Rescue, Dream's Encounter, and so on. Dissidence is excellent, when my opponent's hands are not locked with 1 or 0 cards, I stop what he tries to play with Obesity or Dissidence.
There's not much we can do until we see a release.
Dernière modification par Nessaj (29-10-2011 18:13:20)
Evil is just a point of view >)
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yea the fact that hate can't use the spells really sucks, but shes needed for this type of deck, I don't have any of the older trophy cards yet I'll probably buy some in the next couple weeks, i think the first priority there for me will be that card that makes both players put their hands back in their decks, I think that should be nice to have for my shadow mages.... ive got 1 obesity so I'll try throwin that in later... yea i can't wait for some more nehants... i mean they don't even have a single caste.... also whats up with them bein the only guild that can't use mercs? maybe we'll get lucky and get some way to turn hate into a nehant guemite, or mage.... that'd be sweet.... something else to help the WoD theme would be nice too.... another character that actually helps with it would be appreciated since really the 3rd character is just there to add survivability. would be nice if the spliter gets fixed too.... would be interested in making a non WoD nehant marauder sometime once i get ahold of 2 more assassinations.... dark fury + Assassinate sounds promising....
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would be nice if the spliter gets fixed too.... would be interested in making a non WoD nehant marauder sometime once i get ahold of 2 more assassinations.... dark fury + Assassinate sounds promising....
True, and since assassination chains with daggers (splinter), and time to die would make dark fury a +10 atk
Dernière modification par Nessaj (31-10-2011 15:35:43)
Evil is just a point of view >)
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I'm gonna be testing now with a mage on the 3rd character spot, maybe dimizar or amidaraxar, at least they can use and chain everything. I'll do this until we get a descent 3rd character for this deck. Something like: Hey, this guy was made for you, stop using generic charcters to fill the void.
Dernière modification par rutse (14-11-2011 18:34:59)
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I tried a mix with more corruptions using Iron Mask. It works well when the cards come in the order I need them, but the hand get stuck too many times. The idea of Iron mask is to start with on revealing the secret, helping low de defence of a player. And giving you a better draw. A neantic shield is also a inice option, since you would get 4 defence on shadow and one less card to bother your draw.
The idea is sound but I dont have the shield so, I tried without it. and my shadow is lvl 3 only. It's strange, since I actually dont really deny their hand, more limit, but also I got a lot of surviability with the perversions and siphons. The problem is when I get the siphons early on, so they stuck my hand.
Maybe an Iron mask is a good idea, if you have the shield as well, but dont waste too much space with siphons and use him mainly to chain perversion and Cutting ties or All is fun..
For a version with Ardrakar, I think Dagger of Sufference could be a nice adittion, since gives Shadow 2 damage 1 def, especially if your running with assassination.
Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (24-11-2011 12:13:30)
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